Reading comprehension 10 th grade (II)

Додано: 20 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 358 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

 A visit to Scotland often begins in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. After London, Edinburgh is the second city for visitors in Britain.

If you come to Edinburgh by train from the south, the first thing you see when you leave Waverley Station is Edinburgh Castle. It stands high over the city. Soldiers in kilts take visitors around and tell them the castle’s story.

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit on foot. After the castle, you can visit more of the Old Town. Go down the Royal Mile to Holyroodhouse - the Queen’s home when she comes to Edinburgh. It is three hundred years old.

You can look at the shops on the Royal Mile or on Princes Street in the New Town. Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan. Near Princes Street is Charlotte Square, which is very beautiful. There is also the National Gallery of Scotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other countries too.

In August, you can visit the Edinburgh Festival, the biggest arts festival in the world with hundreds of different things to do and see.     

Is the statement TRUE or FALSE?

More people visit London than Edinburgh every year.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

A visit to Scotland often begins in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. After London, Edinburgh is the second city for visitors in Britain.

If you come to Edinburgh by train from the south, the first thing you see when you leave Waverley Station is Edinburgh Castle. It stands high over the city. Soldiers in kilts take visitors around and tell them the castle’s story.

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit on foot. After the castle, you can visit more of the Old Town. Go down the Royal Mile to Holyroodhouse - the Queen’s home when she comes to Edinburgh. It is three hundred years old.

You can look at the shops on the Royal Mile or on Princes Street in the New Town. Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan. Near Princes Street is Charlotte Square, which is very beautiful. There is also the National Gallery of Scotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other countries too.

In August, you can visit the Edinburgh Festival, the biggest arts festival in the world with hundreds of different things to do and see. 

Is the statement TRUE or FALSE?

Edinburgh Castle is situated on a hill.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

A visit to Scotland often begins in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. After London, Edinburgh is the second city for visitors in Britain.

If you come to Edinburgh by train from the south, the first thing you see when you leave Waverley Station is Edinburgh Castle. It stands high over the city. Soldiers in kilts take visitors around and tell them the castle’s story.

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit on foot. After the castle, you can visit more of the Old Town. Go down the Royal Mile to Holyroodhouse - the Queen’s home when she comes to Edinburgh. It is three hundred years old.

You can look at the shops on the Royal Mile or on Princes Street in the New Town. Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan. Near Princes Street is Charlotte Square, which is very beautiful. There is also the National Gallery of Scotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other countries too.

In August, you can visit the Edinburgh Festival, the biggest arts festival in the world with hundreds of different things to do and see. 

Is the statement TRUE or FALSE?

The Queen lives in Edinburgh Castle when she comes to Edinburgh.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

A visit to Scotland often begins in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. After London, Edinburgh is the second city for visitors in Britain.

If you come to Edinburgh by train from the south, the first thing you see when you leave Waverley Station is Edinburgh Castle. It stands high over the city. Soldiers in kilts take visitors around and tell them the castle’s story.

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit on foot. After the castle, you can visit more of the Old Town. Go down the Royal Mile to Holyroodhouse - the Queen’s home when she comes to Edinburgh. It is three hundred years old.

You can look at the shops on the Royal Mile or on Princes Street in the New Town. Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan. Near Princes Street is Charlotte Square, which is very beautiful. There is also the National Gallery of Scotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other countries too.

In August, you can visit the Edinburgh Festival, the biggest arts festival in the world with hundreds of different things to do and see. 

Is the statement TRUE or FALSE?

In the national Gallery of Scotland you can see only Scottish paintings.

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Запитання 5

A visit to Scotland often begins in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. After London, Edinburgh is the second city for visitors in Britain.

If you come to Edinburgh by train from the south, the first thing you see when you leave Waverley Station is Edinburgh Castle. It stands high over the city. Soldiers in kilts take visitors around and tell them the castle’s story.

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit on foot. After the castle, you can visit more of the Old Town. Go down the Royal Mile to Holyroodhouse - the Queen’s home when she comes to Edinburgh. It is three hundred years old.

You can look at the shops on the Royal Mile or on Princes Street in the New Town. Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan. Near Princes Street is Charlotte Square, which is very beautiful. There is also the National Gallery of Scotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other countries too.

In August, you can visit the Edinburgh Festival, the biggest arts festival in the world with hundreds of different things to do and see. 

Is the statement TRUE or FALSE?

The Edinburgh Festival takes place in summer.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

A visit to Scotland often begins in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. After London, Edinburgh is the second city for visitors in Britain.

If you come to Edinburgh by train from the south, the first thing you see when you leave Waverley Station is Edinburgh Castle. It stands high over the city. Soldiers in kilts take visitors around and tell them the castle’s story.

