Reading II 10 form

Додано: 13 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 125 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1


Cooking is always a strange mixture of science and art and you certainly have to be fairly creative if you want to come up with your own recipe. All cooking also demands a fair amount of preparation, and this is doubly true when you’re producing original dishes. You also have to be thick-skinned.

You will be surprised by how honest people can be when it comes to food. I’ve had people tell me my latest dish is disgusting and thoroughly inedible. Sometimes, they were right! But don’t get upset. Just smile sweetly and thank them for their valuable opinion. And never forget that when you’re waiting anxiously to hear whether or not your “masterpiece” is a success and they suddenly show their appreciation, you’ll realise it was all worth it.

My tips: home-grown vegetables are always the tastiest. Every good cook needs a top-quality mixer. It’s an essential piece of kitchen equipment, not a luxury. Make sure you’ve got good quality food-storage containers. And, finally, remember that designing a new dish is not about safety. It’s about taking risks, and learning from your mistakes. Have fun in the kitchen.

1. Cooking usually involves:

варіанти відповідей

a combination of art, science and creativity;

 b) a combination of responsibility, creativity and devotio

  c) a combination of science, art and education;

 d) a mixture of science, art and curiosity.

Запитання 2


Cooking is always a strange mixture of science and art and you certainly have to be fairly creative if you want to come up with your own recipe. All cooking also demands a fair amount of preparation, and this is doubly true when you’re producing original dishes. You also have to be thick-skinned.

You will be surprised by how honest people can be when it comes to food. I’ve had people tell me my latest dish is disgusting and thoroughly inedible. Sometimes, they were right! But don’t get upset. Just smile sweetly and thank them for their valuable opinion. And never forget that when you’re waiting anxiously to hear whether or not your “masterpiece” is a success and they suddenly show their appreciation, you’ll realise it was all worth it. My tips: home-grown vegetables are always the tastiest.

Every good cook needs a top-quality mixer. It’s an essential piece of kitchen equipment, not a luxury. Make sure you’ve got good quality food-storage containers. And, finally, remember that designing a new dish is not about safety. It’s about taking risks, and learning from your mistakes. Have fun in the kitchen.

2. What would be the best alternative title for the text?

варіанти відповідей

 a) My Favorite Dish.

 b) My Experience in Cooking.

 c) From the History of Cooking.

 d) Cooking for a Party.

Запитання 3


Cooking is always a strange mixture of science and art and you certainly have to be fairly creative if you want to come up with your own recipe. All cooking also demands a fair amount of preparation, and this is doubly true when you’re producing original dishes. You also have to be thick-skinned.

You will be surprised by how honest people can be when it comes to food. I’ve had people tell me my latest dish is disgusting and thoroughly inedible. Sometimes, they were right! But don’t get upset. Just smile sweetly and thank them for their valuable opinion. And never forget that when you’re waiting anxiously to hear whether or not your “masterpiece” is a success and they suddenly show their appreciation, you’ll realise it was all worth it. My tips: home-grown vegetables are always the tastiest.

Every good cook needs a top-quality mixer. It’s an essential piece of kitchen equipment, not a luxury. Make sure you’ve got good quality food-storage containers. And, finally, remember that designing a new dish is not about safety. It’s about taking risks, and learning from your mistakes. Have fun in the kitchen.

3. The expression “to be thick-skinned” means:

варіанти відповідей

 a) to be a sporty type of person;

b) to be passionate about cooking;

c) to ignore the other people’s criticism;

d) to have a smooth skin.

Запитання 4


Frank Wilcox has been Chief of Police in Lansett County for 25 years. He took the job when he had just turned 30. He has seen murders. He has seen robberies. He has seen cats stuck in trees. He has found missing children. But today would be like no other day on the job. It is 11:00 at night. Chief Wilcox begins putting together his things. He is tired. He wants to go home.  “Chief Wilcox,” calls an officer walking quickly into his office. It is Officer Simpson. He looks nervous. He looks like he would like to be anywhere else but there. “What is it, Simpson?” asks the Chief. “Holman’s Grocery was just held up at gunpoint,” Simpson says. His voice is shaky. He coughs to clear his throat. “Was anyone hurt?” asks Chief. Lansett is a very small county. The Chief knows just about everyone who lives there. If anyone was hurt, there is a good chance he knows the person. Maybe that's why Officer Simpson looks nervous. “No one was hurt,” says Simpson. “But we caught the suspect.” “Ah, well, Simpson. You guys can take care of that. I’m—” Chief Wilcox stops in mid-sentence. He understands what is wrong. From behind Officer Simpson, the Chief sees his youngest daughter, Devon. She is in handcuffs. Chief Wilcox gets a lump in his throat. He sits in his chair, stunned. “How could it be?” he thinks. “Devon, will you please tell me what is going on?” the Chief demands. Devon does not look at him. The Chief can feel anger growing inside of him. He refuses to let that anger show. “Take her back for questioning,” the Chief says to Officer Simpson in a calm voice. “Devon, whatever you do, tell the truth,” the Chief says. “I’m your dad. I love you. We will figure this out.”

