Reading Form 9

Додано: 19 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading comprehension
Тест виконано: 17 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

In 2011 a new law, the first of its kind in the UK, was passed

in Wales. Shops were no longer allowed to give away free

plastic bags to their customers. Instead, they had to charge 5p

per bag. The money was collected and given to charity. The

results were amazing – within a year, the demand for

supermarket bags fell by about 96%. The extra charge was

enough to get Welsh shoppers to remember to take their own

bags whenever they went shopping.

The law was the result of a huge campaign, which was

supported by a national newspaper as well as various

politicians and also green campaigners. It has become

increasingly popular too. When it was introduced, it was

supported by about 59% of the Welsh population, but after

only six months the figure was 70%.

There is no doubt that plastic bags are bad news for the

environment. Every year in the UK, about 18 billion plastic

bags are supplied by supermarkets – that’s about 290 bags per

person. Then, when they have been used (for an average of 20

minutes each) they’re thrown away. Some of them end up

being buried underground in landfill sites, and that’s where

they do the damage. They remain there for hundreds of years,

poisoning the soil and polluting the environment. It’s

important to remember, too, that before they even reach the

shops, the plastic bags have already travelled thousands of

miles – many are produced in China or India and then shipped

to countries in Europe, including the UK.

The solution to this problem is obvious – stop producing so

many plastic bags, and stop giving them away, but shoppers in

the UK have been very slow to change their ways. However,

the success of the new Welsh law shows that it is possible to

change people’s shopping habits. According to researchers

from Cardiff University, part of the reason for the popularity

of the law is that the money it raises goes to charity, not the

government. Certainly, hundreds of thousands of pounds have

been raised since the law was introduced. The money has gone

to a variety of good causes, including local children’s charities

and wildlife conservation organisations too.

The new law meant that in Wales

варіанти відповідей

customers were no longer allowed to use plastic bags.

customers needing plastic bags in shops had to pay for


shops stopped supplying plastic bags for customers’


Запитання 2

In 2011 a new law, the first of its kind in the UK, was passed

in Wales. Shops were no longer allowed to give away free

plastic bags to their customers. Instead, they had to charge 5p

per bag. The money was collected and given to charity. The

results were amazing – within a year, the demand for

supermarket bags fell by about 96%. The extra charge was

enough to get Welsh shoppers to remember to take their own

bags whenever they went shopping.

The law was the result of a huge campaign, which was

supported by a national newspaper as well as various

politicians and also green campaigners. It has become

increasingly popular too. When it was introduced, it was

supported by about 59% of the Welsh population, but after

only six months the figure was 70%.

There is no doubt that plastic bags are bad news for the

environment. Every year in the UK, about 18 billion plastic

bags are supplied by supermarkets – that’s about 290 bags per

person. Then, when they have been used (for an average of 20

minutes each) they’re thrown away. Some of them end up

being buried underground in landfill sites, and that’s where

they do the damage. They remain there for hundreds of years,

poisoning the soil and polluting the environment. It’s

important to remember, too, that before they even reach the

shops, the plastic bags have already travelled thousands of

miles – many are produced in China or India and then shipped

to countries in Europe, including the UK.

The solution to this problem is obvious – stop producing so

many plastic bags, and stop giving them away, but shoppers in

the UK have been very slow to change their ways. However,

the success of the new Welsh law shows that it is possible to

change people’s shopping habits. According to researchers

from Cardiff University, part of the reason for the popularity

of the law is that the money it raises goes to charity, not the

government. Certainly, hundreds of thousands of pounds have

been raised since the law was introduced. The money has gone

to a variety of good causes, including local children’s charities

and wildlife conservation organisations too.

After the law was introduced, many people

варіанти відповідей

stopped asking for plastic bags in supermarkets.

refused to accept it at all.

stopped shopping so much at supermarkets.

