Reading Comprehension Term 1 Form 6

Додано: 10 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading Comprehension Term 1 Form 6
Тест виконано: 627 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text "Bigger! Stronger! Faster!" Do the tasks.

   Last Saturday afternoon Henry Brown and his father went to a football match. The Browns and many other people of their town think that theirs is the best team of England.

   There were fifteen thousand people at the stadium. They came from many places because it was the most important match of the year.

   At three o’clock everybody saw the two teams in the field. The home team were in blue and white shirts, and the visitors team were in red and white shirts.

   The referee began the match. For the first twenty minutes the home team was stronger and the ball was always on the visitors’ side of the field. Then a player from the visitors’ team scored the first goal. Soon after this the referee stopped the game because it was half-time.

   In the second half of the match the home team was again the better players. They attacked all the time, and after ten minutes they scored their first goal. They scored again after a quarter of an hour; then, before the game ended, they scored the third goal and so won the match.


A referee – суддя

Task 1. True or False? (6 points)

1. 1. Last Sunday afternoon Henry Brown and his father went to a football match.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

"Bigger! Stronger! Faster!" Do the tasks.

   Last Saturday afternoon Henry Brown and his father went to a football match. The Browns and many other people of their town think that theirs is the best team of England.

   There were fifteen thousand people at the stadium. They came from many places because it was the most important match of the year.

   At three o’clock everybody saw the two teams in the field. The home team were in blue and white shirts, and the visitors team were in red and white shirts.

   The referee began the match. For the first twenty minutes the home team was stronger and the ball was always on the visitors’ side of the field. Then a player from the visitors’ team scored the first goal. Soon after this the referee stopped the game because it was half-time.

   In the second half of the match the home team was again the better players. They attacked all the time, and after ten minutes they scored their first goal. They scored again after a quarter of an hour; then, before the game ended, they scored the third goal and so won the match.


A referee – суддя

True or False?

1.2.  There were fifteen hundred people at the stadium.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

"Bigger! Stronger! Faster!" Do the tasks.

   Last Saturday afternoon Henry Brown and his father went to a football match. The Browns and many other people of their town think that theirs is the best team of England.

   There were fifteen thousand people at the stadium. They came from many places because it was the most important match of the year.

   At three o’clock everybody saw the two teams in the field. The home team were in blue and white shirts, and the visitors team were in red and white shirts.

   The referee began the match. For the first twenty minutes the home team was stronger and the ball was always on the visitors’ side of the field. Then a player from the visitors’ team scored the first goal. Soon after this the referee stopped the game because it was half-time.

   In the second half of the match the home team was again the better players. They attacked all the time, and after ten minutes they scored their first goal. They scored again after a quarter of an hour; then, before the game ended, they scored the third goal and so won the match.


A referee – суддя

True or False?

1.3. At three o’clock everybody saw the two teams in the field.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

"Bigger! Stronger! Faster!" Do the tasks.

   Last Saturday afternoon Henry Brown and his father went to a football match. The Browns and many other people of their town think that theirs is the best team of England.

   There were fifteen thousand people at the stadium. They came from many places because it was the most important match of the year.

   At three o’clock everybody saw the two teams in the field. The home team were in blue and white shirts, and the visitors team were in red and white shirts.

   The referee began the match. For the first twenty minutes the home team was stronger and the ball was always on the visitors’ side of the field. Then a player from the visitors’ team scored the first goal. Soon after this the referee stopped the game because it was half-time.

   In the second half of the match the home team was again the better players. They attacked all the time, and after ten minutes they scored their first goal. They scored again after a quarter of an hour; then, before the game ended, they scored the third goal and so won the match.


A referee – суддя

  True or False?

1.4.  The home team were in blue and white shirts.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

"Bigger! Stronger! Faster!" Do the tasks.

   Last Saturday afternoon Henry Brown and his father went to a football match. The Browns and many other people of their town think that theirs is the best team of England.

   There were fifteen thousand people at the stadium. They came from many places because it was the most important match of the year.

   At three o’clock everybody saw the two teams in the field. The home team were in blue and white shirts, and the visitors team were in red and white shirts.

   The referee began the match. For the first twenty minutes the home team was stronger and the ball was always on the visitors’ side of the field. Then a player from the visitors’ team scored the first goal. Soon after this the referee stopped the game because it was half-time.

   In the second half of the match the home team was again the better players. They attacked all the time, and after ten minutes they scored their first goal. They scored again after a quarter of an hour; then, before the game ended, they scored the third goal and so won the match.


A referee – суддя

True or False?

1. 5. For the first twenty minutes the home team was stronger.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

"Bigger! Stronger! Faster!" Do the tasks.

   Last Saturday afternoon Henry Brown and his father went to a football match. The Browns and many other people of their town think that theirs is the best team of England.

   There were fifteen thousand people at the stadium. They came from many places because it was the most important match of the year.

   At three o’clock everybody saw the two teams in the field. The home team were in blue and white shirts, and the visitors team were in red and white shirts.

   The referee began the match. For the first twenty minutes the home team was stronger and the ball was always on the visitors’ side of the field. Then a player from the visitors’ team scored the first goal. Soon after this the referee stopped the game because it was half-time.

   In the second half of the match the home team was again the better players. They attacked all the time, and after ten minutes they scored their first goal. They scored again after a quarter of an hour; then, before the game ended, they scored the third goal and so won the match.


A referee – суддя

True or False?

1. 6.  In the second half of the match the home team scored one goal.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Task 2. Choose the right variant.

2. 1.   Last … afternoon Henry Brown and his father went to a football match.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

Task 2. Choose the right variant. 

2.1. It was the most important match of the ... .

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

Task 2. Choose the right variant. 

2. 3. The ... began the match.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

Task 2. Choose the right variant. 

2.4. A player from the visitors’ team scored the first ... .

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Запитання 11

Task 2. Choose the right variant.

2.5. The home team scored their first goal after … .

варіанти відповідей

an hour     

 half an hour

a quarter of an hour

ten minutes

Запитання 12

Task 2. Choose the right variant.

2.6. ... won the match.

варіанти відповідей

The home team

The visitors’ team

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