11. What is the main problem in this story?

варіанти відповідей

a) Devon won't look at her dad.

b) Officer Simpson is nervous.

c) The Chief's daughter has been arrested.

d) The Chief is tired and wants to go home.

Запитання 5

Frank Wilcox has been Chief of Police in Lansett County for 25 years. He took the job when he had just turned 30. He has seen murders. He has seen robberies. He has seen cats stuck in trees. He has found missing children. But today would be like no other day on the job. It is 11:00 at night. Chief Wilcox begins putting together his things. He is tired. He wants to go home.

 “Chief Wilcox,” calls an officer walking quickly into his office. It is Officer Simpson. He looks nervous. He looks like he would like to be anywhere else but there.

“What is it, Simpson?” asks the Chief. “Holman’s Grocery was just held up at gunpoint,” Simpson says. His voice is shaky. He coughs to clear his throat. “Was anyone hurt?” asks Chief.

Lansett is a very small county. The Chief knows just about everyone who lives there. If anyone was hurt, there is a good chance he knows the person. Maybe that's why Officer Simpson looks nervous. “No one was hurt,” says Simpson. “But we

caught the suspect.” “Ah, well, Simpson. You guys can take care of that. I’m—” Chief Wilcox stops in mid-sentence. He understands what is wrong. From behind Officer Simpson, the Chief sees his youngest daughter, Devon. She is in handcuffs. Chief Wilcox gets a lump in his throat. He sits in his chair, stunned. “How could it be?” he thinks. “Devon, will you please tell me what is going on?” the Chief demands. Devon does not look at him. The Chief can feel anger growing inside of him. He refuses to let that anger show. “Take her back for questioning,” the Chief says to Officer Simpson in a calm voice. “Devon, whatever you do, tell the truth,” the Chief says. “I’m your dad. I love you. We will figure this out.”

12) For how long has Wilcox been Chief of police?

варіанти відповідей

a) 15 years

b) 30 years

c) 25 years

 d) 35 years

Запитання 6

Frank Wilcox has been Chief of Police in Lansett County for 25 years. He took the job when he had just turned 30. He has seen murders. He has seen robberies. He has seen cats stuck in trees. He has found missing children. But today would be like no other day on the job. It is 11:00 at night. Chief Wilcox begins putting together his things. He is tired. He wants to go home.

 “Chief Wilcox,” calls an officer walking quickly into his office. It is Officer Simpson. He looks nervous. He looks like he would like to be anywhere else but there.

“What is it, Simpson?” asks the Chief. “Holman’s Grocery was just held up at gunpoint,” Simpson says. His voice is shaky. He coughs to clearhis throat. “Was anyone hurt?” asks Chief.

Lansett is a very small county. The Chief knows just about everyone who lives there. If anyone was hurt, there is a good chance he knows the person. Maybe that's why Officer Simpson looks nervous. “No one was hurt,” says Simpson. “But we

caught the suspect.” “Ah, well, Simpson. You guys can take care of that. I’m—” Chief Wilcox stops in mid-sentence. He understands what is wrong. From behind Officer Simpson, the Chief sees his youngest daughter, Devon. She is in handcuffs. Chief Wilcox gets a lump in his throat. He sits in his chair, stunned. “How could it be?” he thinks. “Devon, will you please tell me what is going on?” the Chief demands. Devon does not look at him. The Chief can feel anger growing inside of him. He refuses to let that anger show. “Take her back for questioning,” the Chief says to Officer Simpson in a calm voice. “Devon, whatever you do, tell the truth,” the Chief says. “I’m your dad. I love you. We will figure this out.”

13. What can the reader tell about Chief Wilcox? 

варіанти відповідей

 He doesn’t care about the truth.

He doesn’t know many people in his county.

He has seen a lot in his job.

 He is 30 years old.

Запитання 7

Frank Wilcox has been Chief of Police in Lansett County for 25 years. He took the job when he had just turned 30. He has seen murders. He has seen robberies. He has seen cats stuck in trees. He has found missing children. But today would be like no other day on the job. It is 11:00 at night. Chief Wilcox begins putting together his things. He is tired. He wants to go home.

 “Chief Wilcox,” calls an officer walking quickly into his office. It is Officer Simpson. He looks nervous. He looks like he would like to be anywhere else but there.

