Reading Test A

Додано: 12 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
14 запитань
Запитання 1


Starting a new school can be an exciting time for some people but, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Zoella came to the UK from Italy when she was twelve. ‘I spoke a little English but I wasn’t very confident so it was difficult to make friends. I hated being here at first and wanted to return to Italy. It took me a long time to make friends because I was so shy, but, finally, I succeeded. Everyone was very welcoming and I’m glad that I didn’t run away as now I have some good friends and speak English quite well. My little sister, Anna, had no problems at all, even though she didn’t speak any English when we came here.’

Eugenio, their older brother, was sixteen when he came to England. ‘I think I found it quite easy really. I already spoke quite a bit of English, and I’ve never had a problem making friends. I guess the fact that I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years helped too. We had some laughs when I made some language mistakes, but other people did too, so it wasn’t a big thing. I know that Zoella found it hard. She was always the quiet one in the family and she doesn’t like talking, as I do.

Emily is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘Yes, it can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But we have a lot of experience of this here and we do everything we can to make it easier for the kids. We recognise when there are problems and the other students are happy to help and look after new arrivals. Before new students start here, we have a special day when they come with their parents and can meet some of their future class. It’s important for all the family to feel at home. The parents play a huge role in helping other families to feel at home.’

1 Going to a new school can be

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Запитання 2


Starting a new school can be an exciting time for some people but, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Zoella came to the UK from Italy when she was twelve. ‘I spoke a little English but I wasn’t very confident so it was difficult to make friends. I hated being here at first and wanted to return to Italy. It took me a long time to make friends because I was so shy, but, finally, I succeeded. Everyone was very welcoming and I’m glad that I didn’t run away as now I have some good friends and speak English quite well. My little sister, Anna, had no problems at all, even though she didn’t speak any English when we came here.’

Eugenio, their older brother, was sixteen when he came to England. ‘I think I found it quite easy really. I already spoke quite a bit of English, and I’ve never had a problem making friends. I guess the fact that I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years helped too. We had some laughs when I made some language mistakes, but other people did too, so it wasn’t a big thing. I know that Zoella found it hard. She was always the quiet one in the family and she doesn’t like talking, as I do.

Emily is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘Yes, it can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But we have a lot of experience of this here and we do everything we can to make it easier for the kids. We recognise when there are problems and the other students are happy to help and look after new arrivals. Before new students start here, we have a special day when they come with their parents and can meet some of their future class. It’s important for all the family to feel at home. The parents play a huge role in helping other families to feel at home.’

2 When Zoella came to the UK, she

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took a long time to learn English.

was extremely confident.

never wanted to back to Italy again.

was able to make friends after a time.

Запитання 3


Starting a new school can be an exciting time for some people but, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Zoella came to the UK from Italy when she was twelve. ‘I spoke a little English but I wasn’t very confident so it was difficult to make friends. I hated being here at first and wanted to return to Italy. It took me a long time to make friends because I was so shy, but, finally, I succeeded. Everyone was very welcoming and I’m glad that I didn’t run away as now I have some good friends and speak English quite well. My little sister, Anna, had no problems at all, even though she didn’t speak any English when we came here.’

Eugenio, their older brother, was sixteen when he came to England. ‘I think I found it quite easy really. I already spoke quite a bit of English, and I’ve never had a problem making friends. I guess the fact that I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years helped too. We had some laughs when I made some language mistakes, but other people did too, so it wasn’t a big thing. I know that Zoella found it hard. She was always the quiet one in the family and she doesn’t like talking, as I do.

Emily is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘Yes, it can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But we have a lot of experience of this here and we do everything we can to make it easier for the kids. We recognise when there are problems and the other students are happy to help and look after new arrivals. Before new students start here, we have a special day when they come with their parents and can meet some of their future class. It’s important for all the family to feel at home. The parents play a huge role in helping other families to feel at home.’

3 Zoella says that

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her sister doesn’t speak any English

she still has problems with English.

her sister didn’t have problems learning English.

her best friends speak good English.

