Reading ( about myself)

Додано: 16 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 238 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and mark the statements True or False

Hi! I'm Nancy and I'm thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She is Spanish. She's from Barcelona. She is good at science but she isn't very good at history. I'm good at history but I'm not good at science.

Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she's Spanish too. Geography isn't my favourite subject but she's my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. Yes. I speak Spanish too!

Nancy is a new student at school.

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Запитання 2

Read the text and mark the statements True or False

Hi! I'm Nancy and I'm thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She is Spanish. She's from Barcelona. She is good at science but she isn't very good at history. I'm good at history but I'm not good at science.

Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she's Spanish too. Geography isn't my favourite subject but she's my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. Yes. I speak Spanish too!

Nancy and her friend Rosa are good at history.

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Запитання 3

Read the text and mark the statements True or False

Hi! I'm Nancy and I'm thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She is Spanish. She's from Barcelona. She is good at science but she isn't very good at history. I'm good at history but I'm not good at science.

Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she's Spanish too. Geography isn't my favourite subject but she's my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. Yes. I speak Spanish too!

Nancy is good at history and science.

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Запитання 4

Read the text and mark the statements True or False

Hi! I'm Nancy and I'm thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She is Spanish. She's from Barcelona. She is good at science but she isn't very good at history. I'm good at history but I'm not good at science.

Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she's Spanish too. Geography isn't my favourite subject but she's my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. Yes. I speak Spanish too!

Geography is Nancy's favourite subject.

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Запитання 5

Read the text and mark the statements True or False

Hi! I'm Nancy and I'm thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She is Spanish. She's from Barcelona. She is good at science but she isn't very good at history. I'm good at history but I'm not good at science.

Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she's Spanish too. Geography isn't my favourite subject but she's my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. Yes. I speak Spanish too!

Nancy's geography teacher is a woman.

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Запитання 6

Read the text and mark the statements True or False

Hi! I'm Nancy and I'm thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She is Spanish. She's from Barcelona. She is good at science but she isn't very good at history. I'm good at history but I'm not good at science.

Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she's Spanish too. Geography isn't my favourite subject but she's my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. Yes. I speak Spanish too!

Nancy speaks English and Spanish.

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