Reading Comprehension 1 term

Додано: 13 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

7th grade


I Read the text.


Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

My mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school every day. We can’t use our phones during lessons, but when there’s a break I always read my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. My mum often calls me – she always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I also use my phone to listen to music, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. My mobile phone is my world!

Choose the correct answers.

варіанти відповідей

 Sally’s  teachers pay for her phone.

 Sally’s mum and dad  pay for her phone.

Запитання 2

I Read the text.


Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

My mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school every day. We can’t use our phones during lessons, but when there’s a break I always read my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. My mum often calls me – she always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I also use my phone to listen to music, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. My mobile phone is my world!

Choose the correct answers.

варіанти відповідей

Sally always  takes her phone to school.

Sally never takes her phone to school.

Запитання 3

I Read the text.


Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

My mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school every day. We can’t use our phones during lessons, but when there’s a break I always read my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. My mum often calls me – she always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I also use my phone to listen to music, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. My mobile phone is my world!

Choose the correct answers.

варіанти відповідей

Sally uses her phone during lessons .

Sally uses her phone when there’s a break.

Запитання 4

I Read the text.


Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

My mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school every day. We can’t use our phones during lessons, but when there’s a break I always read my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. My mum often calls me – she always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I also use my phone to listen to music, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. My mobile phone is my world!

Choose the correct answers.

варіанти відповідей

Sally has a few friends on social media.

Sally has a lot of friends on social media.

Запитання 5

I Read the text.


Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

My mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school every day. We can’t use our phones during lessons, but when there’s a break I always read my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. My mum often calls me – she always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I also use my phone to listen to music, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. My mobile phone is my world!

Choose the correct answers.

варіанти відповідей

Sally often  sends text messages.

Sally often makes phone calls.

Запитання 6

I Read the text.


Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

My mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school every day. We can’t use our phones during lessons, but when there’s a break I always read my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. My mum often calls me – she always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I also use my phone to listen to music, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. My mobile phone is my world!

Choose the correct answers.

варіанти відповідей

Sally’s mum  often calls her.

Sally’s mum never  calls her.

Запитання 7



Hi! I'm Lin, I'm eleven and I'm from China. Chinese food is really delicious. We eat a lot of rice, noodles, vegetables and meat. We fry or steam a lot of our food. It is very healthy.

In China, people don't usually eat with knives and forks. Instead we use chopsticks and we sometimes use spoons.

We usually eat from big serving dishes. We put them in the middle of the table, but we sometimes serve portions of rice in small bowls. In China, we don't think it is rude to reach across the table to take food from serving dishes.

We do think it is rude to take the last piece of food from a serving dish for yourself. We offer it to another person instead. That is very polite.

When your bowl is empty, someone gives you more food. When you are full, you put your hand over your bowl or leave some food in your bowl. We don't put our chopsticks on top of our bowls. We put them on the table next to us when we finish eating. We don't use napkins like people in Britain, but we usually clean our hands with hot towels at the end of the meal.


chopstick – палички для їжі (в Китаї)

instead – замість

portion – порція

I. Mark the statements True or False.

Her name is Lin and she is from China.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8



Hi! I'm Lin, I'm eleven and I'm from China. Chinese food is really delicious. We eat a lot of rice, noodles, vegetables and meat. We fry or steam a lot of our food. It is very healthy.

In China, people don't usually eat with knives and forks. Instead we use chopsticks and we sometimes use spoons.

We usually eat from big serving dishes. We put them in the middle of the table, but we sometimes serve portions of rice in small bowls. In China, we don't think it is rude to reach across the table to take food from serving dishes.

We do think it is rude to take the last piece of food from a serving dish for yourself. We offer it to another person instead. That is very polite.

When your bowl is empty, someone gives you more food. When you are full, you put your hand over your bowl or leave some food in your bowl. We don't put our chopsticks on top of our bowls. We put them on the table next to us when we finish eating. We don't use napkins like people in Britain, but we usually clean our hands with hot towels at the end of the meal.


chopstick – палички для їжі (в Китаї)

instead – замість

portion – порція

I. Mark the statements True or False.

People in China always use knives and forks to eat.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9



Hi! I'm Lin, I'm eleven and I'm from China. Chinese food is really delicious. We eat a lot of rice, noodles, vegetables and meat. We fry or steam a lot of our food. It is very healthy.

