Reading Comprehension 9 form II sem

Додано: 15 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading Comprehension
10 запитань
Запитання 1

The following advertisement informs us of an offer to ____________.

варіанти відповідей

entertain yourself not far from the British capital

enjoy a cup of delicious hot chocolate

get to know how sweets are produced

enjoy various toy-themed interactive games

Запитання 2

The following advertisement informs us of an offer to ____________.

варіанти відповідей

enjoy various toy-themed interactive games

go on an interesting tour of a royal park

entertain yourself not far from the British capital

enjoy a cup of delicious hot chocolate

Запитання 3

The following advertisement informs us of an offer to ____________.

варіанти відповідей

get to know how sweets are produced

admire a beautiful location with lots of attractions

enjoy a cup of delicious hot chocolate

buy a world-famous toy at a low price

Запитання 4

The following advertisement informs us of an offer to ____________.

варіанти відповідей

admire a beautiful location with lots of attractions

go on an interesting tour of a royal park

make acquaintance with bygone times

enjoy a cup of delicious hot chocolate

Запитання 5

The following advertisement informs us of an offer to ____________.

варіанти відповідей

make acquaintance with bygone times

go on an interesting tour of a royal park

entertain yourself not far from the British capital

admire a beautiful location with lots of attractions

Запитання 6

According to paragraph 1, how did Julie’s mother react to her daughter’s decision to become a vegetarian?

Going Green!

By Julie Cameron

When I told my mother I was going to be a vegetarian she didn’t try to discourage me, she simply said, “Fine, but I’m not making two dinners”. She thought it was a phase, something that I would grow out of. After all, who can live their entire life without eating a hamburger, or the traditional turkey at Thanksgiving? Turns out, lots of people can.

Much to my mother’s dismay, I turned out to be one of thousands of vegetarians in Canada who were under voting age. Some people thought I did it to be cool, some people (like my mother) thought I did it for shock value. But I was always asked the one-word question: WHY?

Lots of reasons. I was never a big steak fan, loved animals, and when I was little I had a friend who lived on a dairy farm. If you have ever named a cow, you will understand how difficult it is to sit down to a hamburger. But there was, of course, one fateful encounter that pushed me to my dinner of destiny.

My mother had a friend named Jen. Jen had long brown hair down to her calves. I’m not exaggerating, it was down to her calves. She insisted we go to a natural food store in our town so she could get organic vegetables and soymilk. I had never even known what soy was, or that there was a difference between vegetables from the grocery store and vegetables from a natural food store. And I was amazed. Not only did she have hair down to her calves, but she also knew about foods I had never even heard of. My decision was made.

I feel very fortunate to be a vegetarian in an age where there are so many meat alternatives. My friends and family appreciate that I don’t try to force my food choices on them.

If you are thinking about becoming a vegetarian, it’s important to do a little research first and make sure you maintain a healthy diet. I have met so many junk-food vegetarians (a self-proclaimed vegetarian who doesn’t eat meat, but doesn’t eat anything healthy or remotely close to a vegetable), that I’m not surprised most people think eating vegetarian isn’t healthy.

варіанти відповідей

She refused to cook separately for Julie.

She tried to talk Julie out of doing it.

She expressed anger about Julie’s decision.

She reminded Julie how tasty hamburgers were.

Запитання 7

What finally persuaded Julie to try vegetarianism?

Going Green!

By Julie Cameron

When I told my mother I was going to be a vegetarian she didn’t try to discourage me, she simply said, “Fine, but I’m not making two dinners”. She thought it was a phase, something that I would grow out of. After all, who can live their entire life without eating a hamburger, or the traditional turkey at Thanksgiving? Turns out, lots of people can.

Much to my mother’s dismay, I turned out to be one of thousands of vegetarians in Canada who were under voting age. Some people thought I did it to be cool, some people (like my mother) thought I did it for shock value. But I was always asked the one-word question: WHY?

Lots of reasons. I was never a big steak fan, loved animals, and when I was little I had a friend who lived on a dairy farm. If you have ever named a cow, you will understand how difficult it is to sit down to a hamburger. But there was, of course, one fateful encounter that pushed me to my dinner of destiny.

My mother had a friend named Jen. Jen had long brown hair down to her calves. I’m not exaggerating, it was down to her calves. She insisted we go to a natural food store in our town so she could get organic vegetables and soymilk. I had never even known what soy was, or that there was a difference between vegetables from the grocery store and vegetables from a natural food store. And I was amazed. Not only did she have hair down to her calves, but she also knew about foods I had never even heard of. My decision was made.

I feel very fortunate to be a vegetarian in an age where there are so many meat alternatives. My friends and family appreciate that I don’t try to force my food choices on them.

