Reading II term

Додано: 23 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 82 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

London is a famous and historic city. It is the capital of England in the United Kingdom. The city is quite popular for international tourism because London is home to one of the oldest-standing monarchies in the western hemisphere. Rita and Joanne recently traveled to London. They were very excited for their trip because this was their first journey overseas from the United States.

Among the popular sights that Rita and Joanne visited are Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. Big Ben is one of London’s most famous monuments. It is a large clock tower located at the northern end of Westminster Palace. The clock tower is 96 meters tall. Unfortunately, Rita and Joanne were only able to view the tower from the outside. The women learned that the tower’s interior is undergoing renovations until 2021.

Fortunately, the London Eye, the city’s famous Ferris wheel, was open to the public. The London Eye is situated along the southern shores of the Thames River. This attraction stands 135 meters high. It is one of London’s most well-known spots for gaining aerial views of the city. Each capsule of the Ferris wheel can hold up to 25 passengers. When their capsule stopped at the top of the Ferris wheel, the women took spectacular panoramic photographs of the beautiful cityscape below.

The last place that Rita and Joanne visited was Buckingham Palace, the home of the Queen of England. The women were impressed by the palace’s incredible architecture and historical value. Both Rita and Joanne enjoyed watching the Queen’s guards outside the palace. These guards wore red tunic uniforms, shiny black boots, and bearskin hats. Despite the women’s attempts to catch the attention of the guards, the guards are specifically trained to avoid distractions. Because of this, the guards ignored the women completely.

Joanne and Rita had an amazing time visiting the city of London, and they are inspired to seek more international travel destinations in the future.

1. All of the following are true about London except:

варіанти відповідей

  It is home to the Queen of England.

  It was initially its own country.

It borders the Thames River to the south

It is the capital city of England

Запитання 2

Why were Rita and Joanne excited for their trip?

варіанти відповідей

1.Rita and Joanne love tasting international cuisine.


They had never before traveled internationally


They looked forward to spending time on the beach.


Joanne’s parents recently moved to London

Запитання 3

Why couldn’t Rita and Joanne climb Big Ben?

варіанти відповідей

 To climb the tower requires complicated equipment.

Joanne is afraid of heights.

They did not bring enough money with them. — ваша відповідь

The clock tower is closed for renovations.

Запитання 4

From where did the women receive great overhead views of the city?

варіанти відповідей

Buckingham palace

Big Ben

The London eye

The river Thames

Запитання 5

Which is not a characteristic of the Queen’s guards?

варіанти відповідей

Red tunics

Bearskin hats

Shiny black boots

Short attention spans

Запитання 6

Because of their trip to London, Rita and Joanne:

варіанти відповідей

Would prefer to never reture

Decided to travel internationally more often

Were inspired to become photographers

Want to move there permanently

Запитання 7

Ukraine is a rich agricultural, industrial and mining region in south-eastern Europe. It is an independent democratic state. Its population is about 42 mln people. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Ukraine has its own armed forces, and maintains its own diplomatic relations with foreign countries. Ukraine covers about 603.700 sq. km being larger than any country in Western Europe. From east to west Ukraine stretches for more than 1300 km and from north to south for almost 900 km. It borders with Belarus and Russia on the north and on the east. In the south it is bounded by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. In the west Ukraine is bounded by Moldova, Rumania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. Ukraine is located in ideal geographical position for the development of its resources, lying between 440 and 520 latitude north, on the same latitude as the USA or Britain. The climate is mild and warm, with a long summer and a short winter. Together with its fertile black soil, this makes it ideal for the development of intensive agriculture. The main part of Ukraine is located in the watershed of the Dnieper-River, which divides Ukraine into two parts: Right-Bank and Left-Bank Ukraine. Ukraine's proximity to the Black Sea and the presence of large navigable rivers running through its territory has promoted the development of trade and culture. The Black Sea is not only a means of communication with Transcaucasia and Turkey but also with the rest of the world through the Mediterranean Sea. Ukraine also lies on the Danube, and this gives it access to European countries. Through the Siversky Donets it has access to the Don. The territory of Ukraine is criss-crossed by railroads and highways, oil and pipelines and high-voltage transmission lines - all of which ensure close economic ties with Eastern and Western Europe. Ukraine is a highly industrialised country, whose economic potential is great.

1. The territory of Ukraine is…

варіанти відповідей

the largest in Western Europe     

the smallest in Western Europe

same with other countries

larger than other countries in West.Europe

Запитання 8

Our country is good for……development.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

The greatest part of our country is situated on…

варіанти відповідей

The Bug

The Dniester

The Dnieper

The Danube

Запитання 10

The waterways of Ukraine are great for….

варіанти відповідей

trade and culture

culture and politics

trade and politics

entertainment and culture

Запитання 11

Ukraine is border on…

варіанти відповідей

Moldova, Slovakia, Poland and Greece

Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovakia

Belarus, Russia,Georgia and Rumania

Rumania, Hungary and Slovakia and Moldova

Запитання 12

Ukraine is washed by...

варіанти відповідей

The Red Sea, The North Sea

The Sea of Azov,The Black Sea

The Black Sea, The Red Sea

The Black Sea, The Arabic sea

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