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit on foot. After the castle, you can visit more of the Old Town. Go down the Royal Mile to Holyroodhouse - the Queen’s home when she comes to Edinburgh. It is three hundred years old.

You can look at the shops on the Royal Mile or on Princes Street in the New Town. Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan. Near Princes Street is Charlotte Square, which is very beautiful. There is also the National Gallery of Scotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other countries too.

In August, you can visit the Edinburgh Festival, the biggest arts festival in the world with hundreds of different things to do and see. 

Is the statement TRUE or FALSE?

If you come to Edinburgh by train from the north, the first thing you see when you leave Waverley Station is Edinburgh Castle.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

A visit to Scotland often begins in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. After London, Edinburgh is the second city for visitors in Britain.

If you come to Edinburgh by train from the south, the first thing you see when you leave Waverley Station is Edinburgh Castle. It stands high over the city. Soldiers in kilts take visitors around and tell them the castle’s story.

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit on foot. After the castle, you can visit more of the Old Town. Go down the Royal Mile to Holyroodhouse - the Queen’s home when she comes to Edinburgh. It is three hundred years old.

You can look at the shops on the Royal Mile or on Princes Street in the New Town. Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan. Near Princes Street is Charlotte Square, which is very beautiful. There is also the National Gallery of Scotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other countries too.

In August, you can visit the Edinburgh Festival, the biggest arts festival in the world with hundreds of different things to do and see. 

Answer the question:

What clothes is the necessaty to wear for the Scottish soldiers?

варіанти відповідей

They wear trousers and black hats.

They wear kilts.

They wear skirts.

Запитання 8

A visit to Scotland often begins in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. After London, Edinburgh is the second city for visitors in Britain.

If you come to Edinburgh by train from the south, the first thing you see when you leave Waverley Station is Edinburgh Castle. It stands high over the city. Soldiers in kilts take visitors around and tell them the castle’s story.

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit on foot. After the castle, you can visit more of the Old Town. Go down the Royal Mile to Holyroodhouse - the Queen’s home when she comes to Edinburgh. It is three hundred years old.

You can look at the shops on the Royal Mile or on Princes Street in the New Town. Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan. Near Princes Street is Charlotte Square, which is very beautiful. There is also the National Gallery of Scotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other countries too.

In August, you can visit the Edinburgh Festival, the biggest arts festival in the world with hundreds of different things to do and see. 

Answer the question:

How many years is Holyroodhouse?

варіанти відповідей

three thousand

three hundred

thirty hindred

Запитання 9

A visit to Scotland often begins in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. After London, Edinburgh is the second city for visitors in Britain.

If you come to Edinburgh by train from the south, the first thing you see when you leave Waverley Station is Edinburgh Castle. It stands high over the city. Soldiers in kilts take visitors around and tell them the castle’s story.

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit on foot. After the castle, you can visit more of the Old Town. Go down the Royal Mile to Holyroodhouse - the Queen’s home when she comes to Edinburgh. It is three hundred years old.

You can look at the shops on the Royal Mile or on Princes Street in the New Town. Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan. Near Princes Street is Charlotte Square, which is very beautiful. There is also the National Gallery of Scotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other countries too.

In August, you can visit the Edinburgh Festival, the biggest arts festival in the world with hundreds of different things to do and see. 

Answer the question:

What goes with each tartan?

варіанти відповідей


the family

the name of the family

Запитання 10

A visit to Scotland often begins in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. After London, Edinburgh is the second city for visitors in Britain.

If you come to Edinburgh by train from the south, the first thing you see when you leave Waverley Station is Edinburgh Castle. It stands high over the city. Soldiers in kilts take visitors around and tell them the castle’s story.

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit on foot. After the castle, you can visit more of the Old Town. Go down the Royal Mile to Holyroodhouse - the Queen’s home when she comes to Edinburgh. It is three hundred years old.

You can look at the shops on the Royal Mile or on Princes Street in the New Town. Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan. Near Princes Street is Charlotte Square, which is very beautiful. There is also the National Gallery of Scotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other countries too.

In August, you can visit the Edinburgh Festival, the biggest arts festival in the world with hundreds of different things to do and see. 

Choose the correct answer:

What kind of Edinburgh Festival can you visit?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 11

Find the appropriate translation:

Единбург - це пагорбисте місто, але це гарне місто, щоб гуляти по ньому пішки.

варіанти відповідей

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit by foot.

Edinburgh is a mountainious city but it is a good city to visit on foot.

Edinburgh is a hilly city but it is a good city to visit on foot.

Запитання 12

Деякі магазини продають знамениті шотландські тартани, і можна побачити назву сім'ї, яка йде з кожним тартаном.

варіанти відповідей

Some shops sell the famous Scottish kilts and you can see the name of the family which goes with each kilt.

Some shops sell the famous Welsh tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan.

Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which goes with each tartan.

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