Reading Comprehension (Prepare NUS) Out and about London

Додано: 3 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 82 рази
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

1. London has a great number of unimportant buildings.

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Запитання 2

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

2. Tower Bridge is the same as other bridges.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

3. Where is  the Tower Bridge located?

варіанти відповідей

on the river Thames

near the Madame Tussaud's wax museum

behind the St. Paul’s Cathedral

Запитання 4

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

4.   Which special event occurred in the St. Paul’s Cathedral?

варіанти відповідей

the Royal scandal

the Royal wedding

the Royal battle

Запитання 5

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

5. Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family.

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Запитання 6

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

6. One of the most unknown galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the worst collections of European painting in the world.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben is a tower clock known for its accuranty and for its massive hour bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

7. Big Ben is a tower clock known for .... .

варіанти відповідей

its wrinkles

its festival

its accuranty

its massive hour bell

Запитання 8

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

8. The Tower of London was .... .

варіанти відповідей

a prison

a museum

a cinema

Запитання 9

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

9.  Where can you relax?

варіанти відповідей

at Hyde Park

at the Madame Tussaud's wax museum

in the Tube

at the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street

Запитання 10

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

10. You can see the ...... while travelling by train.

варіанти відповідей

important buildings


Royal wedding


Запитання 11

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

11. The Eurostar train travels through a ........

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 12

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

12. Long - distance buses are called ..... .

варіанти відповідей


double-decker buses

black cabs

Запитання 13

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

13. The London Underground is also called the.... .

варіанти відповідей



double- decker buses

Запитання 14

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. They are modern and fast. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

14. What can you see when you travel by bus?

варіанти відповідей

city sights

city lakes

Запитання 15

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

15. Britain's trains are ______ and ______.

варіанти відповідей

old; slow

modern; slow

modern; fast

Запитання 16

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

16. How many underground stations are there?

варіанти відповідей

There are nearly 300 underground stations.

There are nearly 200 underground stations.

There are nearly 3000 underground stations.

Запитання 17

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

17. Where is the oldest underground?

варіанти відповідей

It is in London.

It is in Milan.

It is in Paris.

Запитання 18

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

18. Black cab drivers have to pass difficult ...... .

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 19

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

19. When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a ..... .

варіанти відповідей

double decker bus

black cab



Запитання 20

Out and about London

London has a great number of important buildings, including world-famous museums, theatres, concert halls, airports, railway stations and palaces. There are places that you must see when you are in the city, such as the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower Bridge on the river Thames is drawbridge. It means that it can be opened. Near the Tower Bridge, you can see The Tower of London. It was a prison, palace of execution and now it’s a showcase for the Crown Jewels. Another interesting place is the St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in the center of the city. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the place of many important events, for example, the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. But you can’t forget about Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. One of the most well known galleries is the National Gallery, which has one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world.

Big Ben, tower clock, famous for its accuranty and for its massive bell.

If you are tired, go and relax at Hyde Park. Visit the Madame Tussaud's wax museum or the room of Sherlock Holmes at 21 Baker Street. 

People in the city need to use different types of mean of transport to move around.

When you are in London and you want to travel in style, you can always find a black cab. Black cab drivers have to pass a difficult exam to show that they remember the quickest way around the streets of London.

Going by train is a good way of seeing the countryside and it is quite relaxing. They are modern and fast. The Eurostar train travels through a tunnel under the English Channel.

The London Underground or Tube as people usually call it, is the oldest underground train system in the world. There are 300 stations there. It is the quickest way of getting around the city.

Buses are also a good way to see the city sights. In London you can travel on one of the famous double - decker buses. You can also travel long distances on buses for instance from one city to another. In England, long - distance buses are called coaches.

20. Drawbridge means that ..... .

варіанти відповідей

it can be opened

it can't be opened

it can't be raised

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