Reading test 1

Додано: 2 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

1.  Olha lives in Lviv.

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Запитання 2

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

2.  She isn’t nine.

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Запитання 3

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

3.  She lives in a two-room flat.

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Запитання 4

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

4.She has got her own room.

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Запитання 5

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

5.The green carpet is on the floor.

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Запитання 6

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

6.Her sofa is on the right.

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Запитання 7

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

7.The armchair is under the window.

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Запитання 8

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

8.The toy box isn’t on the left.

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Запитання 9

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

9. There isn’t a bookshelf in the room.

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Запитання 10

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

10. There is a desk in her room.

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Запитання 11

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

11.The TV set is next to the door.

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Запитання 12

My Room

 Hello! My name is Olha. I am ten years old. I live in Lviv. It’s a very old city. I live in a three-room flat. My flat is not big but it is new.  It has got a living-room, two bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

 I have got my own room. This is my favourite room. It is very nice. The grey carpet is on the floor and my sofa is near the wall on the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa and the armchair is under the window. The TV set is in front of the door. I have got a desk next to the toy box on the right. I like my room very much.

12.  The girl doesn’t like her room.

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