Запитання 3

In 2011 a new law, the first of its kind in the UK, was passed

in Wales. Shops were no longer allowed to give away free

plastic bags to their customers. Instead, they had to charge 5p

per bag. The money was collected and given to charity. The

results were amazing – within a year, the demand for

supermarket bags fell by about 96%. The extra charge was

enough to get Welsh shoppers to remember to take their own

bags whenever they went shopping.

The law was the result of a huge campaign, which was

supported by a national newspaper as well as various

politicians and also green campaigners. It has become

increasingly popular too. When it was introduced, it was

supported by about 59% of the Welsh population, but after

only six months the figure was 70%.

There is no doubt that plastic bags are bad news for the

environment. Every year in the UK, about 18 billion plastic

bags are supplied by supermarkets – that’s about 290 bags per

person. Then, when they have been used (for an average of 20

minutes each) they’re thrown away. Some of them end up

being buried underground in landfill sites, and that’s where

they do the damage. They remain there for hundreds of years,

poisoning the soil and polluting the environment. It’s

important to remember, too, that before they even reach the

shops, the plastic bags have already travelled thousands of

miles – many are produced in China or India and then shipped

to countries in Europe, including the UK.

The solution to this problem is obvious – stop producing so

many plastic bags, and stop giving them away, but shoppers in

the UK have been very slow to change their ways. However,

the success of the new Welsh law shows that it is possible to

change people’s shopping habits. According to researchers

from Cardiff University, part of the reason for the popularity

of the law is that the money it raises goes to charity, not the

government. Certainly, hundreds of thousands of pounds have

been raised since the law was introduced. The money has gone

to a variety of good causes, including local children’s charities

and wildlife conservation organisations too.

The article says that every year in the UK,

варіанти відповідей

18 billion plastic bags are put into landfill sites.

almost 300 are used by each supermarket shopper.

a plastic bag is thrown away every 20 minutes

Запитання 4

In 2011 a new law, the first of its kind in the UK, was passed

in Wales. Shops were no longer allowed to give away free

plastic bags to their customers. Instead, they had to charge 5p

per bag. The money was collected and given to charity. The

results were amazing – within a year, the demand for

supermarket bags fell by about 96%. The extra charge was

enough to get Welsh shoppers to remember to take their own

bags whenever they went shopping.

The law was the result of a huge campaign, which was

supported by a national newspaper as well as various

politicians and also green campaigners. It has become

increasingly popular too. When it was introduced, it was

supported by about 59% of the Welsh population, but after

only six months the figure was 70%.

There is no doubt that plastic bags are bad news for the

environment. Every year in the UK, about 18 billion plastic

bags are supplied by supermarkets – that’s about 290 bags per

person. Then, when they have been used (for an average of 20

minutes each) they’re thrown away. Some of them end up

being buried underground in landfill sites, and that’s where

they do the damage. They remain there for hundreds of years,

poisoning the soil and polluting the environment. It’s

important to remember, too, that before they even reach the

shops, the plastic bags have already travelled thousands of

miles – many are produced in China or India and then shipped

to countries in Europe, including the UK.

The solution to this problem is obvious – stop producing so

many plastic bags, and stop giving them away, but shoppers in

the UK have been very slow to change their ways. However,

the success of the new Welsh law shows that it is possible to

change people’s shopping habits. According to researchers

from Cardiff University, part of the reason for the popularity

of the law is that the money it raises goes to charity, not the

government. Certainly, hundreds of thousands of pounds have

been raised since the law was introduced. The money has gone

to a variety of good causes, including local children’s charities

and wildlife conservation organisations too.

The new law has been popular in Wales because the

money raised

варіанти відповідей

helps the government.

goes to a number of good causes.

is used to teach children about conservation.

Запитання 5

In 2011 a new law, the first of its kind in the UK, was passed

in Wales. Shops were no longer allowed to give away free

plastic bags to their customers. Instead, they had to charge 5p

per bag. The money was collected and given to charity. The

results were amazing – within a year, the demand for

supermarket bags fell by about 96%. The extra charge was

enough to get Welsh shoppers to remember to take their own

bags whenever they went shopping.

