Додано: 26 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 56 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text again. Mark the sentences right,wrong or doesn’t say

First job

Some celebrities know what it’s like to look for a job and to work from nine to five. For example, did you know that Johnny Depp sold pens in a call centre before he became an actor? It’s hard to believe but it’s true. And Johnny Depp is not the only famous person who had a normal job before becoming famous. Model Megan Fox worked as a waitress. Beyoncé helped out at her mother’s beauty salon. Jennifer Lopez (JLo) had a temporary job in a lawyer’s office. And Tom Cruise had a part-time job delivering newspapers.

Some celebrities had jobs that don’t seem surprising. Writer J.K. Rowling was an English teacher. She had a full-time job in a school in Portugal before she wrote about Harry Potter.

But other famous people had more surprising jobs. Brad Pitt, for example, once got a very strange job. He had to dress up as a giant chicken to attract customers to a restaurant! It was better than being unemployed but I’m sure he wasn’t upset when he lost that job. It shows that people with ordinary jobs can become famous. Perhaps your postman will win a TV talent show. Maybe the sales assistant in the games shop will win a Nobel Prize one day. And perhaps that young waitress with a summer job in your local café will become a film star. Who knows?

1.In the writer’s opinion famous people don’t know about normal people’s lives

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doesn’t say

Запитання 2

Johnny Depp sold the writer a pen.

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doesn’t say

Запитання 3

JLo’s mother helped her get a job.

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doesn’t say

Запитання 4

J.K. Rowling taught English when she was younger

варіанти відповідей



doesn’t say

Запитання 5

Brad Pitt once had a very unusual job.

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doesn’t say

Запитання 6

The writer is sure the waitress in his local café will become a film star.

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doesn’t say

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