Reading Comprehension Test (7 Form)

Додано: 14 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 1018 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Carrying An Umbrella

  The umbrella was brought to England from the East in the eighteenth century. It was used in the East as a protection against the sun. In England it was used more as a protection against the rain. The English people liked the umbrella very much. Later they put up a monument to the first man who appeared in the streets of London with an umbrella.

    Of course, you can go out without an umbrella in rainy weather if you put on a raincoat, but our story today is about an umbrella. Here it is.

     One day a man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy carrying an umbrella. “Little boy,” said the man, “why do you carry that umbrella over your head? It is not raining and the sun isn’t shining.” “When it rains,” answered the boy, “dad wants it. I can use it only when the weather is good.”

1. The umbrella was bought in England in the eighteenth century.

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Запитання 2

Carrying An Umbrella

  The umbrella was brought to England from the East in the eighteenth century. It was used in the East as a protection against the sun. In England it was used more as a protection against the rain. The English people liked the umbrella very much. Later they put up a monument to the first man who appeared in the streets of London with an umbrella.

    Of course, you can go out without an umbrella in rainy weather if you put on a raincoat, but our story today is about an umbrella. Here it is.

     One day a man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy carrying an umbrella. “Little boy,” said the man, “why do you carry that umbrella over your head? It is not raining and the sun isn’t shining.” “When it rains,” answered the boy, “dad wants it. I can use it only when the weather is good.”

2. The umbrella was used in England as a protection from the sun.

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Запитання 3

Carrying An Umbrella

  The umbrella was brought to England from the East in the eighteenth century. It was used in the East as a protection against the sun. In England it was used more as a protection against the rain. The English people liked the umbrella very much. Later they put up a monument to the first man who appeared in the streets of London with an umbrella.

    Of course, you can go out without an umbrella in rainy weather if you put on a raincoat, but our story today is about an umbrella. Here it is.

     One day a man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy carrying an umbrella. “Little boy,” said the man, “why do you carry that umbrella over your head? It is not raining and the sun isn’t shining.” “When it rains,” answered the boy, “dad wants it. I can use it only when the weather is good.”

3. The English people were fond of the umbrella.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Carrying An Umbrella

  The umbrella was brought to England from the East in the eighteenth century. It was used in the East as a protection against the sun. In England it was used more as a protection against the rain. The English people liked the umbrella very much. Later they put up a monument to the first man who appeared in the streets of London with an umbrella.

    Of course, you can go out without an umbrella in rainy weather if you put on a raincoat, but our story today is about an umbrella. Here it is.

     One day a man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy carrying an umbrella. “Little boy,” said the man, “why do you carry that umbrella over your head? It is not raining and the sun isn’t shining.” “When it rains,” answered the boy, “dad wants it. I can use it only when the weather is good.”

4. You can not go out without an umbrella in rainy weather in any case.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Carrying An Umbrella

  The umbrella was brought to England from the East in the eighteenth century. It was used in the East as a protection against the sun. In England it was used more as a protection against the rain. The English people liked the umbrella very much. Later they put up a monument to the first man who appeared in the streets of London with an umbrella.

    Of course, you can go out without an umbrella in rainy weather if you put on a raincoat, but our story today is about an umbrella. Here it is.

     One day a man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy carrying an umbrella. “Little boy,” said the man, “why do you carry that umbrella over your head? It is not raining and the sun isn’t shining.” “When it rains,” answered the boy, “dad wants it. I can use it only when the weather is good.”

5. It wasn’t wet when a little boy was carrying an umbrella.

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Запитання 6

Carrying An Umbrella

  The umbrella was brought to England from the East in the eighteenth century. It was used in the East as a protection against the sun. In England it was used more as a protection against the rain. The English people liked the umbrella very much. Later they put up a monument to the first man who appeared in the streets of London with an umbrella.

    Of course, you can go out without an umbrella in rainy weather if you put on a raincoat, but our story today is about an umbrella. Here it is.

     One day a man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy carrying an umbrella. “Little boy,” said the man, “why do you carry that umbrella over your head? It is not raining and the sun isn’t shining.” “When it rains,” answered the boy, “dad wants it. I can use it only when the weather is good.”

6. The boy’s brother takes the umbrella if it is rainy.

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Запитання 7

The Story About The Christmas Tree

Long, long ago, on one Christmas Eve, spiders were banished from homes while people cleaned the houses and broke their webs. They had to move to the farthest corner of the attic. Young spiders wanted to see the decorated Christmas trees and the little Christ child. The elders tried to tell the younger spiders that they were not allowed inside the rooms but the young spiders were quite curious.

When the house was dark and silent and everybody was asleep, the spiders crept out of their hiding place and slowly reached the Christmas tree. They spent all night in the tree, examining its beautiful ornaments. They left pretty and delicate spider webs all over the tree.

In the early hours of the morning, the little Christ child came to bless the house. He was surprised to find little spiders and their webs on the tree. The Christ child gently touched the spider webs and made them sparkling and shining in silver and golden colours.

The Christmas tree looked even more beautiful than before.