The law was the result of a huge campaign, which was

supported by a national newspaper as well as various

politicians and also green campaigners. It has become

increasingly popular too. When it was introduced, it was

supported by about 59% of the Welsh population, but after

only six months the figure was 70%.

There is no doubt that plastic bags are bad news for the

environment. Every year in the UK, about 18 billion plastic

bags are supplied by supermarkets – that’s about 290 bags per

person. Then, when they have been used (for an average of 20

minutes each) they’re thrown away. Some of them end up

being buried underground in landfill sites, and that’s where

they do the damage. They remain there for hundreds of years,

poisoning the soil and polluting the environment. It’s

important to remember, too, that before they even reach the

shops, the plastic bags have already travelled thousands of

miles – many are produced in China or India and then shipped

to countries in Europe, including the UK.

The solution to this problem is obvious – stop producing so

many plastic bags, and stop giving them away, but shoppers in

the UK have been very slow to change their ways. However,

the success of the new Welsh law shows that it is possible to

change people’s shopping habits. According to researchers

from Cardiff University, part of the reason for the popularity

of the law is that the money it raises goes to charity, not the

government. Certainly, hundreds of thousands of pounds have

been raised since the law was introduced. The money has gone

to a variety of good causes, including local children’s charities

and wildlife conservation organisations too.

In this article the writer shows his

варіанти відповідей

support for the supermarkets.

sympathy for shoppers.

approval of the new law.

Запитання 6

In 2011 a new law, the first of its kind in the UK, was passed

in Wales. Shops were no longer allowed to give away free

plastic bags to their customers. Instead, they had to charge 5p

per bag. The money was collected and given to charity. The

results were amazing – within a year, the demand for

supermarket bags fell by about 96%. The extra charge was

enough to get Welsh shoppers to remember to take their own

bags whenever they went shopping.

The law was the result of a huge campaign, which was

supported by a national newspaper as well as various

politicians and also green campaigners. It has become

increasingly popular too. When it was introduced, it was

supported by about 59% of the Welsh population, but after

only six months the figure was 70%.

There is no doubt that plastic bags are bad news for the

environment. Every year in the UK, about 18 billion plastic

bags are supplied by supermarkets – that’s about 290 bags per

person. Then, when they have been used (for an average of 20

minutes each) they’re thrown away. Some of them end up

being buried underground in landfill sites, and that’s where

they do the damage. They remain there for hundreds of years,

poisoning the soil and polluting the environment. It’s

important to remember, too, that before they even reach the

shops, the plastic bags have already travelled thousands of

miles – many are produced in China or India and then shipped

to countries in Europe, including the UK.

The solution to this problem is obvious – stop producing so

many plastic bags, and stop giving them away, but shoppers in

the UK have been very slow to change their ways. However,

the success of the new Welsh law shows that it is possible to

change people’s shopping habits. According to researchers

from Cardiff University, part of the reason for the popularity

of the law is that the money it raises goes to charity, not the

government. Certainly, hundreds of thousands of pounds have

been raised since the law was introduced. The money has gone

to a variety of good causes, including local children’s charities

and wildlife conservation organisations too.

Shops in England don't use plastic bags.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Read the text and tick the correct boxes.

Although it may seem that subcultures are disappearing, there are new trends that come to life. Among them are cybergoths.

Cybergoths is a movement that unites fans of electronic goth music marked by dark lyrics and vocals. Cybergoth clothing looks like traditional goth outfit and includes vinyl black dresses, neon accessories, hair, and make-up. “Cyberlocks”, goggles, gas masks, fishnet stockings, coloured lenses, ultraviolet jewelry and radioactive symbols are other cybergoth trends.

варіанти відповідей

The text says that all subcultures have disappeared.

Cybergoths are fond of electronic music with dark lyrics and vocals.

