Reading comprehension (II, Form 5) Full Blast 5

Додано: 24 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and decide if this sentence is true or false.

Hi, I'm Rosemary Collins and I am a nurse. I'm from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people.Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer then anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On the 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it's my birthday. I am really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

1 Rosemary is French.

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Запитання 2

Read the text and decide if this sentence is true or false.

Hi, I'm Rosemary Collins and I am a nurse. I'm from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people.Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer then anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On the 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it's my birthday. I am really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

 2 Rosemary enjoys being a nurse.

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Запитання 3

Read the text and decide if this sentence is true or false.

Hi, I'm Rosemary Collins and I am a nurse. I'm from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people.Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer then anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On the 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it's my birthday. I am really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

 3 Rosemary liked living in London more.

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Запитання 4

Read the text and decide if this sentence is true or false.

Hi, I'm Rosemary Collins and I am a nurse. I'm from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people.Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer then anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On the 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it's my birthday. I am really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

4  Rosemary's parents are going to visit the hospital.

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Запитання 5

Read the text and decide if this sentence is true or false.

Hi, I'm Rosemary Collins and I am a nurse. I'm from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people.Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer then anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On the 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it's my birthday. I am really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

5 Her parents are coming to celebrate Rosemary's birthday.

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Запитання 6

Read the text and a question, choose the correct answer.

Hi, I'm Rosemary Collins and I am a nurse. I'm from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people.Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer then anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On the 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it's my birthday. I am really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

Where is Rosemary from?

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Запитання 7

Read the text and a question, choose the correct answer.

Hi, I'm Rosemary Collins and I am a nurse. I'm from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people.Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer then anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On the 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it's my birthday. I am really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

What does Rosemary do for a living?

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Helps people


Запитання 8

Read the text and a question, choose the correct answer.

Hi, I'm Rosemary Collins and I am a nurse. I'm from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people.Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer then anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On the 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it's my birthday. I am really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

What does Rosemary say about her neighbourhood?

варіанти відповідей

It's smaller than anywhere in London

It's bigger than anywhere in Paris

It's nicer than anywhere in London

It's busier than anywhere in Paris

Запитання 9

Read the text and a question, choose the correct answer.

Hi, I'm Rosemary Collins and I am a nurse. I'm from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people.Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer then anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On the 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it's my birthday. I am really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

When are Rosemary's parents coming to visit her?

варіанти відповідей

On the 1st of July

On the 29th of June

On her birthday

On the 28th of June

Запитання 10

Read the text and a question, choose the correct answer.

Hi, I'm Rosemary Collins and I am a nurse. I'm from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people.Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer then anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On the 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it's my birthday. I am really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

What will Rosemary and her parents do together?

варіанти відповідей

Go shopping

Visit the Eiffel Tower

Go to a café

Eat at a popular restaurant

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