Reading 9 (OnScreen 3)

Додано: 12 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 130 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the correct option. 

The Flash mob Revolution

Usually, when you see a live show or attend some kind of artistic event, you plan to do it beforehand: You see it advertised, reserve a ticket and then go along to the venue at a specific time and date. The audiences of flash mobs, however, do none of these things because they are completely unaware that they are about to see something special! In fact, it's the surprise element of flash mobs that have made them such a popular form of performance in recent years. 

A flash mob is a group of people who gather suddenly and seemingly spontaneously in a specific public place and who then perform some kind of act together before suddenly parting ways again. The act could be anything from dancing, singing, having a pillow-fight or even just standing still like a statue. Whatever it is, it's meant to seem like it came out of nowhere for the shocked and amused people who witness it.

Another interesting aspect of a flash mob is that the participants are not trained actors, dancers or performance artists, they might not have attended any rehearsals together and it's quite possible they may never have even met each other before! What makes these events possible in these cases is the power of social media. Flash mobs can be organised very easily, and in secret, using only the Internet.

Since the first flash mobs happened in New York in 2003, they have been happening at airports, shopping centres and town squares all over the world. Their aims can range from artistic expression and light entertainment to political protest or charity awareness. Lots of businesses use flash mobs as a promotional tool, too, because they’re an effective way to catch the attention of the media. 

What makes flash mobs different to other performances?


варіанти відповідей

They are poorly prepared.

You don't know they're going to happen.

Somebody else buys you your ticket as a surprise.

Запитання 2

Read the text and choose the correct option. 

The Flash mob Revolution

Usually, when you see a live show or attend some kind of artistic event, you plan to do it beforehand: You see it advertised, reserve a ticket and then go along to the venue at a specific time and date. The audiences of flash mobs, however, do none of these things because they are completely unaware that they are about to see something special! In fact, it's the surprise element of flash mobs that have made them such a popular form of performance in recent years. 

A flash mob is a group of people who gather suddenly and seemingly spontaneously in a specific public place and who then perform some kind of act together before suddenly parting ways again. The act could be anything from dancing, singing, having a pillow-fight or even just standing still like a statue. Whatever it is, it's meant to seem like it came out of nowhere for the shocked and amused people who witness it.

Another interesting aspect of a flash mob is that the participants are not trained actors, dancers or performance artists, they might not have attended any rehearsals together and it's quite possible they may never have even met each other before! What makes these events possible in these cases is the power of social media. Flash mobs can be organised very easily, and in secret, using only the Internet.

Since the first flash mobs happened in New York in 2003, they have been happening at airports, shopping centres and town squares all over the world. Their aims can range from artistic expression and light entertainment to political protest or charity awareness. Lots of businesses use flash mobs as a promotional tool, too, because they’re an effective way to catch the attention of the media. 

What's supposed to be the same about every flash mob?


варіанти відповідей

 the location  

the performance type

the audience's experience

Запитання 3

Read the text and choose the correct option. 

The Flash mob Revolution

Usually, when you see a live show or attend some kind of artistic event, you plan to do it beforehand: You see it advertised, reserve a ticket and then go along to the venue at a specific time and date. The audiences of flash mobs, however, do none of these things because they are completely unaware that they are about to see something special! In fact, it's the surprise element of flash mobs that have made them such a popular form of performance in recent years. 

A flash mob is a group of people who gather suddenly and seemingly spontaneously in a specific public place and who then perform some kind of act together before suddenly parting ways again. The act could be anything from dancing, singing, having a pillow-fight or even just standing still like a statue. Whatever it is, it's meant to seem like it came out of nowhere for the shocked and amused people who witness it.

Another interesting aspect of a flash mob is that the participants are not trained actors, dancers or performance artists, they might not have attended any rehearsals together and it's quite possible they may never have even met each other before! What makes these events possible in these cases is the power of social media. Flash mobs can be organised very easily, and in secret, using only the Internet.

Since the first flash mobs happened in New York in 2003, they have been happening at airports, shopping centres and town squares all over the world. Their aims can range from artistic expression and light entertainment to political protest or charity awareness. Lots of businesses use flash mobs as a promotional tool, too, because they’re an effective way to catch the attention of the media. 

The participants of flash mobs meet 


варіанти відповідей


at a theatre. 

 after the performance

Запитання 4

Read the text and choose the correct option. 

The Flash mob Revolution

Usually, when you see a live show or attend some kind of artistic event, you plan to do it beforehand: You see it advertised, reserve a ticket and then go along to the venue at a specific time and date. The audiences of flash mobs, however, do none of these things because they are completely unaware that they are about to see something special! In fact, it's the surprise element of flash mobs that have made them such a popular form of performance in recent years. 

A flash mob is a group of people who gather suddenly and seemingly spontaneously in a specific public place and who then perform some kind of act together before suddenly parting ways again. The act could be anything from dancing, singing, having a pillow-fight or even just standing still like a statue. Whatever it is, it's meant to seem like it came out of nowhere for the shocked and amused people who witness it.

Another interesting aspect of a flash mob is that the participants are not trained actors, dancers or performance artists, they might not have attended any rehearsals together and it's quite possible they may never have even met each other before! What makes these events possible in these cases is the power of social media. Flash mobs can be organised very easily, and in secret, using only the Internet.

Since the first flash mobs happened in New York in 2003, they have been happening at airports, shopping centres and town squares all over the world. Their aims can range from artistic expression and light entertainment to political protest or charity awareness. Lots of businesses use flash mobs as a promotional tool, too, because they’re an effective way to catch the attention of the media. 

Flash mobs have occurred


варіанти відповідей

mostly in America.

for a variety of purposes.

for commercial advertising only.