7. When were spiders driven out of people’s homes?

варіанти відповідей

at Christmas time          

on Christmas Eve

at the weekend                 

   on the 24th of December

Запитання 8

The Story About The Christmas Tree

Long, long ago, on one Christmas Eve, spiders were banished from homes while people cleaned the houses and broke their webs. They had to move to the farthest corner of the attic. Young spiders wanted to see the decorated Christmas trees and the little Christ child. The elders tried to tell the younger spiders that they were not allowed inside the rooms but the young spiders were quite curious.

When the house was dark and silent and everybody was asleep, the spiders crept out of their hiding place and slowly reached the Christmas tree. They spent all night in the tree, examining its beautiful ornaments. They left pretty and delicate spider webs all over the tree.

In the early hours of the morning, the little Christ child came to bless the house. He was surprised to find little spiders and their webs on the tree. The Christ child gently touched the spider webs and made them sparkling and shining in silver and golden colours.

The Christmas tree looked even more beautiful than before.

8. Where did the spiders live?

варіанти відповідей

in the bathroom          

in the farthest corner of the attic

in the kitchen         

under the floor

Запитання 9

The Story About The Christmas Tree

Long, long ago, on one Christmas Eve, spiders were banished from homes while people cleaned the houses and broke their webs. They had to move to the farthest corner of the attic. Young spiders wanted to see the decorated Christmas trees and the little Christ child. The elders tried to tell the younger spiders that they were not allowed inside the rooms but the young spiders were quite curious.

When the house was dark and silent and everybody was asleep, the spiders crept out of their hiding place and slowly reached the Christmas tree. They spent all night in the tree, examining its beautiful ornaments. They left pretty and delicate spider webs all over the tree.

In the early hours of the morning, the little Christ child came to bless the house. He was surprised to find little spiders and their webs on the tree. The Christ child gently touched the spider webs and made them sparkling and shining in silver and golden colours.

The Christmas tree looked even more beautiful than before.

9. Who wanted to see the decorated Christmas trees and the little Christ child?

варіанти відповідей

the huge spiders         

 the young spider

the oldest spiders          

 the cleverest spiders

Запитання 10

The Story About The Christmas Tree

Long, long ago, on one Christmas Eve, spiders were banished from homes while people cleaned the houses and broke their webs. They had to move to the farthest corner of the attic. Young spiders wanted to see the decorated Christmas trees and the little Christ child. The elders tried to tell the younger spiders that they were not allowed inside the rooms but the young spiders were quite curious.

When the house was dark and silent and everybody was asleep, the spiders crept out of their hiding place and slowly reached the Christmas tree. They spent all night in the tree, examining its beautiful ornaments. They left pretty and delicate spider webs all over the tree.

In the early hours of the morning, the little Christ child came to bless the house. He was surprised to find little spiders and their webs on the tree. The Christ child gently touched the spider webs and made them sparkling and shining in silver and golden colours.

The Christmas tree looked even more beautiful than before.

10. When did the spiders go to look at the Christmas tree?

варіанти відповідей

When the family was having dinner.      

  When everybody was dancing.

When the family was in bed.                   

When the little Christ child arrived.

Запитання 11

The Story About The Christmas Tree

Long, long ago, on one Christmas Eve, spiders were banished from homes while people cleaned the houses and broke their webs. They had to move to the farthest corner of the attic. Young spiders wanted to see the decorated Christmas trees and the little Christ child. The elders tried to tell the younger spiders that they were not allowed inside the rooms but the young spiders were quite curious.

When the house was dark and silent and everybody was asleep, the spiders crept out of their hiding place and slowly reached the Christmas tree. They spent all night in the tree, examining its beautiful ornaments. They left pretty and delicate spider webs all over the tree.

In the early hours of the morning, the little Christ child came to bless the house. He was surprised to find little spiders and their webs on the tree. The Christ child gently touched the spider webs and made them sparkling and shining in silver and golden colours.

The Christmas tree looked even more beautiful than before.

11. The spiders left pretty and delicate spider webs _______ .

варіанти відповідей

all over the house             

all over the attic

all over the tree                     

 all over the bedroom

Запитання 12

The Story About The Christmas Tree

Long, long ago, on one Christmas Eve, spiders were banished from homes while people cleaned the houses and broke their webs. They had to move to the farthest corner of the attic. Young spiders wanted to see the decorated Christmas trees and the little Christ child. The elders tried to tell the younger spiders that they were not allowed inside the rooms but the young spiders were quite curious.

When the house was dark and silent and everybody was asleep, the spiders crept out of their hiding place and slowly reached the Christmas tree. They spent all night in the tree, examining its beautiful ornaments. They left pretty and delicate spider webs all over the tree.

In the early hours of the morning, the little Christ child came to bless the house. He was surprised to find little spiders and their webs on the tree. The Christ child gently touched the spider webs and made them sparkling and shining in silver and golden colours.

The Christmas tree looked even more beautiful than before.

12. The Christ child ... .

варіанти відповідей

transformed the Christmas tree into gold  

changed the colours of the spider webs       

did nothing in the room            

  removed the webs from the Christmas tree

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