Cybergoths are computer geeks.

Cybergoth outfit is similar to the clothes that traditional goths wear. 

Запитання 8

Although it may seem that subcultures are disappearing, there are new trends that come to life. Among them are cybergoths.

Cybergoths is a movement that unites fans of electronic goth music marked by dark lyrics and vocals. Cybergoth clothing looks like traditional goth outfit and includes vinyl black dresses, neon accessories, hair, and make-up. “Cyberlocks”, goggles, gas masks, fishnet stockings, coloured lenses, ultraviolet jewelry and radioactive symbols are other cybergoth trends.

Cybergoths are computer geeks.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

The internet: here to stay

Most people today cannot imagine their life without the Internet. I believe it is one of the most important innovations. Thanks to the worldwide web, our lives have become easier and more exciting.

First of all, the Internet helps us find information easily. For example, we can read the news and find answers to the questions 24 hours a day.

In addition, we can use the Internet for entertainment. We can send e-mails to friends and shop online. We can even listen to the latest music and watch live sporting events from other parts of the world.

However, some people argue that the Internet has a negative effect on society. Inter­net users become less sociable They stay at home most of the day instead of going out to shop, work and meet friends.

In my opinion, the Internet has more advantages than disadvantages. Our lives are better with it and I hope it is here to stay.

The biggest disadvantage of the Internet is   

варіанти відповідей

that you have to go somewhere to work 

that it can change our daily routines

that you can't live a normal life 

Запитання 10

The internet: here to stay

Most people today cannot imagine their life without the Internet. I believe it is one of the most important innovations. Thanks to the worldwide web, our lives have become easier and more exciting.

First of all, the Internet helps us find information easily. For example, we can read the news and find answers to the questions 24 hours a day.

In addition, we can use the Internet for entertainment. We can send e-mails to friends and shop online. We can even listen to the latest music and watch live sporting events from other parts of the world.

However, some people argue that the Internet has a negative effect on society. Inter­net users become less sociable They stay at home most of the day instead of going out to shop, work and meet friends.

In my opinion, the Internet has more advantages than disadvantages. Our lives are better with it and I hope it is here to stay.

We can use the Internet for fun, as we can____ 

варіанти відповідей

work on assignments         

send e-mails to friends       

read the news

Запитання 11

The internet: here to stay

Most people today cannot imagine their life without the Internet. I believe it is one of the most important innovations. Thanks to the worldwide web, our lives have become easier and more exciting.

First of all, the Internet helps us find information easily. For example, we can read the news and find answers to the questions 24 hours a day.

In addition, we can use the Internet for entertainment. We can send e-mails to friends and shop online. We can even listen to the latest music and watch live sporting events from other parts of the world.

However, some people argue that the Internet has a negative effect on society. Inter­net users become less sociable They stay at home most of the day instead of going out to shop, work and meet friends.

In my opinion, the Internet has more advantages than disadvantages. Our lives are better with it and I hope it is here to stay.

Thanks to the worldwide web, our lives have become     

варіанти відповідей

difficult and more stressful            

easier and more stressful

simpler and more interesting

Запитання 12

The internet: here to stay

Most people today cannot imagine their life without the Internet. I believe it is one of the most important innovations. Thanks to the worldwide web, our lives have become easier and more exciting.

First of all, the Internet helps us find information easily. For example, we can read the news and find answers to the questions 24 hours a day.

In addition, we can use the Internet for entertainment. We can send e-mails to friends and shop online. We can even listen to the latest music and watch live sporting events from other parts of the world.

However, some people argue that the Internet has a negative effect on society. Inter­net users become less sociable They stay at home most of the day instead of going out to shop, work and meet friends.

In my opinion, the Internet has more advantages than disadvantages. Our lives are better with it and I hope it is here to stay.

Most people nowadays   

варіанти відповідей

cannot live without the Internet        

live without the Internet

imagine their life without the Internet 

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