Reading. Form 7

Додано: 11 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 615 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

Next weekend, the organization "Clean up!" will be at Torbiton Beach. The beach is very dirty and people never go there to swim. If lots of people help out next weekend, then Torbiton Beach will become a wonderful place to spend a summer’s day. "Clean up!" are hoping over a thousand people will join in and help them clean up the beach. If anyone in the area wants to join in, they are welcome. Work will begin at seven o’clock in the morning and finish at eight in the evening on both days. There will be food and drinks to buy at the car park near the beach. "Clean up!" hope the people of Torbiton will continue to keep the beach clean after they finish work there. If the project is successful and the beach becomes more popular, then "Clean up!" will get to work on other beaches in the area.

1. Torbiton Beach is a popular place for swimmers.

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Запитання 2

Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

Next weekend, the organization "Clean up!" will be at Torbiton Beach. The beach is very dirty and people never go there to swim. If lots of people help out next weekend, then Torbiton Beach will become a wonderful place to spend a summer’s day. "Clean up!" are hoping over a thousand people will join in and help them clean up the beach. If anyone in the area wants to join in, they are welcome. Work will begin at seven o’clock in the morning and finish at eight in the evening on both days. There will be food and drinks to buy at the car park near the beach. "Clean up!" hope the people of Torbiton will continue to keep the beach clean after they finish work there. If the project is successful and the beach becomes more popular, then "Clean up!" will get to work on other beaches in the area.

2. One thousand people from the organization "Clean up!" will clean the beach. 

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Запитання 3

Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

Next weekend, the organization "Clean up!" will be at Torbiton Beach. The beach is very dirty and people never go there to swim. If lots of people help out next weekend, then Torbiton Beach will become a wonderful place to spend a summer’s day. "Clean up!" are hoping over a thousand people will join in and help them clean up the beach. If anyone in the area wants to join in, they are welcome. Work will begin at seven o’clock in the morning and finish at eight in the evening on both days. There will be food and drinks to buy at the car park near the beach. "Clean up!" hope the people of Torbiton will continue to keep the beach clean after they finish work there. If the project is successful and the beach becomes more popular, then "Clean up!" will get to work on other beaches in the area.

3. Work will finish on Saturdays and Sundays evening at 8.  

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

Next weekend, the organization "Clean up!" will be at Torbiton Beach. The beach is very dirty and people never go there to swim. If lots of people help out next weekend, then Torbiton Beach will become a wonderful place to spend a summer’s day. "Clean up!" are hoping over a thousand people will join in and help them clean up the beach. If anyone in the area wants to join in, they are welcome. Work will begin at seven o’clock in the morning and finish at eight in the evening on both days. There will be food and drinks to buy at the car park near the beach. "Clean up!" hope the people of Torbiton will continue to keep the beach clean after they finish work there. If the project is successful and the beach becomes more popular, then "Clean up!" will get to work on other beaches in the area.

4. Food and drink will be free for everyone.

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Запитання 5

Read the e-mail and complete the sentences.

Hello Sis, How are things back home? This football trip to the Netherlands is the best ever. I’m having so much fun and we’re playing really well. We’ve won five matches so far and I’ve scored in every game. My new football boots are brilliant! I didn’t play very well in the first match because I didn’t have my shin pads. I think I’ve left them at home. But I borrowed some from Keith, so I’m OK. We’ve got three more matches to play. Unfortunately, I can’t play in the next two matches because I’ve sprained my ankle but the coach says I’ll be OK for the last match. Anyway, we’re leaving on 17th August in the evening, so we’ll be back on the 18th, in the afternoon I think. Tell Mum to pick me up from school, OK?

See you soon, Mark

5. Mark has played in_______matches so far.

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Запитання 6

Read the e-mail and complete the sentences.

Hello Sis, How are things back home? This football trip to the Netherlands is the best ever. I’m having so much fun and we’re playing really well. We’ve won five matches so far and I’ve scored in every game. My new football boots are brilliant! I didn’t play very well in the first match because I didn’t have my shin pads. I think I’ve left them at home. But I borrowed some from Keith, so I’m OK. We’ve got three more matches to play. Unfortunately, I can’t play in the next two matches because I’ve sprained my ankle but the coach says I’ll be OK for the last match. Anyway, we’re leaving on 17th August in the evening, so we’ll be back on the 18th, in the afternoon I think. Tell Mum to pick me up from school, OK?

See you soon, Mark

6. Mark forgot to take his_________ . 

варіанти відповідей

shin pads

football boots

football T-shirt

Запитання 7

Read the e-mail and complete the sentences.

