Reading Comprehension 8 form II 2023

Додано: 18 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 56 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

What type of game were the children playing in the boarding school?

варіанти відповідей

Murder mystery game

Crime investigation game

Theatre performance

Detective training game

Запитання 2

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

How did the teacher pretend to be "dead" during the game?

варіанти відповідей

Fell onto their plate while making strange noises

Acted out a dramatic death scene

Used props to create the illusion of being dead

Lied down next to their ice cream

Запитання 3

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

What did the students have to do during the murder mystery game?

варіанти відповідей

Play the roles of suspects

Act as witnesses

Solve the murder mystery

Perform a play in the theatre

Запитання 4

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

What did the teacher do after their experience at the boarding school?

варіанти відповідей

Became a police investigator

Taught English in different schools

Joined a theatre group

Started their own murder mystery company

Запитання 5

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

Where does the teacher now organize murder mystery parties?

варіанти відповідей

Schools and universities

Restaurants or historic buildings

Public parks and gardens

Private homes of participants

Запитання 6

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

What is the teacher's role in organizing murder mystery parties?

варіанти відповідей

Setting up crime scenes for investigation

Cooking meals for the participants

Performing as the lead detective character

Writing scripts and hiring actors

Запитання 7

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

When does the murder usually take place during the dinner?

варіанти відповідей

Right at the beginning of the dinner

Between the starter and the main course

After the main course and before dessert

During dessert time

Запитання 8

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

What happens when the police arrive at the murder mystery parties?

варіанти відповідей

They announce the solution to the murder

They perform a scripted arrest of the murderer

They take fingerprints and interview suspects

They participate in solving the mystery

Запитання 9

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

What is the prize awarded for at the end of the murder mystery parties?

варіанти відповідей

Best acting performance by a participant

Solving all the clues correctly

Guessing the identity of the murderer

Most creative costume worn

Запитання 10

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

What is the teacher's company called?

варіанти відповідей

Detective Adventures Unlimited

Murder Mystery Occasions

Crime-solving Parties R Us

The Mystery Dinner Experience

Запитання 11

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

Why are castles particularly popular for the murder mystery parties?

варіанти відповідей

They provide an atmospheric setting

They have secret passageways for clues

They are easy to decorate as crime scenes

They offer the best catering services

Запитання 12

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.

This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!

Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!

Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!

What aspect of the murder mystery parties do people enjoy the most?

варіанти відповідей

Trying to guess the identity of the murderer

Interacting with actors playing key characters

The arrival of the police for investigation

The drama and excitement of the murder itself

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