Reading Comprehension Test .the 5th form. Term 2 (Friends 1)

Додано: 14 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 125 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Read a description and match it with a place.

(прочитай опис і обери місце, яке описане в тексті)

People are looking at old things. They are going from the room to the room and its very quiet here.

варіанти відповідей

a theatre

a gym

a garden

a studio

a school

a museum

Запитання 2

Read a description and match it with a place.

(прочитай опис і обери місце, яке описане в тексті)

There are a lot of children here. There are about thirty in one room and they are all sitting at desks. They are reading and writing.

варіанти відповідей

a theatre

a gym

a garden

a studio

a school

a museum

Запитання 3

Read a description and match it with a place.

(прочитай опис і обери місце, яке описане в тексті)

The men and women here are very fit, or they want to be fit. They are all exercising and they're hot, thitsty and tired, but they like this place.

варіанти відповідей

a theatre

a gym

a garden

a studio

a school

a theatre

Запитання 4

Read a description and match it with a place.

(прочитай опис і обери місце, яке описане в тексті)

A lot of people are sitting in a big room in the dark. It's very quiet. Some actors are standing and talking in front of the people.

варіанти відповідей

a theatre

a gym

a garden

a studio

a school

a museum

Запитання 5

Read a description and match it with a place.

(прочитай опис і обери місце, яке описане в тексті)

There's a man here. He is working with the flowers and trees. It's hot and sunny. A girl is sitting on the grass near the house. She's reading.

варіанти відповідей

a theatre

a gym

a garden

a studio

a school

a museum

Запитання 6

Read a description and match it with a place.

(прочитай опис і обери місце, яке описане в тексті)

There are two people here. A woman is standing in front of a white wall and a man is taking her photograph. He's taking a lot of photos of her.

варіанти відповідей

a theatre

a gym

a garden

a studio

a school

a museum

Запитання 7

Read the text and choose the question to the highlighted word or phrase

( прочитай текст і обери вірне запитання до виділеного слова чи фрази)

This is Edward. He was my great-grandfather.He was a very interesting man. He lived from 1912 to 1988. He was a racing driver. He loved cars and he started his work in 1935. He was the winner of a lot of races at the beginning, but he didn't like travelling around the world. He was scared of planes and he wanted to stay in Britain. Then in 1955 his car crashed in the race and there was a terrible fire. He was ok but he didn't drive a car again.

варіанти відповідей

What did Edward love?

What was Edward?

Did he drive a car after he crashed?

What kind of man was Edward?

What’s the name of girl’s great-grandfather?

Запитання 8

Read the text and choose the question to the highlighted word or phrase

( прочитай текст і обери вірне запитання до виділеного слова чи фрази)

This is Edward. He was my great-grandfather.He was a very interesting man. He lived from 1912 to 1988. He was a racing driver. He loved cars and he started his work in 1935. He was the winner of a lot of races at the beginning, but he didn't like travelling around the world. He was scared of planes and he wanted to stay in Britain. Then in 1955 his car crashed in the race and there was a terrible fire. He was ok but he didn't drive a car again.

варіанти відповідей

What was Edward?

Did he drive a car after he crashed?

What kind of man was Edward?

What’s the name of girl’s great-grandfather?

What did Edward love?

Запитання 9

Read the text and choose the question to the highlighted word or phrase

( прочитай текст і обери вірне запитання до виділеного слова чи фрази)

This is Edward. He was my great-grandfather.He was a very interesting man. He lived from 1912 to 1988. He was a racing driver. He loved cars and he started his work in 1935. He was the winner of a lot of races at the beginning, but he didn't like travelling around the world. He was scared of planes and he wanted to stay in Britain. Then in 1955 his car crashed in the race and there was a terrible fire. He was ok but he didn't drive a car again.

варіанти відповідей

What was Edward?

Did he drive a car after he crashed?

What kind of man was Edward?

What’s the name of girl’s great-grandfather?

What did Edward love?

Запитання 10

Read the text and choose the question to the highlighted word or phrase

( прочитай текст і обери вірне запитання до виділеного слова чи фрази)

This is Edward. He was my great-grandfather.He was a very interesting man. He lived from 1912 to 1988. He was a racing driver. He loved cars and he started his work in 1935. He was the winner of a lot of races at the beginning, but he didn't like travelling around the world. He was scared of planes and he wanted to stay in Britain. Then in 1955 his car crashed in the race and there was a terrible fire. He was ok but he didn't drive a car again.

варіанти відповідей

What was Edward?

Did he drive a car after he crashed?

What kind of man was Edward?

What’s the name of girl’s great-grandfather?

What did Edward love?

Запитання 11

Read the text and choose only true sentences.

( прочитай текст і обери лише правдиві речення,які відповідають тесту.)

This is Edward. He was my great-grandfather.He was a very interesting man. He lived from 1912 to 1988. He was a racing driver. He loved cars and he started his work in 1935. He was the winner of a lot of races at the beginning, but he didn't like travelling around the world. He was scared of planes and he wanted to stay in Britain. Then in 1955 his car crashed in the race and there was a terrible fire. He was ok but he didn't drive a car again.

варіанти відповідей

Edward wasn't a racing driver.

Edward was 76 years old.

Edward won a lot of races.

Edward liked travelling.

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