In China, people don't usually eat with knives and forks. Instead we use chopsticks and we sometimes use spoons.

We usually eat from big serving dishes. We put them in the middle of the table, but we sometimes serve portions of rice in small bowls. In China, we don't think it is rude to reach across the table to take food from serving dishes.

We do think it is rude to take the last piece of food from a serving dish for yourself. We offer it to another person instead. That is very polite.

When your bowl is empty, someone gives you more food. When you are full, you put your hand over your bowl or leave some food in your bowl. We don't put our chopsticks on top of our bowls. We put them on the table next to us when we finish eating. We don't use napkins like people in Britain, but we usually clean our hands with hot towels at the end of the meal.


chopstick – палички для їжі (в Китаї)

instead – замість

portion – порція

I. Mark the statements True or False.

Chinese people fry or steam a lot of their food.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10



Hi! I'm Lin, I'm eleven and I'm from China. Chinese food is really delicious. We eat a lot of rice, noodles, vegetables and meat. We fry or steam a lot of our food. It is very healthy.

In China, people don't usually eat with knives and forks. Instead we use chopsticks and we sometimes use spoons.

We usually eat from big serving dishes. We put them in the middle of the table, but we sometimes serve portions of rice in small bowls. In China, we don't think it is rude to reach across the table to take food from serving dishes.

We do think it is rude to take the last piece of food from a serving dish for yourself. We offer it to another person instead. That is very polite.

When your bowl is empty, someone gives you more food. When you are full, you put your hand over your bowl or leave some food in your bowl. We don't put our chopsticks on top of our bowls. We put them on the table next to us when we finish eating. We don't use napkins like people in Britain, but we usually clean our hands with hot towels at the end of the meal.


chopstick – палички для їжі (в Китаї)

instead – замість

portion – порція

I. Mark the statements True or False.

People usually use napkins in China.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11



Hi! I'm Lin, I'm eleven and I'm from China. Chinese food is really delicious. We eat a lot of rice, noodles, vegetables and meat. We fry or steam a lot of our food. It is very healthy.

In China, people don't usually eat with knives and forks. Instead we use chopsticks and we sometimes use spoons.

We usually eat from big serving dishes. We put them in the middle of the table, but we sometimes serve portions of rice in small bowls. In China, we don't think it is rude to reach across the table to take food from serving dishes.

We do think it is rude to take the last piece of food from a serving dish for yourself. We offer it to another person instead. That is very polite.

When your bowl is empty, someone gives you more food. When you are full, you put your hand over your bowl or leave some food in your bowl. We don't put our chopsticks on top of our bowls. We put them on the table next to us when we finish eating. We don't use napkins like people in Britain, but we usually clean our hands with hot towels at the end of the meal.


chopstick – палички для їжі (в Китаї)

instead – замість

portion – порція

I. Mark the statements True or False.

It's rude to take the last piece of food from a serving dish.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 12



Hi! I'm Lin, I'm eleven and I'm from China. Chinese food is really delicious. We eat a lot of rice, noodles, vegetables and meat. We fry or steam a lot of our food. It is very healthy.

In China, people don't usually eat with knives and forks. Instead we use chopsticks and we sometimes use spoons.

We usually eat from big serving dishes. We put them in the middle of the table, but we sometimes serve portions of rice in small bowls. In China, we don't think it is rude to reach across the table to take food from serving dishes.

We do think it is rude to take the last piece of food from a serving dish for yourself. We offer it to another person instead. That is very polite.

When your bowl is empty, someone gives you more food. When you are full, you put your hand over your bowl or leave some food in your bowl. We don't put our chopsticks on top of our bowls. We put them on the table next to us when we finish eating. We don't use napkins like people in Britain, but we usually clean our hands with hot towels at the end of the meal.


chopstick – палички для їжі (в Китаї)

instead – замість

portion – порція

I. Mark the statements True or False.

When they are full, they put their hands over the bowl.

варіанти відповідей



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