Reading test.

Додано: 5 листопада 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 249 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Kate Green lives near Exeter, in the south-west of England. She lives on a farm in the country. She 's got a lot of pets. She's got two rabbits, a dog and a horse. The horse is called Sandy, and the dog is called Ginger. The two rabbits are called Bill and Ben. They eat a lot of carrots.

Martin Williams lives in Harlech. Harlech is a village in North Wales. He lives in a house with a small garden. He's got two hamsters, a cat and a tortoise. His favourite pet is the cat. She's called Suki and she's very beautiful !

What pets has Kate got ?

варіанти відповідей

a horse, a dog and two rabbits.

two rabbits, a dog.

two rabbits, a dog, two hamsters.

Запитання 2

Kate Green lives near Exeter, in the south-west of England. She lives on a farm in the country. She 's got a lot of pets. She's got two rabbits, a dog and a horse. The horse is called Sandy, and the dog is called Ginger. The two rabbits are called Bill and Ben. They eat a lot of carrots.

Martin Williams lives in Harlech. Harlech is a village in North Wales. He lives in a house with a small garden. He's got two hamsters, a cat and a tortoise. His favourite pet is the cat. She's called Suki and she's very beautiful !

What pets has Martin got ?

варіанти відповідей

a tortoise, two hamsters, a cat.

a cat, a horse, a hamster.

two dogs, two hamsters, two cats.

Запитання 3

Kate Green lives near Exeter, in the south-west of England. She lives on a farm in the country. She 's got a lot of pets. She's got two rabbits, a dog and a horse. The horse is called Sandy, and the dog is called Ginger. The two rabbits are called Bill and Ben. They eat a lot of carrots.

Martin Williams lives in Harlech. Harlech is a village in North Wales. He lives in a house with a small garden. He's got two hamsters, a cat and a tortoise. His favourite pet is the cat. She's called Suki and she's very beautiful !

Martin lives in ......... ?

варіанти відповідей

the north-west of Scotland.


the North of Wales.

Запитання 4

Kate Green lives near Exeter, in the south-west of England. She lives on a farm in the country. She 's got a lot of pets. She's got two rabbits, a dog and a horse. The horse is called Sandy, and the dog is called Ginger. The two rabbits are called Bill and Ben. They eat a lot of carrots.

Martin Williams lives in Harlech. Harlech is a village in North Wales. He lives in a house with a small garden. He's got two hamsters, a cat and a tortoise. His favourite pet is the cat. She's called Suki and she's very beautiful !

Kate lives in a ......

варіанти відповідей

small town.

large city.


Запитання 5

      Kate Green lives near Exeter, in the south-west of England. She lives on a farm in the country. She 's got a lot of pets. She's got two rabbits, a dog and a horse. The horse is called Sandy, and the dog is called Ginger. The two rabbits are called Bill and Ben. They eat a lot of carrots.

Martin Williams lives in Harlech. Harlech is a village in North Wales. He lives in a house with a small garden. He's got two hamsters, a cat and a tortoise. His favourite pet is the cat. She's called Suki and she's very beautiful !

Martin has got a .......

варіанти відповідей

large garden.

small garden.


Запитання 6

      Kate Green lives near Exeter, in the south-west of England. She lives on a farm in the country. She 's got a lot of pets. She's got two rabbits, a dog and a horse. The horse is called Sandy, and the dog is called Ginger. The two rabbits are called Bill and Ben. They eat a lot of carrots.

Martin Williams lives in Harlech. Harlech is a village in North Wales. He lives in a house with a small garden. He's got two hamsters, a cat and a tortoise. His favourite pet is the cat. She's called Suki and she's very beautiful !

Kate's dog is called .....

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 7

      Kate Green lives near Exeter, in the south-west of England. She lives on a farm in the country. She 's got a lot of pets. She's got two rabbits, a dog and a horse. The horse is called Sandy, and the dog is called Ginger. The two rabbits are called Bill and Ben. They eat a lot of carrots.

Martin Williams lives in Harlech. Harlech is a village in North Wales. He lives in a house with a small garden. He's got two hamsters, a cat and a tortoise. His favourite pet is the cat. She's called Suki and she's very beautiful !

Bill and Ben eat a lot of ...........

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

      Kate Green lives near Exeter, in the south-west of England. She lives on a farm in the country. She 's got a lot of pets. She's got two rabbits, a dog and a horse. The horse is called Sandy, and the dog is called Ginger. The two rabbits are called Bill and Ben. They eat a lot of carrots.

Martin Williams lives in Harlech. Harlech is a village in North Wales. He lives in a house with a small garden. He's got two hamsters, a cat and a tortoise. His favourite pet is the cat. She's called Suki and she's very beautiful !

Suki is Martin's favourite ..........

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 9

      Kate Green lives near Exeter, in the south-west of England. She lives on a farm in the country. She 's got a lot of pets. She's got two rabbits, a dog and a horse. The horse is called Sandy, and the dog is called Ginger. The two rabbits are called Bill and Ben. They eat a lot of carrots.

Martin Williams lives in Harlech. Harlech is a village in North Wales. He lives in a house with a small garden. He's got two hamsters, a cat and a tortoise. His favourite pet is the cat. She's called Suki and she's very beautiful !

Kate has got ..........

варіанти відповідей

three pet.

four pets.

two pets.

Запитання 10

      Kate Green lives near Exeter, in the south-west of England. She lives on a farm in the country. She 's got a lot of pets. She's got two rabbits, a dog and a horse. The horse is called Sandy, and the dog is called Ginger. The two rabbits are called Bill and Ben. They eat a lot of carrots.

Martin Williams lives in Harlech. Harlech is a village in North Wales. He lives in a house with a small garden. He's got two hamsters, a cat and a tortoise. His favourite pet is the cat. She's called Suki and she's very beautiful !

Sandy is a .........

варіанти відповідей




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