If you are thinking about becoming a vegetarian, it’s important to do a little research first and make sure you maintain a healthy diet. I have met so many junk-food vegetarians (a self-proclaimed vegetarian who doesn’t eat meat, but doesn’t eat anything healthy or remotely close to a vegetable), that I’m not surprised most people think eating vegetarian isn’t healthy.

варіанти відповідей

her love for animals and nature

her visits to a dairy farm

her discovery of organic foods

her research on healthy diets

Запитання 8

According to the text, which of the following is the most essential to be a vegetarian?

Going Green!

By Julie Cameron

When I told my mother I was going to be a vegetarian she didn’t try to discourage me, she simply said, “Fine, but I’m not making two dinners”. She thought it was a phase, something that I would grow out of. After all, who can live their entire life without eating a hamburger, or the traditional turkey at Thanksgiving? Turns out, lots of people can.

Much to my mother’s dismay, I turned out to be one of thousands of vegetarians in Canada who were under voting age. Some people thought I did it to be cool, some people (like my mother) thought I did it for shock value. But I was always asked the one-word question: WHY?

Lots of reasons. I was never a big steak fan, loved animals, and when I was little I had a friend who lived on a dairy farm. If you have ever named a cow, you will understand how difficult it is to sit down to a hamburger. But there was, of course, one fateful encounter that pushed me to my dinner of destiny.

My mother had a friend named Jen. Jen had long brown hair down to her calves. I’m not exaggerating, it was down to her calves. She insisted we go to a natural food store in our town so she could get organic vegetables and soymilk. I had never even known what soy was, or that there was a difference between vegetables from the grocery store and vegetables from a natural food store. And I was amazed. Not only did she have hair down to her calves, but she also knew about foods I had never even heard of. My decision was made.

I feel very fortunate to be a vegetarian in an age where there are so many meat alternatives. My friends and family appreciate that I don’t try to force my food choices on them.

If you are thinking about becoming a vegetarian, it’s important to do a little research first and make sure you maintain a healthy diet. I have met so many junk-food vegetarians (a self-proclaimed vegetarian who doesn’t eat meat, but doesn’t eat anything healthy or remotely close to a vegetable), that I’m not surprised most people think eating vegetarian isn’t healthy.

варіанти відповідей

to grow your own vegetables

to know much about healthy dieting

to consume food supplements

to buy food in a Natural Food Store

Запитання 9

According to the text, all of the following statements about vegetarians are true EXCEPT_________.

варіанти відповідей

Vegetarians can find a lot of substitutes for meat today

Some vegetarians have unhealthy eating habits

Vegetarians consume soymilk to have healthy hair

A lot of people become vegetarians in their teens

Запитання 10

It is stated in the text that Julie ______________

Going Green!

By Julie Cameron

When I told my mother I was going to be a vegetarian she didn’t try to discourage me, she simply said, “Fine, but I’m not making two dinners”. She thought it was a phase, something that I would grow out of. After all, who can live their entire life without eating a hamburger, or the traditional turkey at Thanksgiving? Turns out, lots of people can.

Much to my mother’s dismay, I turned out to be one of thousands of vegetarians in Canada who were under voting age. Some people thought I did it to be cool, some people (like my mother) thought I did it for shock value. But I was always asked the one-word question: WHY?

Lots of reasons. I was never a big steak fan, loved animals, and when I was little I had a friend who lived on a dairy farm. If you have ever named a cow, you will understand how difficult it is to sit down to a hamburger. But there was, of course, one fateful encounter that pushed me to my dinner of destiny.

My mother had a friend named Jen. Jen had long brown hair down to her calves. I’m not exaggerating, it was down to her calves. She insisted we go to a natural food store in our town so she could get organic vegetables and soymilk. I had never even known what soy was, or that there was a difference between vegetables from the grocery store and vegetables from a natural food store. And I was amazed. Not only did she have hair down to her calves, but she also knew about foods I had never even heard of. My decision was made.

I feel very fortunate to be a vegetarian in an age where there are so many meat alternatives. My friends and family appreciate that I don’t try to force my food choices on them.

If you are thinking about becoming a vegetarian, it’s important to do a little research first and make sure you maintain a healthy diet. I have met so many junk-food vegetarians (a self-proclaimed vegetarian who doesn’t eat meat, but doesn’t eat anything healthy or remotely close to a vegetable), that I’m not surprised most people think eating vegetarian isn’t healthy.

варіанти відповідей

accepts other people’s eating habits

criticizes her family for eating junk-food

encourages her friends to be vegetarian

takes an active part in nutrition studies

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