Reading II variant ( the second term)

Додано: 6 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 60 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1


Britain is a country where sport ia taken seriously. Most people have a sport that they play or that__________ .

варіанти відповідей

winter sports

they watch


spectator sports

winning a fortune

stadiums and playgrounds

Запитання 2

A lot of people play sports when they are young. But then they spend most of their lives as spectators. One of the most popular ---------- in Britain is horse riding.

варіанти відповідей

 winter sports

 they watch


 spectator sports

 winning a fortune

 stadiums and playgrounds

Запитання 3

Thousands watch the big races on television. The British love to bet on horses in hope of ____ .

варіанти відповідей

 winter sports

 they watch


  spectator sports

 winning a fortune

 stadiums and playgrounds

Запитання 4

Наступний текст.


Three kilometres to the north-east of Stonehenge, Woodhenge is another monument. Dated to around 2,300 before Chtrist originally it comprised six rings of wooden posts.It was probably covered with a roof, or the wooden posts were joined in the Stonehenge fashion.

варіанти відповідей

What is the age of Stonehenge?

Which organization takes care of old monuments?

What can tourists hear at these place?

What is cursus?

What is Woodenhenge?

Запитання 5

Another feature which was worth mentioning is the Cursus.It had been built before the stone settings. When it was called the Cursus in the eighteenth century, it was thought to be some sort of racetrack. However, its true function remains a mystery.

варіанти відповідей

 What is the age of Stonehenge?

  Which organization takes care of old monuments?

  What is cursus?

What is Woodenhenge?

What can tourists hear at these places?

Запитання 6

English Heritage will be charged with caring for Stonehenge , Woodenhenge , and the Cursus and will be caring for their good mangement and preservation for future generation.

варіанти відповідей

 What is the age of Stonehenge?

 Which organization takes care of old monuments?

 What can tourists hear at these place?

 What is cursus?

 What is Woodenhenge?

Запитання 7

There are some wonderful myths and legends and you can hear them on the audio tour at Stonehenge,Woodenhenge and the Cursus in ten different languages - English, French, German, Dutch,Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Rissian, Japanese and Mandarin.

варіанти відповідей

 What is the age of Stonehenge?

 Which organization takes care of old monuments?

 What can tourists hear at these place?

  What is cursus?

 What is Woodenhenge?

Запитання 8

Наступний текст

The Kyiv funicular

The Kyiv funicular is a ride that should be on every tourist's list of fascinating things to explore. It connects the historic Upper city to the lower district through the steep hill and _______

варіанти відповідей

was the project of Arthur Abrahamson

  the travel time between the station is about 3 minutes

  it was reconstructed 3 times

  around 2.8 million passenges each year

 the most swift and convenient way to get from Podil to the Mykhailivska Square

  it was once named the Mykhailivskyi Mekhanichnyi Pidjom

Запитання 9

The funicular ____ . It was built during 1902-1905 and was opened to public on May 7, 1905.

варіанти відповідей

was the project of Arthur Abrahamson

  the travel time between the station is about 3 minutes

  it was reconstructed 3 times

around 2.8 million passenges each year

the most swift and convenient way to get from Podil to the Mykhailivska Square

  gives you the opportunity to explore the breathtakingly beautiful scenery of Kyiv and view the Dnipro River

 it was once named the Mykhailivskyi Mekhanichnyi Pidjom

Запитання 10

Since it's very closed to Mykhailivskyi Cathedral, ____. Later, when the cathedral was destroyed in 1935-1936, the funicular was renamed.

варіанти відповідей

 was the project of Arthur Abrahamson

 the travel time between the station is about 3 minutes

 it was reconstructed 3 times

around 2.8 million passenges each year

  the most swift and convenient way to get from Podil to the Mykhailivska Square

gives you the opportunity to explore the breathtakingly beautiful scenery of Kyiv and view the Dnipro River


  it was once named the Mykhailivskyi Mekhanichnyi Pidjom

Запитання 11

The total length of the track is 238 metres and ____ . The route is from Mykhailivska Square to Poshtova Square.

варіанти відповідей

  was the project of Arthur Abrahamson

  the travel time between the station is about 3 minutes

  it was reconstructed 3 times

  around 2.8 million passenges each year


  the most swift and convenient way to get from Podil to the Mykhailivska Square

gives you the opportunity to explore the breathtakingly beautiful scenery of Kyiv and view the Dnipro River

  it was once named the Mykhailivskyi Mekhanichnyi Pidjom

Запитання 12

The funicular is so famous that it serves around 15,000 passengers daily and ------ .

варіанти відповідей

  was the project of Arthur Abrahamson

   the travel time between the station is about 3 minutes

  it was reconstructed 3 times

   around 2.8 million passenges each year

  the most swift and convenient way to get from Podil to the Mykhailivska Square

   gives you the opportunity to explore the breathtakingly beautiful scenery of Kyiv and view the Dnipro River

  it was once named the Mykhailivskyi Mekhanichnyi Pidjom

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