Hello Sis, How are things back home? This football trip to the Netherlands is the best ever. I’m having so much fun and we’re playing really well. We’ve won five matches so far and I’ve scored in every game. My new football boots are brilliant! I didn’t play very well in the first match because I didn’t have my shin pads. I think I’ve left them at home. But I borrowed some from Keith, so I’m OK. We’ve got three more matches to play. Unfortunately, I can’t play in the next two matches because I’ve sprained my ankle but the coach says I’ll be OK for the last match. Anyway, we’re leaving on 17th August in the evening, so we’ll be back on the 18th, in the afternoon I think. Tell Mum to pick me up from school, OK?

See you soon, Mark

7. Mark_____ so he won’t play in the next two matches

варіанти відповідей

has lost the last match

has sprained his ankle

has left the last training

Запитання 8

Read the e-mail and complete the sentences.

Hello Sis, How are things back home? This football trip to the Netherlands is the best ever. I’m having so much fun and we’re playing really well. We’ve won five matches so far and I’ve scored in every game. My new football boots are brilliant! I didn’t play very well in the first match because I didn’t have my shin pads. I think I’ve left them at home. But I borrowed some from Keith, so I’m OK. We’ve got three more matches to play. Unfortunately, I can’t play in the next two matches because I’ve sprained my ankle but the coach says I’ll be OK for the last match. Anyway, we’re leaving on 17th August in the evening, so we’ll be back on the 18th, in the afternoon I think. Tell Mum to pick me up from school, OK?

See you soon, Mark

8. Mark will be at home on ________.

варіанти відповідей

the 17th

the 19th

the 18th

Запитання 9

Read the e-mail and choose the correct answer.

Hi Ellie,

How are things? I’m not OK. I’ve got a problem. You see, I’m looking after my neighbours’ goldfish while they’re on holiday. Everything was fine until yesterday when one of them died. I think I gave it too much food. Or maybe it was ill and now all the other fish are going to get ill and die, too. Actually, I’ve got the flu at the moment. Maybe, it got the flu from me.But goldfish don’t get the flu, do they? Do they get ill?I just don’t know. Anyway, what should I do? If I call my neighbours and tell them, they’ll get upset, won’t they? I could buy them a new one. Or is that a sillyidea?

Write back as soon as you can.


9. Is Carl writing to Ellie to ask her for advice?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, he is

No, he isn't

Запитання 10

Read the e-mail and choose the correct answer.

Hi Ellie,

How are things? I’m not OK. I’ve got a problem. You see, I’m looking after my neighbours’ goldfish while they’re on holiday. Everything was fine until yesterday when one of them died. I think I gave it too much food. Or maybe it was ill and now all the other fish are going to get ill and die, too. Actually, I’ve got the flu at the moment. Maybe, it got the flu from me.But goldfish don’t get the flu, do they? Do they get ill?I just don’t know. Anyway, what should I do? If I call my neighbours and tell them, they’ll get upset, won’t they? I could buy them a new one. Or is that a sillyidea?

Write back as soon as you can.


10. Why is he taking care of fish?

варіанти відповідей

He likes fish

Neighbours are on holiday and they asked him to do it.

Запитання 11

Read the e-mail and choose the correct answer.

Hi Ellie,

How are things? I’m not OK. I’ve got a problem. You see, I’m looking after my neighbours’ goldfish while they’re on holiday. Everything was fine until yesterday when one of them died. I think I gave it too much food. Or maybe it was ill and now all the other fish are going to get ill and die, too. Actually, I’ve got the flu at the moment. Maybe, it got the flu from me.But goldfish don’t get the flu, do they? Do they get ill?I just don’t know. Anyway, what should I do? If I call my neighbours and tell them, they’ll get upset, won’t they? I could buy them a new one. Or is that a sillyidea?

Write back as soon as you can.


11. Carl knows why the goldfish died, doesn’t he?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, he does.

No, he doesn't.

Запитання 12

Read the e-mail and choose the correct answer.

Hi Ellie,

How are things? I’m not OK. I’ve got a problem. You see, I’m looking after my neighbours’ goldfish while they’re on holiday. Everything was fine until yesterday when one of them died. I think I gave it too much food. Or maybe it was ill and now all the other fish are going to get ill and die, too. Actually, I’ve got the flu at the moment. Maybe, it got the flu from me.But goldfish don’t get the flu, do they? Do they get ill?I just don’t know. Anyway, what should I do? If I call my neighbours and tell them, they’ll get upset, won’t they? I could buy them a new one. Or is that a sillyidea?

Write back as soon as you can.


12. Who is ill?

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