Reading Comprehension TEST

Додано: 25 квітня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


1. Cara is English

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Запитання 2

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


2. She's got a big family.

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Запитання 3

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


3. Robby is her brother.

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Запитання 4

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


4. She's got two pets.

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Запитання 5

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


5. She learns English and French at school.

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Запитання 6

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


6. She doesn't usually go out with her friends in the evening.

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Запитання 7

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


7. She can cook.

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Запитання 8

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


8. She studies English on Fridays and Mondays.

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Запитання 9

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


9. Cara can't cook Italian food.

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Запитання 10

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


10. Cara's house is always quiet.

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Запитання 11

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


11. Cara's favourite food is spaghetti and fish.

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Запитання 12

Read Cara's email to a new friend and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hi, Karen!

I want to tell you that I'm very happy to write to you. I can practise my English! And I get a new friend in a different country.

OK, about me. In my family there's me, my mum and my dad. My best friend, Robby, has got four brothers and two sisters. It's always busy in his house! My house is very quiet. I've got a dog and a cat. I want a pony but my mun says no!

At school I have a favourite teacher. Her name is Miss Jones and she teaches English. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays. I also learn French, but I learn that on Friday evening at a French club. I usually stay at home in the evening and I often chat with my friends online. I like reading and cooking. My favourite meal is spaghetti and cheese. I hope you can come and stay with me next year. I can cook some lovely Italian food for you.

Write soon. Have you got a big family? What are your hobbies? It's good to have an English friend!

Bye for now,


12. Cara likes cooking.

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