Reading Comprehension (5th form)

Додано: 4 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 1065 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start at eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I generally have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and I go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power plant - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eyebrows - брови

Choose true or false.

Bart is eleven years old.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

He goes to school on foot.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

He doesn't like Maths.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

Physical Education is boring.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

His pet's name is Santa.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

Bart likes reading newspapers.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

Bart has got heavy eyebrows.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

He has dinner at 9:30.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

Bart's mother is a housewife.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

He reads comics before going to bed.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose a correct answer.

How many sisters has Bart got?

варіанти відповідей

three sisters

only one sister

hasn't got any sisters

two sisters

Запитання 12

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

Where does Bart live?

варіанти відповідей

in a pretty village in the USA

in a beautiful town in the UK

in a nice city in the United States

in an awful city , called Springfield

Запитання 13

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

Does he get up late in the morning?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, he does.

No, he doesn't.

Yes, he do.

No,I don't.

Запитання 14

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

What does his mother do?

варіанти відповідей

She is an architect.

She works as a teacher.

She is a housewife.

She is a lawyer.

Запитання 15

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

How does he go to school?

варіанти відповідей

by bus

on foot

Homer drives Bart to school.

rides his skateboard.

Запитання 16

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

Where does he have lunch?

варіанти відповідей

at home

in an expensive restaurant

at the school canteen

in a cafe

Запитання 17

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

Why does he hate Maths?

варіанти відповідей

because it's a funny subject.

because it isn't interesting.

because he is a lazy boy.

because this subject is amazing.

Запитання 18

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

Who is Milhouse?

варіанти відповідей

his worst friend

his cousin

his best friend

his father

Запитання 19

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

What does he do after having dinner?

варіанти відповідей

plays videogames

reads a comic

brushes his teeth

brushes his hair

Запитання 20

Hi kids! My name is Bart Simpson and I’m ten years old. I live in a beautiful city called Springfield, in the USA. My mother’s name is Marge and she is a housewife. My father’s name is Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant. Also, I have got two sisters, Lisa and little Maggie.

Everyday I get up early in the morning. I get dressed and have delicious breakfast. Then I take the bus to school. Classes start and eight o’clock and finish at half past three, so I have lunch at the school canteen. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. We do some exercise and play sports. I hate Maths because I find it really boring.

When I arrive home, I have a quick nap. Then I do my homework and watch the cartoon “Itchy and Scratchy”. Later, I have supper and walk the dog. Its name is Santa. After that, I meet my friends. Milhouse is my best friend. He has got glasses and heavy eyebrows. We have fun together. We like playing videogames, riding our bikes, surfing the internet, reading comics and collecting strange bugs. I usually have dinner at half past nine. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed at ten o’clock because I am really sleepy at that time.

nuclear power station - атомна електростанція

have a nap - подрімати

eybrows - брови

bugs - жуки, комахи

Choose true or false.

Why does he go to bed at 10 o'clock?

варіанти відповідей

because he doesn't like watching TV.

because he isn't tired.

because he gets up very late.

because he feels sleepy at that time.

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