Запитання 4


Starting a new school can be an exciting time for some people but, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Zoella came to the UK from Italy when she was twelve. ‘I spoke a little English but I wasn’t very confident so it was difficult to make friends. I hated being here at first and wanted to return to Italy. It took me a long time to make friends because I was so shy, but, finally, I succeeded. Everyone was very welcoming and I’m glad that I didn’t run away as now I have some good friends and speak English quite well. My little sister, Anna, had no problems at all, even though she didn’t speak any English when we came here.’

Eugenio, their older brother, was sixteen when he came to England. ‘I think I found it quite easy really. I already spoke quite a bit of English, and I’ve never had a problem making friends. I guess the fact that I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years helped too. We had some laughs when I made some language mistakes, but other people did too, so it wasn’t a big thing. I know that Zoella found it hard. She was always the quiet one in the family and she doesn’t like talking, as I do.

Emily is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘Yes, it can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But we have a lot of experience of this here and we do everything we can to make it easier for the kids. We recognise when there are problems and the other students are happy to help and look after new arrivals. Before new students start here, we have a special day when they come with their parents and can meet some of their future class. It’s important for all the family to feel at home. The parents play a huge role in helping other families to feel at home.’

4 Eugenio explains that

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it wasn’t difficult to learn English.

playing football well was an advantage.

he had a few problems finding good friends.

at sixteen he was the youngest of the family.

Запитання 5


Starting a new school can be an exciting time for some people but, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Zoella came to the UK from Italy when she was twelve. ‘I spoke a little English but I wasn’t very confident so it was difficult to make friends. I hated being here at first and wanted to return to Italy. It took me a long time to make friends because I was so shy, but, finally, I succeeded. Everyone was very welcoming and I’m glad that I didn’t run away as now I have some good friends and speak English quite well. My little sister, Anna, had no problems at all, even though she didn’t speak any English when we came here.’

Eugenio, their older brother, was sixteen when he came to England. ‘I think I found it quite easy really. I already spoke quite a bit of English, and I’ve never had a problem making friends. I guess the fact that I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years helped too. We had some laughs when I made some language mistakes, but other people did too, so it wasn’t a big thing. I know that Zoella found it hard. She was always the quiet one in the family and she doesn’t like talking, as I do.

Emily is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘Yes, it can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But we have a lot of experience of this here and we do everything we can to make it easier for the kids. We recognise when there are problems and the other students are happy to help and look after new arrivals. Before new students start here, we have a special day when they come with their parents and can meet some of their future class. It’s important for all the family to feel at home. The parents play a huge role in helping other families to feel at home.’

5 Eugenio says that

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he didn’t like making language mistakes.

he worried about saying the wrong thing in English.

Zoella had a difficult time when she first came.

his sister likes talking more than he does.

Запитання 6


Starting a new school can be an exciting time for some people but, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Zoella came to the UK from Italy when she was twelve. ‘I spoke a little English but I wasn’t very confident so it was difficult to make friends. I hated being here at first and wanted to return to Italy. It took me a long time to make friends because I was so shy, but, finally, I succeeded. Everyone was very welcoming and I’m glad that I didn’t run away as now I have some good friends and speak English quite well. My little sister, Anna, had no problems at all, even though she didn’t speak any English when we came here.’

Eugenio, their older brother, was sixteen when he came to England. ‘I think I found it quite easy really. I already spoke quite a bit of English, and I’ve never had a problem making friends. I guess the fact that I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years helped too. We had some laughs when I made some language mistakes, but other people did too, so it wasn’t a big thing. I know that Zoella found it hard. She was always the quiet one in the family and she doesn’t like talking, as I do.

Emily is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘Yes, it can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But we have a lot of experience of this here and we do everything we can to make it easier for the kids. We recognise when there are problems and the other students are happy to help and look after new arrivals. Before new students start here, we have a special day when they come with their parents and can meet some of their future class. It’s important for all the family to feel at home. The parents play a huge role in helping other families to feel at home.’

6 Emily believes that

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young people like moving to a new school.

the school does a lot to help new students.

joining a new school is an exciting experience.

new arrivals cause problems for other students.

