Reading Comprehension. "A lucky escape."

Read the article for one time and choose the correct title for each paragraph.

Додано: 26 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 57 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the paragraph and choose a correct title for it.

1. An elderly couple from Dudley, near Birmingham in Central England, had a shock last night after they had gone to bed. Seventy-five-year-old Howard Hamilton and his wife were just falling asleep when they heard a big bang in their front garden. They both jumped straight out of bed to look out of the window and see what had happened. What they saw was a badly damaged car lying in their front garden. Next to the car, there was a young couple hugging each other. Once Mr Hamilton realized that nobody had been hurt, he decided to go and find out what had caused the accident.

варіанти відповідей

a lot of blood

an infamous corner

a useful device

no dramatic ending

unexpected guests

exact details

Запитання 2

Read the paragraph and choose a correct title for it.

2. Instead of going downstairs to talk to the couple in his garden, Mr. Hamilton went to look at the pictures on his CCTV cameras. He had installed the cameras some years previously to deter people from stealing the potted plants outside his front door. The Hamiltons live on the corner of a road that leads to the high street, and passers-by can easily step over the low wall that surrounds his garden. When he played back the pictures of the accident, he could not believe his eyes.

варіанти відповідей

exact details

a useful device

no dramatic ending

an infamous corner

unexpected guests

a lot of blood

Запитання 3

Read the paragraph and choose a correct title for it.

3. On the recording, he saw that the girlfriend had been driving the car, which was a silver Peugeot 406. He watched her turn the corner and lose control of the car. The car crashed right through the wall of his garden and came to a stop in the middle of the lawn. But the most dramatic thing is what had happened to her boyfriend. Before the crash, the sunroof of the car had been open. When the car hit the wall, Mr. Hamilton saw the boyfriend fly out of the sunroof and land heavily on the lawn. Miraculously, he was not hurt. Instead, he got up and went to find his girlfriend. She didn′t seem to be badly injured either — she appeared to be wearing her seatbelt when the accident happened.

варіанти відповідей

no dramatic ending

a lot of blood

unexpected guests

a useful device

exact details

an infamous corner

Запитання 4

Read the paragraph and choose a correct title for it.

4. After he had seen the pictures of the crash, Mr. Hamilton called the emergency services. The police came immediately and an ambulance arrived on the scene soon after. A spokesperson from the ambulance association said that the couple both had minor injuries, but only one of them had been taken to the hospital. A neighbour said that she had seen the young couple having an argument in the car when the accident happened.

варіанти відповідей

a lot of blood

unexpected guests

an infamous corner

a useful device

exact details

no dramatic ending

Запитання 5

Read the paragraph and choose the correct title for it.

5. Apparently, this is the fourth time that a car has driven through the wall of Mr. Hamilton′s garden. This is because drivers often go round the corner too fast, and lose control of their vehicles. Mr. Hamilton′s sister Joyce, who lives next door, said that it had been lucky that nobody had been walking along the pavement. She said that she didn′t know what would have happened if there had been anybody there. Regarding the number of accidents that have happened on the corner, she said, "We′re getting used to it."

варіанти відповідей

exact details

an infamous corner

a useful device

a lot of blood

no dramatic ending

unexpected guests

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