Запитання 5

Read the information about the three people and f adverts for charity jobs below. For each person choose the job that suits their interests the most.

Paul is finishing school next week and he’s thinking of doing some unpaid work for charity before he starts university. He would like to see the world and his uncle is willing to pay all his expenses. He’s quite shy but he doesn’t mind hard work.

варіанти відповідей

Helping Hands is ideal for young people who want to travel and help others at the same time. We build schools and hospitals across Africa. You’ll volunteer for 6 weeks and then have 3 weeks to explore this amazing country. Total cost including flights: £2,500.

Community Outreach is looking for an enthusiastic school-leaver for a full-time, permanent position at our organisation. We visit a range of locations across a wide area and provide support to children who experience difficulties at school or at home. Travel expenses provided.

 Fresh Start is a charity that deals with the issue of adult illiteracy. We’re looking for volunteers to help people learn to read and write in their own homes. A car is useful, although not essential as volunteers can use public transport. 

Запитання 6

Read the information about the three people and f adverts for charity jobs below. For each person choose the job that suits their interests the most.

Ben finishes school in a couple of weeks. He can’t afford to travel abroad, but he’d like to do something different before he starts university. He also wants to feel like he’s doing some good in the community. He loves kids and wants to be a teacher, but he enjoys working with adults too.

варіанти відповідей

Helping Hands is ideal for young people who want to travel and help others at the same time. We build schools and hospitals across Africa. You’ll volunteer for 6 weeks and then have 3 weeks to explore this amazing country. Total cost including flights: £2,500.

Community Outreach is looking for an enthusiastic school-leaver for a full-time, permanent position at our organisation. We visit a range of locations across a wide area and provide support to children who experience difficulties at school or at home. Travel expenses provided.

Fresh Start is a charity that deals with the issue of adult illiteracy. We’re looking for volunteers to help people learn to read and write in their own homes. A car is useful, although not essential as volunteers can use public transport

Запитання 7

Read the information about the three people and f adverts for charity jobs below. For each person choose the job that suits their interests the most.

Mark has just finished school and he’s looking for work. He’s not bothered about earning lots of money, but he wants a steady job where he can help people. He’s sociable and good at communicating with kids of all ages. He’s got his own car and doesn’t mind travelling.

варіанти відповідей

Helping Hands is ideal for young people who want to travel and help others at the same time. We build schools and hospitals across Africa. You’ll volunteer for 6 weeks and then have 3 weeks to explore this amazing country. Total cost including flights: £2,500.

Community Outreach is looking for an enthusiastic school-leaver for a full-time, permanent position at our organisation. We visit a range of locations across a wide area and provide support to children who experience difficulties at school or at home. Travel expenses provided.

Fresh Start is a charity that deals with the issue of adult illiteracy. We’re looking for volunteers to help people learn to read and write in their own homes. A car is useful, although not essential as volunteers can use public transport

Запитання 8

Read the texts below. For every paragraph choose the right headline.



 1. Oil paints can help an artist create very realistic pictures. All you need are the paints, brushes and a canvas. Working with oils is a difficult skill and takes a lot of practice, but if you are patient you can get amazing results!

 2. Drawing is very easy and inexpensive. Artists around the world have used drawing to capture all sorts of images and ideas. It’s a lot cleaner and easier than oil painting as with a simple pad of paper and a pencil you can create beautiful pictures using a range of different techniques.

 3. For a challenge, why not try working in 3D? Materials like wood, stone and clay can be used to make beautiful artwork. For thousands of years, artists have made statues with all sorts of tools. From Ancient Egypt to modern times, sculpting and carving have played a major role in the history of art. Try it for yourself and create something totally different and unique.

варіанти відповідей

The tidy way to be creative

An ancient art form

Computers that make your art 3D

 Practice makes perfect

Запитання 9

Read the texts below. For every paragraph choose the right headline.



 1. Oil paints can help an artist create very realistic pictures. All you need are the paints, brushes and a canvas. Working with oils is a difficult skill and takes a lot of practice, but if you are patient you can get amazing results!

 2. Drawing is very easy and inexpensive. Artists around the world have used drawing to capture all sorts of images and ideas. It’s a lot cleaner and easier than oil painting as with a simple pad of paper and a pencil you can create beautiful pictures using a range of different techniques.

 3. For a challenge, why not try working in 3D? Materials like wood, stone and clay can be used to make beautiful artwork. For thousands of years, artists have made statues with all sorts of tools. From Ancient Egypt to modern times, sculpting and carving have played a major role in the history of art. Try it for yourself and create something totally different and unique.

варіанти відповідей

The tidy way to be creative

An ancient art form

Computers that make your art 3D

Practice makes perfect

Запитання 10

Read the texts below. For every paragraph choose the right headline.



 1. Oil paints can help an artist create very realistic pictures. All you need are the paints, brushes and a canvas. Working with oils is a difficult skill and takes a lot of practice, but if you are patient you can get amazing results!

 2. Drawing is very easy and inexpensive. Artists around the world have used drawing to capture all sorts of images and ideas. It’s a lot cleaner and easier than oil painting as with a simple pad of paper and a pencil you can create beautiful pictures using a range of different techniques.

 3. For a challenge, why not try working in 3D? Materials like wood, stone and clay can be used to make beautiful artwork. For thousands of years, artists have made statues with all sorts of tools. From Ancient Egypt to modern times, sculpting and carving have played a major role in the history of art. Try it for yourself and create something totally different and unique.

варіанти відповідей

The tidy way to be creative

An ancient art form

Computers that make your art 3D

Practice makes perfect

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