Reading Focus School

Додано: 10 жовтня 2022
Предмет: , 7 клас
Тест виконано: 21 раз
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Jacob is English. He is from a town called Windsor but he doesn't live there. He lives in Rugby at his school. He gets up at seven o'clock every morning and has a shower. He doesn't like getting up early. At 7.30, all the

students have breakfast in the big hall. It's a mixed school and Jacob always sits with his friend Emily for breakfast.

After breakfast, the students clean up the hall and get ready for their lessons. Students aged 11-16 wear a uniform, but Jacob is 17 and he doesn't wear it. At 8.30, the day students' come to school on the bus. These are students who

don't live at the school. All the students get to their classes at 8.45 and wait for their teachers. The teachers get there at 8.50 and talk to the students for ten minutes before the lessons start at 9 oclock. Jacob likes French and English because he is in Emily's class for them. At one o'clock, lessons finish and the students have lunch. After lunch, they do sports. The day students' leave at 4.30 and the others have tea at 5 oclock. From 5.30 to 7.00, it is homework time and then they have

free time until 9 oclock. Jacob usually watches TV in his free time. Then there is quiet time until ten. The students read or write letters to their families and they go to bed at ten o'clock.

At the weekends, the students have more free time. They usually go to the town near the school but Jacob and Emily sometimes go for a bike ride. The other students go shopping or to cafés but they don't go to discos because the free

time finishes at six oclock. On Sundays, the students play sports or music. Jacob likes playing football and he also plays the guitar. He doesn't see Emily on Sundays because the girls are in a different part of the building from the boys.

On Sunday evenings, Jacob usually has to finish his homework ready for Monday.

Q 1Jacob lives with his family in Rugby. 

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Запитання 2

Jacob is English. He is from a town called Windsor but he doesn't live there. He lives in Rugby at his school. He gets up at seven o'clock every morning and has a shower. He doesn't like getting up early. At 7.30, all the

students have breakfast in the big hall. It's a mixed school and Jacob always sits with his friend Emily for breakfast.

After breakfast, the students clean up the hall and get ready for their lessons. Students aged 11-16 wear a uniform, but Jacob is 17 and he doesn't wear it. At 8.30, the day students' come to school on the bus. These are students who

don't live at the school. All the students get to their classes at 8.45 and wait for their teachers. The teachers get there at 8.50 and talk to the students for ten minutes before the lessons start at 9 oclock. Jacob likes French and English because he is in Emily's class for them. At one o'clock, lessons finish and the students have lunch. After lunch, they do sports. The day students' leave at 4.30 and the others have tea at 5 oclock. From 5.30 to 7.00, it is homework time and then they have

free time until 9 oclock. Jacob usually watches TV in his free time. Then there is quiet time until ten. The students read or write letters to their families and they go to bed at ten o'clock.

At the weekends, the students have more free time. They usually go to the town near the school but Jacob and Emily sometimes go for a bike ride. The other students go shopping or to cafés but they don't go to discos because the free

time finishes at six oclock. On Sundays, the students play sports or music. Jacob likes playing football and he also plays the guitar. He doesn't see Emily on Sundays because the girls are in a different part of the building from the boys.

On Sunday evenings, Jacob usually has to finish his homework ready for Monday.

Q 2 Jacob enjoys getting up early.

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Запитання 3

Jacob is English. He is from a town called Windsor but he doesn't live there. He lives in Rugby at his school. He gets up at seven o'clock every morning and has a shower. He doesn't like getting up early. At 7.30, all the

students have breakfast in the big hall. It's a mixed school and Jacob always sits with his friend Emily for breakfast.

After breakfast, the students clean up the hall and get ready for their lessons. Students aged 11-16 wear a uniform, but Jacob is 17 and he doesn't wear it. At 8.30, the day students' come to school on the bus. These are students who

don't live at the school. All the students get to their classes at 8.45 and wait for their teachers. The teachers get there at 8.50 and talk to the students for ten minutes before the lessons start at 9 oclock. Jacob likes French and English because he is in Emily's class for them. At one o'clock, lessons finish and the students have lunch. After lunch, they do sports. The day students' leave at 4.30 and the others have tea at 5 oclock. From 5.30 to 7.00, it is homework time and then they have

free time until 9 oclock. Jacob usually watches TV in his free time. Then there is quiet time until ten. The students read or write letters to their families and they go to bed at ten o'clock.

At the weekends, the students have more free time. They usually go to the town near the school but Jacob and Emily sometimes go for a bike ride. The other students go shopping or to cafés but they don't go to discos because the free

time finishes at six oclock. On Sundays, the students play sports or music. Jacob likes playing football and he also plays the guitar. He doesn't see Emily on Sundays because the girls are in a different part of the building from the boys.

On Sunday evenings, Jacob usually has to finish his homework ready for Monday.

