Reading Comprehension

Додано: 21 грудня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 156 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

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Diana is 9 years old.She lives in Ukraine.Diana goes to school.Her lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning.There are 22 pupils in her class.She has got 5 lessons a day.Diana likes Reading,Art and Music.She doesn’t like Maths and Nature Study.

She reads comics and play games with her friends during the breaks.Diana goes to the tennis club after the lessons.She is good at playing tennis.When she comes home, she does her homework.In the evening Diana watches her favourite cartoons on TV.

1 запитання: Diana isn’t from Ukraine.

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Запитання 2

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Diana is 9 years old.She lives in Ukraine.Diana goes to school.Her lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning.There are 22 pupils in her class.She has got 5 lessons a day.Diana likes Reading,Art and Music.She doesn’t like Maths and Nature Study.

She reads comics and play games with her friends during the breaks.Diana goes to the tennis club after the lessons.She is good at playing tennis.When she comes home, she does her homework.In the evening Diana watches her favourite cartoons on TV.

Запитання 2: There are 33 pupils in her class.

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Запитання 3

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Diana is 9 years old.She lives in Ukraine.Diana goes to school.Her lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning.There are 22 pupils in her class.She has got 5 lessons a day.Diana likes Reading,Art and Music.She doesn’t like Maths and Nature Study.

She reads comics and play games with her friends during the breaks.Diana goes to the tennis club after the lessons.She is good at playing tennis.When she comes home, she does her homework.In the evening Diana watches her favourite cartoons on TV.

Запитання 3: One of her favourite lessons is Art.

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Запитання 4

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Diana is 9 years old.She lives in Ukraine.Diana goes to school.Her lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning.There are 22 pupils in her class.She has got 5 lessons a day.Diana likes Reading,Art and Music.She doesn’t like Maths and Nature Study.

She reads comics and play games with her friends during the breaks.Diana goes to the tennis club after the lessons.She is good at playing tennis.When she comes home, she does her homework.In the evening Diana watches her favourite cartoons on TV.

Запитання 4: Diana is good at tennis.

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Запитання 5

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Diana is 9 years old.She lives in Ukraine.Diana goes to school.Her lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning.There are 22 pupils in her class.She has got 5 lessons a day.Diana likes Reading,Art and Music.She doesn’t like Maths and Nature Study.

She reads comics and play games with her friends during the breaks.Diana goes to the tennis club after the lessons.She is good at playing tennis.When she comes home, she does her homework.In the evening Diana watches her favourite cartoons on TV.

Запитання 4: Diana can’t play chess.

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Запитання 6

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Diana is 9 years old.She lives in Ukraine.Diana goes to school.Her lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning.There are 22 pupils in her class.She has got 5 lessons a day.Diana likes Reading,Art and Music.She doesn’t like Maths and Nature Study.

She reads comics and play games with her friends during the breaks.Diana goes to the tennis club after the lessons.She is good at playing tennis.When she comes home, she does her homework.In the evening Diana watches her favourite cartoons on TV.

Запитання 5: She goes to the tennis club before the lessons.

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Запитання 7

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Diana is 9 years old.She lives in Ukraine.Diana goes to school.Her lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning.There are 22 pupils in her class.She has got 5 lessons a day.Diana likes Reading,Art and Music.She doesn’t like Maths and Nature Study.

She reads comics and play games with her friends during the breaks.Diana goes to the tennis club after the lessons.She is good at playing tennis.When she comes home, she does her homework.In the evening Diana watches her favourite cartoons on TV.

Запитання 7: In the evening she plays computer games.

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Запитання 8

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Diana is 9 years old.She lives in Ukraine.Diana goes to school.Her lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning.There are 22 pupils in her class.She has got 5 lessons a day.Diana likes Reading,Art and Music.She doesn’t like Maths and Nature Study.

She reads comics and play games with her friends during the breaks.Diana goes to the tennis club after the lessons.She is good at playing tennis.When she comes home, she does her homework.In the evening Diana watches her favourite cartoons on TV.

Запитання 8: She she does her homework after school.

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Запитання 9

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Diana is 9 years old.She lives in Ukraine.Diana goes to school.Her lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning.There are 22 pupils in her class.She has got 5 lessons a day.Diana likes Reading,Art and Music.She doesn’t like Maths and Nature Study.

She reads comics and play games with her friends during the breaks.Diana goes to the tennis club after the lessons.She is good at playing tennis.When she comes home, she does her homework.In the evening Diana watches her favourite cartoons on TV.

Запитання 9: In the evening she watches cartoons.

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Запитання 10

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Diana is 9 years old.She lives in Ukraine.Diana goes to school.Her lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning.There are 22 pupils in her class.She has got 5 lessons a day.Diana likes Reading,Art and Music.She doesn’t like Maths and Nature Study.

She reads comics and play games with her friends during the breaks.Diana goes to the tennis club after the lessons.She is good at playing tennis.When she comes home, she does her homework.In the evening Diana watches her favourite cartoons on TV.

Запитання 10: When she comes home she helps her mum.

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Запитання 11

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Diana is 9 years old.She lives in Ukraine.Diana goes to school.Her lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning.There are 22 pupils in her class.She has got 5 lessons a day.Diana likes Reading,Art and Music.She doesn’t like Maths and Nature Study.

She reads comics and play games with her friends during the breaks.Diana goes to the tennis club after the lessons.She is good at playing tennis.When she comes home, she does her homework.In the evening Diana watches her favourite cartoons on TV.

Запитання 11: Diana has got 6 lessons a day.

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