Reading Comrehension

Додано: 17 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 64 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Tower Bridge, which is over a hundred years old, has become a symbol of London. It is the only bridge on the Thames that can be raised and lowered to allow ships to pass. Nowadays it takes only 90 seconds for the heavy drawbridges to be pulled up with electric motors. It is considered that watching the Tower Bridge opening brings good luck.

варіанти відповідей

. Which place in London keeps a message for future generations?

 Which place in London is good to watch sports and buy related goods?

 How long does it take to raise the famous bridge for a ship?

 How does a fairytale character help real people of London?

. Which London bridge got a nickname after its reconstruction?

 What is the most visited tourist attraction in London?

. What were the false buildings in London made for?

Запитання 2

Waterloo Bridge is a foot traffic bridge crossing the River Thames in London. It was opened in 1817, on the second anniversary of the famous battle. A century later, in the early 1940s, the famous Bridge needed to be rebuilt. It was during World War II, and most men were away fighting. So the bridge was rebuilt mainly by women. The new Waterloo Bridge was opened in 1945 and got a second name, the 'Ladies Bridge'.

варіанти відповідей

. Which place in London keeps a message for future generations?

 Which place in London is good to watch sports and buy related goods?

 How long does it take to raise the famous bridge for a ship?

 How does a fairytale character help real people of London?

. Which London bridge got a nickname after its reconstruction?

 What is the most visited tourist attraction in London?

. What were the false buildings in London made for?

Запитання 3

Wembley Stadium is a football stadium located in Wembley Park, London. The stadium is home not only to football. It also hosts concerts, rugby games and American football games. There is Wembley Market not far from the stadium. Unlike many London street markets, this one is situated in an open space. A visit here is a good option for football fans to find club T-shirts, boots or accessories.

варіанти відповідей

. Which place in London keeps a message for future generations?

 Which place in London is good to watch sports and buy related goods?

 How long does it take to raise the famous bridge for a ship?

 How does a fairytale character help real people of London?

. Which London bridge got a nickname after its reconstruction?

 What is the most visited tourist attraction in London?

. What were the false buildings in London made for?

Запитання 4

23 and 24 Leinster Gardens in Paddington (just opposite Hyde Park) are fake houses built to hide the Tube line running underneath. The windows are painted on, there are no letter boxes, and behind the facade there is a railway. The first London underground trains were steam trains so they needed ventilation. Underground lines were planned with tunnels and open-air sections so the trains could let out their steam and smoke, and that is what the house facades are hiding.

варіанти відповідей

. Which place in London keeps a message for future generations?

 Which place in London is good to watch sports and buy related goods?

 How long does it take to raise the famous bridge for a ship?

 How does a fairytale character help real people of London?

. Which London bridge got a nickname after its reconstruction?

 What is the most visited tourist attraction in London?

. What were the false buildings in London made for?

Запитання 5

Great Ormond Street Hospital, which is situated at Russell Square, London, owns the copyright to Peter Pan, a story written by J.M. Barrie. The author had no children himself and gifted the rights to his famous literary pieces to the hospital in 1929. The hospital receives royalties from all films, cartoons and performances of Peter Pan. All the money is used to run the hospital.

варіанти відповідей

. Which place in London keeps a message for future generations?

 Which place in London is good to watch sports and buy related goods?

 How long does it take to raise the famous bridge for a ship?

 How does a fairytale character help real people of London?

. Which London bridge got a nickname after its reconstruction?

 What is the most visited tourist attraction in London?

. What were the false buildings in London made for?

Запитання 6

Cleopatra's Needle was brought to London in 1819 from Alexandria, the royal city of Cleopatra. Underneath Cleopatra's Needle there's a time capsule from 1778. It keeps information about 18th century life. It contains copies of the Bible in several languages, a portrait of Queen Victoria, a set of British coins, cigars, a razor, a map of London, copies of 10 daily newspapers and pictures of the 12 best-looking English women of the day

варіанти відповідей

. Which place in London keeps a message for future generations?

 Which place in London is good to watch sports and buy related goods?

 How long does it take to raise the famous bridge for a ship?

 How does a fairytale character help real people of London?

. Which London bridge got a nickname after its reconstruction?

 What is the most visited tourist attraction in London?

. What were the false buildings in London made for?

Запитання 7

Read the interview.

When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a designer?

When I was in high school – I was very focused on design so I went to Rhode Island School of Design.

When did you land your first internship and what was the most valuable thing you learned from this experience?

I had an internship in college, and after two weeks the company went out of business. Fortunately, I was able to get another internship, but I realized early on what an unforgiving business this is.

What was your first job out of college, and how did you land that position?

My first job was actually for my second internship – it was for a designer named Clovis Ruffin who was famous for wrap dresses.

What did you wear to your first interview?

don't have a clue what I wore to my first interview. I do remember wearing an Evelyn de Jonge dress to one interview though.

If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be?

No time to waste.

What role do you think social media plays in fashion today?

It's a lot more work for everyone and it certainly has created jobs. Social media really is a whole new industry in itself. It's a great method of promoting your brand in your own personal way.

