Карп'юк Ex.1 page 26
This was Ann that wrote a letter
June is from Australia
The girl likes her Mum's job less than her Dad's job
Her father is very hardworking
Her brother wants to become a designer
June is taking exams now
June has complex relationships with her brother
After school girls go windsurfing
Eve likes Pete
Ann and June like to read the same magazine
Ann and June are best friends and classmates
This weekend they are going to go camping
Ann's mother is overprotective
My friend never lets me down. She is __________.
Most teachers in my school usually treat every pupil the same. They are ________.
Ambitious people always want to be ________.
My mother never forgets to do things, always consciously makes decisions. She is __________.
My elder sister is extremely ___________. She wants to become prime minister one day.
Some people feel like they are the only ones who have negative experiences.
They are satisfied with anything, they are always ___________.
Sheila likes talking to people. She is__________.
Kate is friendly and sociable. She enjoys meeting people, going for parties and other celebrations.
My father is very __________. He always tells the truth.
Pessimistic is...
A person who usually tells jokes is....
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