Reading Mr. Smith

Додано: 10 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 207 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

 Mr. Smith lives in Washington DC.  

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Запитання 2

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

  He is a police officer.  

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Запитання 3

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

  At home he usually wears a white shirt, a black suit and shoes.

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Запитання 4

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

He also wears socks when he is at home.  

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Запитання 5

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

 At his work he wears a police uniform.  

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Запитання 6

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

   When it is cold he puts on a sweater.  

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Запитання 7

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

   His warm sweater keeps him warm during his night duties.  

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Запитання 8

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

He also puts on his boots.  

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Запитання 9

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

  He wears a police jacket and a cap.  

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Запитання 10

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

   He also puts on a raincoat.  

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Запитання 11

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

 When Mr. Smith comes home he changes his clothes.  

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Запитання 12

Mr. Smith 

Mr. Smith lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Smith usually wears a shirt, trousers, a jacket, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on a sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts on his boots. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Smith comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.


Put these sentences are true(+) or false(-).

   He never puts his uniform into the wardrobe. 

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