Reading Comprehension Full Blast 5

Додано: 16 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 357 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read about Nancy and choose True/False. Прочитай текст про Ненсі та обери True/False.

Hi! I’m Nancy. I'm English and I’m thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She’s Spanish. She’s from Barcelona. She’s very good at science but she isn’t very good at history. I’m good at history but I’m not very good at science. 

Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she’s Spanish too. Geography isn’t my favourite subject but she’s my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. That’s right. I speak Spanish too.

1. Nancy and Rosa are friends. 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

Read about Nancy and choose True/False. Прочитай текст про Ненсі та обери True/False.

Hi! I’m Nancy. I'm English and I’m thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She’s Spanish. She’s from Barcelona. She’s very good at science but she isn’t very good at history. I’m good at history but I’m not very good at science.

Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she’s Spanish too. Geography isn’t my favourite subject but she’s my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. That’s right. I speak Spanish too.

2. Rosa’s very good at history.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Read about Nancy and choose True/FalseПрочитай текст про Ненсі та обери True/False.

Hi! I’m Nancy. I'm English and I’m thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She’s Spanish. She’s from Barcelona. She’s very good at science but she isn’t very good at history. I’m good at history but I’m not very good at science.

Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she’s Spanish too. Geography isn’t my favourite subject but she’s my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. That’s right. I speak Spanish too.

3. Rosa and Mrs Diego are Spanish.   

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Read about Nancy and choose True/FalseПрочитай текст про Ненсі та обери True/False.

Hi! I’m Nancy. I'm English and I’m thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She’s Spanish. She’s from Barcelona. She’s very good at science but she isn’t very good at history. I’m good at history but I’m not very good at science.

Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she’s Spanish too. Geography isn’t my favourite subject but she’s my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. That’s right. I speak Spanish too.

4. Geography isn't Nancy's favourite subject..   

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Read about Kevin and choose True/FalseПрочитай текст про Кевіна та обери True/False.

Kevin Baxter is the chef at Messy Jim's Restaurant. Kevin is crazy about music. He listens to music in his free time and he also plays the guitar.

Every Thursday it's Rock Night at the restaurant and his friends go there for dinner. They listen to rock music and Kevin sometimes plays the guitar. It's their favourite kind of music.

At the weekend Kevin usually has lunch in the park near his house. He sometimes takes his guitar to the park and plays. People stop and listen to his beautiful music!

1. Kevin's friends go to Messy Jim's every Thursday

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Read about Kevin and choose True/FalseПрочитай текст про Кевіна та обери True/False.

Kevin Baxter is the chef at Messy Jim's Restaurant. Kevin is crazy about music. He listens to music in his free time and he also plays the guitar.

Every Thursday it's Rock Night at the restaurant and his friends go there for dinner. They listen to rock music and Kevin sometimes plays the guitar. It's their favourite kind of music.

At the weekend Kevin usually has lunch in the park near his house. He sometimes takes his guitar to the park and plays. People stop and listen to his beautiful music!

2. Kevin sometimes plays his guitar at the restaurant and in the park

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Read about Kevin and choose True/FalseПрочитай текст про Кевіна та обери True/False.

Kevin Baxter is the chef at Messy Jim's Restaurant. Kevin is crazy about music. He listens to music in his free time and he also plays the guitar.

Every Thursday it's Rock Night at the restaurant and his friends go there for dinner. They listen to rock music and Kevin sometimes plays the guitar. It's their favourite kind of music.

At the weekend Kevin usually has lunch in the park near his house. He sometimes takes his guitar to the park and plays. People stop and listen to his beautiful music!

3. Kevin has lunch at home at the weekend

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Read about Kevin and choose True/FalseПрочитай текст про Кевіна та обери True/False.

Kevin Baxter is the chef at Messy Jim's Restaurant. Kevin is crazy about music. He listens to music in his free time and he also plays the guitar.

Every Thursday it's Rock Night at the restaurant and his friends go there for dinner. They listen to rock music and Kevin sometimes plays the guitar. It's their favourite kind of music.

At the weekend Kevin usually has lunch in the park near his house. He sometimes takes his guitar to the park and plays. People stop and listen to his beautiful music!

4. People like Kevin’s music

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Read about Tony and choose the correct answerПрочитай текст про Тоні та обери правильну відповідь.

My name’s Tony and I’ve got two brothers, Mark and Peter. Our favourite day of the week is Saturday. We all get up at about eleven o’clock and have breakfast. Then Mark and Peter play computer games and I watch TV. At about one o’clock, we go to the park near our house. We always take our dog, Butch, with us. He loves the park. Peter and I ride our bikes there and Mark plays with Butch. After that, we all go home and have lunch. In the evening I often play football in the street with my friends. My brothers sometimes play with us. I like football but Mark and Peter love basketball.

1. Who are Mark and Peter?

варіанти відповідей

Tony's friends

Tony's cousins

Tony's brothers

Tony's classmates

Запитання 10

Read about Tony and choose the correct answerПрочитай текст про Тоні та обери правильну відповідь.

My name’s Tony and I’ve got two brothers, Mark and Peter. Our favourite day of the week is Saturday. We all get up at about eleven o’clock and have breakfast. Then Mark and Peter play computer games and I watch TV. At about one o’clock, we go to the park near our house. We always take our dog, Butch, with us. He loves the park. Peter and I ride our bikes there and Mark plays with Butch. After that, we all go home and have lunch. In the evening I often play football in the street with my friends. My brothers sometimes play with us. I like football but Mark and Peter love basketball.

2. The three boys go to the ____________ .

варіанти відповідей


Internet cafe



Запитання 11

Read about Tony and choose the correct answerПрочитай текст про Тоні та обери правильну відповідь.

My name’s Tony and I’ve got two brothers, Mark and Peter. Our favourite day of the week is Saturday. We all get up at about eleven o’clock and have breakfast. Then Mark and Peter play computer games and I watch TV. At about one o’clock, we go to the park near our house. We always take our dog, Butch, with us. He loves the park. Peter and I ride our bikes there and Mark plays with Butch. After that, we all go home and have lunch. In the evening I often play football in the street with my friends. My brothers sometimes play with us. I like football but Mark and Peter love basketball.

3. Tony and Peter ____________ in the park .

варіанти відповідей

ride the bikes

play computer games

play games

play with Butch

Запитання 12

Read about Tony and choose the correct answerПрочитай текст про Тоні та обери правильну відповідь.

My name’s Tony and I’ve got two brothers, Mark and Peter. Our favourite day of the week is Saturday. We all get up at about eleven o’clock and have breakfast. Then Mark and Peter play computer games and I watch TV. At about one o’clock, we go to the park near our house. We always take our dog, Butch, with us. He loves the park. Peter and I ride our bikes there and Mark plays with Butch. After that, we all go home and have lunch. In the evening I often play football in the street with my friends. My brothers sometimes play with us. I like football but Mark and Peter love basketball.

4. Tony’s favourite sport is                                  .

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