Q 3 It's a school for boys and girls.

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Запитання 4

Jacob is English. He is from a town called Windsor but he doesn't live there. He lives in Rugby at his school. He gets up at seven o'clock every morning and has a shower. He doesn't like getting up early. At 7.30, all the

students have breakfast in the big hall. It's a mixed school and Jacob always sits with his friend Emily for breakfast.

After breakfast, the students clean up the hall and get ready for their lessons. Students aged 11-16 wear a uniform, but Jacob is 17 and he doesn't wear it. At 8.30, the day students' come to school on the bus. These are students who

don't live at the school. All the students get to their classes at 8.45 and wait for their teachers. The teachers get there at 8.50 and talk to the students for ten minutes before the lessons start at 9 oclock. Jacob likes French and English because he is in Emily's class for them. At one o'clock, lessons finish and the students have lunch. After lunch, they do sports. The day students' leave at 4.30 and the others have tea at 5 oclock. From 5.30 to 7.00, it is homework time and then they have

free time until 9 oclock. Jacob usually watches TV in his free time. Then there is quiet time until ten. The students read or write letters to their families and they go to bed at ten o'clock.

At the weekends, the students have more free time. They usually go to the town near the school but Jacob and Emily sometimes go for a bike ride. The other students go shopping or to cafés but they don't go to discos because the free

time finishes at six oclock. On Sundays, the students play sports or music. Jacob likes playing football and he also plays the guitar. He doesn't see Emily on Sundays because the girls are in a different part of the building from the boys.

On Sunday evenings, Jacob usually has to finish his homework ready for Monday.

Q4 All the students at the school live there. 

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Запитання 5

Jacob is English. He is from a town called Windsor but he doesn't live there. He lives in Rugby at his school. He gets up at seven o'clock every morning and has a shower. He doesn't like getting up early. At 7.30, all the

students have breakfast in the big hall. It's a mixed school and Jacob always sits with his friend Emily for breakfast.

After breakfast, the students clean up the hall and get ready for their lessons. Students aged 11-16 wear a uniform, but Jacob is 17 and he doesn't wear it. At 8.30, the day students' come to school on the bus. These are students who

don't live at the school. All the students get to their classes at 8.45 and wait for their teachers. The teachers get there at 8.50 and talk to the students for ten minutes before the lessons start at 9 oclock. Jacob likes French and English because he is in Emily's class for them. At one o'clock, lessons finish and the students have lunch. After lunch, they do sports. The day students' leave at 4.30 and the others have tea at 5 oclock. From 5.30 to 7.00, it is homework time and then they have

free time until 9 oclock. Jacob usually watches TV in his free time. Then there is quiet time until ten. The students read or write letters to their families and they go to bed at ten o'clock.

At the weekends, the students have more free time. They usually go to the town near the school but Jacob and Emily sometimes go for a bike ride. The other students go shopping or to cafés but they don't go to discos because the free

time finishes at six oclock. On Sundays, the students play sports or music. Jacob likes playing football and he also plays the guitar. He doesn't see Emily on Sundays because the girls are in a different part of the building from the boys.

On Sunday evenings, Jacob usually has to finish his homework ready for Monday.

Q 5 Students have free time on Saturday evenings. 

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Запитання 6

Jacob is English. He is from a town called Windsor but he doesn't live there. He lives in Rugby at his school. He gets up at seven o'clock every morning and has a shower. He doesn't like getting up early. At 7.30, all the

students have breakfast in the big hall. It's a mixed school and Jacob always sits with his friend Emily for breakfast.

After breakfast, the students clean up the hall and get ready for their lessons. Students aged 11-16 wear a uniform, but Jacob is 17 and he doesn't wear it. At 8.30, the day students' come to school on the bus. These are students who

don't live at the school. All the students get to their classes at 8.45 and wait for their teachers. The teachers get there at 8.50 and talk to the students for ten minutes before the lessons start at 9 oclock. Jacob likes French and English because he is in Emily's class for them. At one o'clock, lessons finish and the students have lunch. After lunch, they do sports. The day students' leave at 4.30 and the others have tea at 5 oclock. From 5.30 to 7.00, it is homework time and then they have

free time until 9 oclock. Jacob usually watches TV in his free time. Then there is quiet time until ten. The students read or write letters to their families and they go to bed at ten o'clock.

At the weekends, the students have more free time. They usually go to the town near the school but Jacob and Emily sometimes go for a bike ride. The other students go shopping or to cafés but they don't go to discos because the free

time finishes at six oclock. On Sundays, the students play sports or music. Jacob likes playing football and he also plays the guitar. He doesn't see Emily on Sundays because the girls are in a different part of the building from the boys.

On Sunday evenings, Jacob usually has to finish his homework ready for Monday.

Q 6 Boys and girls don't play sports together on Sundays. 

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