Read the text and choose the correct options.
Last Saturday, my friend Sally and I decided to go to the bowling alley near my house. We got there at five o'clock. All our friends were there and we had a great time. About three hours later, we got hungry, so we went to the fast food restaurant next to the bowling alley. We had our meal and got ready to leave. Suddenly, a woman screamed. "Snake!" There was a big snake under her table. We all started running out of the restaurant. We were very scared because it looked dangerous. Then a young girl came out with the snake in her hands and said. "Don't be scared. He's my pet". The woman and the young girl's parents were very angry, but my friends and I started laughing.
The girls decided to go to the cinema last Saturday.
The bowling alley was near the house
The girls came to the place at 5 o'clock.
Sally's parents were in the bowling alley and they had a great time.
They got hungry about three hours later.
They went to the fast food restaurant next to the bowling alley.
They didn't have their meal because a woman screamed.
There was a big spider under her table.
They all started running out of the restaurant.
They were worried because of the snake.
Then a young boy came out with the snake in his hands.
The snake was the young girl's pet.
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