Запитання 7


Starting a new school can be an exciting time for some people but, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Zoella came to the UK from Italy when she was twelve. ‘I spoke a little English but I wasn’t very confident so it was difficult to make friends. I hated being here at first and wanted to return to Italy. It took me a long time to make friends because I was so shy, but, finally, I succeeded. Everyone was very welcoming and I’m glad that I didn’t run away as now I have some good friends and speak English quite well. My little sister, Anna, had no problems at all, even though she didn’t speak any English when we came here.’

Eugenio, their older brother, was sixteen when he came to England. ‘I think I found it quite easy really. I already spoke quite a bit of English, and I’ve never had a problem making friends. I guess the fact that I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years helped too. We had some laughs when I made some language mistakes, but other people did too, so it wasn’t a big thing. I know that Zoella found it hard. She was always the quiet one in the family and she doesn’t like talking, as I do.

Emily is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘Yes, it can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But we have a lot of experience of this here and we do everything we can to make it easier for the kids. We recognise when there are problems and the other students are happy to help and look after new arrivals. Before new students start here, we have a special day when they come with their parents and can meet some of their future class. It’s important for all the family to feel at home. The parents play a huge role in helping other families to feel at home.’

7 New students at the school

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spend their first day meeting everyone.

meet people from their class at home.

bring their parents to their first day.

attend an event before they start school.

Запитання 8

There have been many ideas for ways to protect the environment, but not all of them have proved to be successful and some have even damaged the environment in ways that the creators had not considered.

One idea to save the planet has been to use biofuels instead of traditional fuels. They are made from natural oils from plants such as oil palm or soybean and are therefore a renewable form of energy. Unfortunately the production of these has severely damaged the environment by causing deforestation in some places and creating a global food crisis as farmers use the land for producing biofuel and not food.

Another idea that scientists are looking at is to find a way of using the energy of tornados, which often blow at more than 100 miles per hour. One scientist believes that he can catch a tornado and keep it going and so generating lots of power. However, the machine used to do this could be very dangerous if the tornado gets out of control and destroys everything around it.

However, for every disaster story there is also a success story. As more endangered species disappear around the world, there are some positive stories. For example, in the 1980s there was only one known pair of bald eagles, the bird which is the symbol of the USA, left alive. This was because of some harmful chemicals used in farming. Since farmers stopped using the chemicals the numbers have increased and in 2015 there were 161 known pairs

One unusual success involves food which has been thrown away. In many wealthier countries too much good food is wasted because the packaging says it mustn’t be used after a certain date. However the food is usually still safe to eat and a charity in the UK makes meals out of this for people who need help. One couple who were getting married asked the charity to prepare food at their wedding and everyone loved it. Despite the failures, it’s still important to come up with new ideas that will protect the environment, but we should look at the consequences more closely before putting them into practice.

1 Biofuels are the best replacement for traditional fuels.

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Запитання 9

There have been many ideas for ways to protect the environment, but not all of them have proved to be successful and some have even damaged the environment in ways that the creators had not considered.

One idea to save the planet has been to use biofuels instead of traditional fuels. They are made from natural oils from plants such as oil palm or soybean and are therefore a renewable form of energy. Unfortunately the production of these has severely damaged the environment by causing deforestation in some places and creating a global food crisis as farmers use the land for producing biofuel and not food.

Another idea that scientists are looking at is to find a way of using the energy of tornados, which often blow at more than 100 miles per hour. One scientist believes that he can catch a tornado and keep it going and so generating lots of power. However, the machine used to do this could be very dangerous if the tornado gets out of control and destroys everything around it.

However, for every disaster story there is also a success story. As more endangered species disappear around the world, there are some positive stories. For example, in the 1980s there was only one known pair of bald eagles, the bird which is the symbol of the USA, left alive. This was because of some harmful chemicals used in farming. Since farmers stopped using the chemicals the numbers have increased and in 2015 there were 161 known pairs

One unusual success involves food which has been thrown away. In many wealthier countries too much good food is wasted because the packaging says it mustn’t be used after a certain date. However the food is usually still safe to eat and a charity in the UK makes meals out of this for people who need help. One couple who were getting married asked the charity to prepare food at their wedding and everyone loved it. Despite the failures, it’s still important to come up with new ideas that will protect the environment, but we should look at the consequences more closely before putting them into practice.