“What is it, Simpson?” asks the Chief. “Holman’s Grocery was just held up at gunpoint,” Simpson says. His voice is shaky. He coughs to clear his throat. “Was anyone hurt?” asks Chief.

Lansett is a very small county. The Chief knows just about everyone who lives there. If anyone was hurt, there is a good chance he knows the person. Maybe that's why Officer Simpson looks nervous. “No one was hurt,” says Simpson. “But we

caught the suspect.”

“Ah, well, Simpson. You guys can take care of that. I’m—” Chief Wilcox stops in mid-sentence. He understands what is wrong. From behind Officer Simpson, the Chief sees his youngest daughter, Devon. She is in handcuffs. Chief Wilcox gets a lump in his throat. He sits in his chair, stunned. “How could it be?” he thinks. “Devon, will you please tell me what is going on?” the Chief demands. Devon does not look at him. The Chief can feel anger growing inside of him. He refuses to let that anger show. “Take her back for questioning,” the Chief says to Officer Simpson in a calm voice. “Devon, whatever you do, tell the truth,” the Chief says. “I’m your dad. I love you. We will figure this out.”

14. Why is Officer Simpson nervous?

варіанти відповідей

He has just arrested the Chief's daughter.

 He has just been held up at gunpoint.

He is scared of Chief Wilcox.

He has just found an important piece of evidence in a new case.

Запитання 8

Frank Wilcox has been Chief of Police in Lansett County for 25 years. He took the job when he had just turned 30. He has seen murders. He has seen robberies. He has seen cats stuck in trees. He has found missing children. But today would be like no other day on the job. It is 11:00 at night. Chief Wilcox begins putting together his things. He is tired. He wants to go home.

 “Chief Wilcox,” calls an officer walking quickly into his office. It is Officer Simpson. He looks nervous. He looks like he would like to be anywhere else but there.

“What is it, Simpson?” asks the Chief. “Holman’s Grocery was just held up at gunpoint,” Simpson says. His voice is shaky. He coughs to clear his throat. “Was anyone hurt?” asks Chief.

Lansett is a very small county. The Chief knows just about everyone who lives there. If anyone was hurt, there is a good chance he knows the person. Maybe that's why Officer Simpson looks nervous. “No one was hurt,” says Simpson. “But we

caught the suspect.” “Ah, well, Simpson. You guys can take care of that. I’m—” Chief Wilcox stops in mid-sentence. He understands what is wrong. From behind Officer Simpson, the Chief sees his youngest daughter, Devon. She is in handcuffs. Chief Wilcox gets a lump in his throat. He sits in his chair, stunned. “How could it be?” he thinks. “Devon, will you please tell me what is going on?” the Chief demands. Devon does not look at him. The Chief can feel anger growing inside of him. He refuses to let that anger show. “Take her back for questioning,” the Chief says to Officer Simpson in a calm voice. “Devon, whatever you do, tell the truth,” the Chief says. “I’m your dad. I love you. We will figure this out.”

15) "He refuses to let that anger show." Which sentence below means the same thing?

варіанти відповідей

He wants to let that anger show.

He is about to let that anger show.

He is forced to let that anger show.

He decides not to let that anger show

Запитання 9

Choose the correct variant.

Madame Tussaud’s is London’s busiest attraction and houses one of the world’s largest collections of lifelike wax models of celebrities, politicians and other world-famous people. Madame Tussaud often travelled to many places and displayed her wax models. Madame Tussaud’s has become the best attraction of London. This museum_______


варіанти відповідей

has galleries and buildings which are themselves believed to be the works of art.

is advised to be visited several times.

displays wax models of famous people.

houses the world’s largest collection of fine arts.

is worth the journey if you like fashion, architecture and industrial design.

Запитання 10

Choose the correct variant.

The Design Museum has a comprehensive collection of innovative designs. It is a museum focusing on industrial design, fashion and architecture and therefore you can find mass-produced everyday items. It is also the UK’s largest provider of design resources. This museum______

варіанти відповідей

 displays wax models of famous people.

exposes an impressive collection devoted to the history of the British Army.

 used to be a prison.

is worth the journey if you like fashion, architecture and industrial design.

has galleries and buildings which are themselves believed to be the works of art.

Запитання 11

Choose the correct variant.

Victoria and Albert Museum is an excellent and informative museum with immense resources for design students as it houses the national collection of applied arts. The museum’s galleries and buildings themselves are considered as works of art. If you are interested in exploring the various artefacts that were part of the cultures from where they have come over the centuries this is the place to be.

This museum________

варіанти відповідей

exposes an impressive collection devoted to the history of the British Army.

is advised to be visited several times.

 is focusing on Egyptian culture.

is worth the journey if you like fashion, architecture and industrial design.

 has galleries and buildings which are themselves believed to be the works of art.

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