What was your biggest fear when going out and starting your own line?

I was never scared.

Mark T (true) or F (false).

1.Nicole began her career interning for a renowned dress designer Clovis Ruffin in Los Angeles.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Read the interview.

When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a designer?

When I was in high school – I was very focused on design so I went to Rhode Island School of Design.

When did you land your first internship and what was the most valuable thing you learned from this experience?

I had an internship in college, and after two weeks the company went out of business. Fortunately, I was able to get another internship, but I realized early on what an unforgiving business this is.

What was your first job out of college, and how did you land that position?

My first job was actually for my second internship – it was for a designer named Clovis Ruffin who was famous for wrap dresses.

What did you wear to your first interview?

don't have a clue what I wore to my first interview. I do remember wearing an Evelyn de Jonge dress to one interview though.

If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be?

No time to waste.

What role do you think social media plays in fashion today?

It's a lot more work for everyone and it certainly has created jobs. Social media really is a whole new industry in itself. It's a great method of promoting your brand in your own personal way.

What was your biggest fear when going out and starting your own line?

I was never scared.

Mark T (true) or F (false).

She went to Rhode Island School of Design.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Read the interview.

When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a designer?

When I was in high school – I was very focused on design so I went to Rhode Island School of Design.

When did you land your first internship and what was the most valuable thing you learned from this experience?

I had an internship in college, and after two weeks the company went out of business. Fortunately, I was able to get another internship, but I realized early on what an unforgiving business this is.

What was your first job out of college, and how did you land that position?

My first job was actually for my second internship – it was for a designer named Clovis Ruffin who was famous for wrap dresses.

What did you wear to your first interview?

don't have a clue what I wore to my first interview. I do remember wearing an Evelyn de Jonge dress to one interview though.

If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be?

No time to waste.

What role do you think social media plays in fashion today?

It's a lot more work for everyone and it certainly has created jobs. Social media really is a whole new industry in itself. It's a great method of promoting your brand in your own personal way.

What was your biggest fear when going out and starting your own line?

I was never scared.

Mark T (true) or F (false).

Her advice is 'No time to waste'.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

Read the interview.

When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a designer?

When I was in high school – I was very focused on design so I went to Rhode Island School of Design.

When did you land your first internship and what was the most valuable thing you learned from this experience?

I had an internship in college, and after two weeks the company went out of business. Fortunately, I was able to get another internship, but I realized early on what an unforgiving business this is.

What was your first job out of college, and how did you land that position?

My first job was actually for my second internship – it was for a designer named Clovis Ruffin who was famous for wrap dresses.

What did you wear to your first interview?

don't have a clue what I wore to my first interview. I do remember wearing an Evelyn de Jonge dress to one interview though.

If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be?

No time to waste.

What role do you think social media plays in fashion today?

It's a lot more work for everyone and it certainly has created jobs. Social media really is a whole new industry in itself. It's a great method of promoting your brand in your own personal way.

What was your biggest fear when going out and starting your own line?

I was never scared.

Mark T (true) or F (false).

Social media is a great method of promoting your brand in your own personal way.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

Read the interview.

When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a designer?

When I was in high school – I was very focused on design so I went to Rhode Island School of Design.

When did you land your first internship and what was the most valuable thing you learned from this experience?

I had an internship in college, and after two weeks the company went out of business. Fortunately, I was able to get another internship, but I realized early on what an unforgiving business this is.

What was your first job out of college, and how did you land that position?

My first job was actually for my second internship – it was for a designer named Clovis Ruffin who was famous for wrap dresses.

What did you wear to your first interview?

don't have a clue what I wore to my first interview. I do remember wearing an Evelyn de Jonge dress to one interview though.

If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be?

No time to waste.

What role do you think social media plays in fashion today?

It's a lot more work for everyone and it certainly has created jobs. Social media really is a whole new industry in itself. It's a great method of promoting your brand in your own personal way.

What was your biggest fear when going out and starting your own line?

I was never scared.

Mark T (true) or F (false).

She remembers what she wore for her 1st interview

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 12

Read the interview.

When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a designer?

When I was in high school – I was very focused on design so I went to Rhode Island School of Design.

When did you land your first internship and what was the most valuable thing you learned from this experience?

I had an internship in college, and after two weeks the company went out of business. Fortunately, I was able to get another internship, but I realized early on what an unforgiving business this is.

What was your first job out of college, and how did you land that position?

My first job was actually for my second internship – it was for a designer named Clovis Ruffin who was famous for wrap dresses.

What did you wear to your first interview?

don't have a clue what I wore to my first interview. I do remember wearing an Evelyn de Jonge dress to one interview though.

If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be?

No time to waste.

What role do you think social media plays in fashion today?

It's a lot more work for everyone and it certainly has created jobs. Social media really is a whole new industry in itself. It's a great method of promoting your brand in your own personal way.

What was your biggest fear when going out and starting your own line?

I was never scared.

Mark T (true) or F (false).

Her second job was in Clovis Ruffin

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