Reading II term 5 form

Додано: 9 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 340 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the paragraph from Mia's diary and mark the sentences below T (true) or F (false).

Dear Diary, I'm so excited! We have a new music club and I’m going there with Jim today! I’m sure we will have a lot of fun because we both enjoy dancing so much! However, the weather today is not very good. It's chilly and cloudy, so | need to put on my coat. | also think it is going to rain soon, so | will take my umbrella with me, too. Oh, and I need to turn on the GPS on my phone — our city is very big and it’s easy to get lost. Especially if you don’t know where to turn and where to go straight. Well, | believe today is going to be great no matter what. |’ve heard this new club is really awesome and the music there is modern. Well, | need to hurry up —| don’t want Jimmy to wait for me alone in this weather! I'm seeing him at the bus stop at half past four. Wish me luck!

1. There is a new sports club in Mia’s city.

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Запитання 2

Dear Diary, I'm so excited! We have a new music club and I’m going there with Jim today! I’m sure we will have a lot of fun because we both enjoy dancing so much! However, the weather today is not very good. It's chilly and cloudy, so | need to put on my coat. | also think it is going to rain soon, so | will take my umbrella with me, too. Oh, and I need to turn on the GPS on my phone — our city is very big and it’s easy to get lost. Especially if you don’t know where to turn and where to go straight. Well, | believe today is going to be great no matter what. |’ve heard this new club is really awesome and the music there is modern. Well, | need to hurry up —| don’t want Jimmy to wait for me alone in this weather! I'm seeing him at the bus stop at half past four. Wish me luck!

2. Mia and Jim love dancing very much.

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Запитання 3

Dear Diary, I'm so excited! We have a new music club and I’m going there with Jim today! I’m sure we will have a lot of fun because we both enjoy dancing so much! However, the weather today is not very good. It's chilly and cloudy, so | need to put on my coat. | also think it is going to rain soon, so | will take my umbrella with me, too. Oh, and I need to turn on the GPS on my phone — our city is very big and it’s easy to get lost. Especially if you don’t know where to turn and where to go straight. Well, | believe today is going to be great no matter what. |’ve heard this new club is really awesome and the music there is modern. Well, | need to hurry up —| don’t want Jimmy to wait for me alone in this weather! I'm seeing him at the bus stop at half past four. Wish me luck!

3. The weather today is very good — warm and sunny.

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Запитання 4

Dear Diary, I'm so excited! We have a new music club and I’m going there with Jim today! I’m sure we will have a lot of fun because we both enjoy dancing so much! However, the weather today is not very good. It's chilly and cloudy, so | need to put on my coat. | also think it is going to rain soon, so | will take my umbrella with me, too. Oh, and I need to turn on the GPS on my phone — our city is very big and it’s easy to get lost. Especially if you don’t know where to turn and where to go straight. Well, | believe today is going to be great no matter what. |’ve heard this new club is really awesome and the music there is modern. Well, | need to hurry up —| don’t want Jimmy to wait for me alone in this weather! I'm seeing him at the bus stop at half past four. Wish me luck!

4. Mia's city is very big and it is easy to get lost there.

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Запитання 5

Dear Diary, I'm so excited! We have a new music club and I’m going there with Jim today! I’m sure we will have a lot of fun because we both enjoy dancing so much! However, the weather today is not very good. It's chilly and cloudy, so | need to put on my coat. | also think it is going to rain soon, so | will take my umbrella with me, too. Oh, and I need to turn on the GPS on my phone — our city is very big and it’s easy to get lost. Especially if you don’t know where to turn and where to go straight. Well, | believe today is going to be great no matter what. |’ve heard this new club is really awesome and the music there is modern. Well, | need to hurry up —| don’t want Jimmy to wait for me alone in this weather! I'm seeing him at the bus stop at half past four. Wish me luck!

5. Mia needs to hurry up if she doesn't want Jim to wait for her.

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Запитання 6

Dear Diary, I'm so excited! We have a new music club and I’m going there with Jim today! I’m sure we will have a lot of fun because we both enjoy dancing so much! However, the weather today is not very good. It's chilly and cloudy, so | need to put on my coat. | also think it is going to rain soon, so | will take my umbrella with me, too. Oh, and I need to turn on the GPS on my phone — our city is very big and it’s easy to get lost. Especially if you don’t know where to turn and where to go straight. Well, | believe today is going to be great no matter what. |’ve heard this new club is really awesome and the music there is modern. Well, | need to hurry up —| don’t want Jimmy to wait for me alone in this weather! I'm seeing him at the bus stop at half past four. Wish me luck!

6. Mia is Meeting Jim at the bus stop at 4 pm.

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