Reading Task: Weekly Routine Paragraph

Додано: 6 липня
Предмет: Англійська мова
5 запитань
Запитання 1

"Hi, I’m Sarah. I have a busy week with many activities. On Monday, I go to the gym for a workout. It’s my favorite way to start the week. On Tuesday, I have a music lesson where I learn to play the piano. It’s always fun and relaxing. On Wednesday, I visit my grandma. We have lunch together and talk about many things. On Thursday, I go to the library to study and read books. It’s a quiet and peaceful place. On Friday, I play soccer with friends in the park. It’s a great way to stay active and have fun. On Saturday, I watch movies at home. I love to relax and enjoy a good film. Finally, on Sunday, I rest at home and prepare for the next week. It’s my day to recharge."

1) On Monday, Sarah goes to the library.

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Запитання 2

"Hi, I’m Sarah. I have a busy week with many activities. On Monday, I go to the gym for a workout. It’s my favorite way to start the week. On Tuesday, I have a music lesson where I learn to play the piano. It’s always fun and relaxing. On Wednesday, I visit my grandma. We have lunch together and talk about many things. On Thursday, I go to the library to study and read books. It’s a quiet and peaceful place. On Friday, I play soccer with friends in the park. It’s a great way to stay active and have fun. On Saturday, I watch movies at home. I love to relax and enjoy a good film. Finally, on Sunday, I rest at home and prepare for the next week. It’s my day to recharge."

2)Sarah has a music lesson on Tuesday.

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Запитання 3

"Hi, I’m Sarah. I have a busy week with many activities. On Monday, I go to the gym for a workout. It’s my favorite way to start the week. On Tuesday, I have a music lesson where I learn to play the piano. It’s always fun and relaxing. On Wednesday, I visit my grandma. We have lunch together and talk about many things. On Thursday, I go to the library to study and read books. It’s a quiet and peaceful place. On Friday, I play soccer with friends in the park. It’s a great way to stay active and have fun. On Saturday, I watch movies at home. I love to relax and enjoy a good film. Finally, on Sunday, I rest at home and prepare for the next week. It’s my day to recharge."

3)On Wednesday, Sarah visits her grandma.

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Запитання 4

"Hi, I’m Sarah. I have a busy week with many activities. On Monday, I go to the gym for a workout. It’s my favorite way to start the week. On Tuesday, I have a music lesson where I learn to play the piano. It’s always fun and relaxing. On Wednesday, I visit my grandma. We have lunch together and talk about many things. On Thursday, I go to the library to study and read books. It’s a quiet and peaceful place. On Friday, I play soccer with friends in the park. It’s a great way to stay active and have fun. On Saturday, I watch movies at home. I love to relax and enjoy a good film. Finally, on Sunday, I rest at home and prepare for the next week. It’s my day to recharge."

4)Sarah plays soccer with friends on Thursday.

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Запитання 5

"Hi, I’m Sarah. I have a busy week with many activities. On Monday, I go to the gym for a workout. It’s my favorite way to start the week. On Tuesday, I have a music lesson where I learn to play the piano. It’s always fun and relaxing. On Wednesday, I visit my grandma. We have lunch together and talk about many things. On Thursday, I go to the library to study and read books. It’s a quiet and peaceful place. On Friday, I play soccer with friends in the park. It’s a great way to stay active and have fun. On Saturday, I watch movies at home. I love to relax and enjoy a good film. Finally, on Sunday, I rest at home and prepare for the next week. It’s my day to recharge."

5)On Saturday, Sarah watches movies.

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