READING (Form 5)

Додано: 26 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 634 рази
24 запитання
Запитання 1

Read and translate the text. Then mark if the sentence is TRUE or FALSE.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

1) Autumn is over.

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Запитання 2

Read and translate the text. Then mark if the sentence is TRUE or FALSE.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

2) The weather is shining.

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Запитання 3

Read and translate the text. Then mark if the sentence is TRUE or FALSE.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

3) The nights become shorter.

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Запитання 4

Read and translate the text. Then mark if the sentence is TRUE or FALSE.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

4) It isn’t warm.

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Запитання 5

Read and translate the text. Then mark if the sentence is TRUE or FALSE.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

5) The water in the river is rather warm.

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Запитання 6

Read and translate the text. Then mark if the sentence is TRUE or FALSE.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

6) Leaves in the trees are red and yellow.

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Запитання 7

Choose the English equivalents. 

Починається осінь.

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Autumn begins.

Autumn is over.

Запитання 8

Choose the English equivalents. 

небо синє

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the sky is grey

the sky is blue

the sky is brown

Запитання 9

Choose the English equivalents. 

у річці

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on the river

at the river

in the river

Запитання 10

Choose the English equivalents. 

не так тепло

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not so warm

not so cold

not so hot

Запитання 11

Choose the English equivalents. 

сонячний осінній день

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a sunny summer day

a sunny autumn day

a rainy autumn day

Запитання 12

Choose the English equivalents. 

протягом осені

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during autumn

in autumn

after autumn

Запитання 13

Read the text and choose the answer.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

What season is over?

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Запитання 14

Read the text and choose the answer.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

What are autumn months?

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September, October, December

September, October, November

August, September, October

October, November, December

Запитання 15

Read the text and choose the answer.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

What is the weather like in autumn?

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The weather is snowy.

The weather is hot.

The weather is bright.

Запитання 16

Read the text and choose the answer.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

Why can’t you swim in the river in autumn?

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We can’t swim in the river in autumn because the water is rather cold

We can’t swim in the river in autumn because the water is too hot

Запитання 17

Read the text and choose the answer.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

What does autumn bring?

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It brings tasty cakes.

It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

Запитання 18

Read the text and choose the answer.

Summer is over and autumn begins. During autumn the weather is bright. On most days the sky is blue. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. On September, 23 the day is as long as the night.

It is not so warm now. You can't swim in the river or lake because the water is rather cold. But you can go boating or have a picnic near the river on a sunny autumn day.

In September leaves begin to change their colour into yellow and red. In October the forests are very beautiful. In November it often rains. Autumn is a nice season. It brings tasty fruit and vegetables.

Are leaves green in autumn?

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No, they aren't.

No, it isn't.

Yes, they are.

Запитання 19

Fill in the missing letters.



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Запитання 20

Fill in the missing letters.



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Запитання 21

Fill in the missing letters.



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Запитання 22

Fill in the missing letters.



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Запитання 23

Fill in the missing letters.



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Запитання 24

Fill in the missing letters.



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