2 There has been deforestation because of biofuel production.

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Запитання 10

There have been many ideas for ways to protect the environment, but not all of them have proved to be successful and some have even damaged the environment in ways that the creators had not considered.

One idea to save the planet has been to use biofuels instead of traditional fuels. They are made from natural oils from plants such as oil palm or soybean and are therefore a renewable form of energy. Unfortunately the production of these has severely damaged the environment by causing deforestation in some places and creating a global food crisis as farmers use the land for producing biofuel and not food.

Another idea that scientists are looking at is to find a way of using the energy of tornados, which often blow at more than 100 miles per hour. One scientist believes that he can catch a tornado and keep it going and so generating lots of power. However, the machine used to do this could be very dangerous if the tornado gets out of control and destroys everything around it.

However, for every disaster story there is also a success story. As more endangered species disappear around the world, there are some positive stories. For example, in the 1980s there was only one known pair of bald eagles, the bird which is the symbol of the USA, left alive. This was because of some harmful chemicals used in farming. Since farmers stopped using the chemicals the numbers have increased and in 2015 there were 161 known pairs

One unusual success involves food which has been thrown away. In many wealthier countries too much good food is wasted because the packaging says it mustn’t be used after a certain date. However the food is usually still safe to eat and a charity in the UK makes meals out of this for people who need help. One couple who were getting married asked the charity to prepare food at their wedding and everyone loved it. Despite the failures, it’s still important to come up with new ideas that will protect the environment, but we should look at the consequences more closely before putting them into practice.

3 Scientists are already using tornado energy.

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Запитання 11

There have been many ideas for ways to protect the environment, but not all of them have proved to be successful and some have even damaged the environment in ways that the creators had not considered.

One idea to save the planet has been to use biofuels instead of traditional fuels. They are made from natural oils from plants such as oil palm or soybean and are therefore a renewable form of energy. Unfortunately the production of these has severely damaged the environment by causing deforestation in some places and creating a global food crisis as farmers use the land for producing biofuel and not food.

Another idea that scientists are looking at is to find a way of using the energy of tornados, which often blow at more than 100 miles per hour. One scientist believes that he can catch a tornado and keep it going and so generating lots of power. However, the machine used to do this could be very dangerous if the tornado gets out of control and destroys everything around it.

However, for every disaster story there is also a success story. As more endangered species disappear around the world, there are some positive stories. For example, in the 1980s there was only one known pair of bald eagles, the bird which is the symbol of the USA, left alive. This was because of some harmful chemicals used in farming. Since farmers stopped using the chemicals the numbers have increased and in 2015 there were 161 known pairs

One unusual success involves food which has been thrown away. In many wealthier countries too much good food is wasted because the packaging says it mustn’t be used after a certain date. However the food is usually still safe to eat and a charity in the UK makes meals out of this for people who need help. One couple who were getting married asked the charity to prepare food at their wedding and everyone loved it. Despite the failures, it’s still important to come up with new ideas that will protect the environment, but we should look at the consequences more closely before putting them into practice.

4 It might not be very safe to use tornado energy.

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Запитання 12

There have been many ideas for ways to protect the environment, but not all of them have proved to be successful and some have even damaged the environment in ways that the creators had not considered.

One idea to save the planet has been to use biofuels instead of traditional fuels. They are made from natural oils from plants such as oil palm or soybean and are therefore a renewable form of energy. Unfortunately the production of these has severely damaged the environment by causing deforestation in some places and creating a global food crisis as farmers use the land for producing biofuel and not food.

Another idea that scientists are looking at is to find a way of using the energy of tornados, which often blow at more than 100 miles per hour. One scientist believes that he can catch a tornado and keep it going and so generating lots of power. However, the machine used to do this could be very dangerous if the tornado gets out of control and destroys everything around it.

However, for every disaster story there is also a success story. As more endangered species disappear around the world, there are some positive stories. For example, in the 1980s there was only one known pair of bald eagles, the bird which is the symbol of the USA, left alive. This was because of some harmful chemicals used in farming. Since farmers stopped using the chemicals the numbers have increased and in 2015 there were 161 known pairs

One unusual success involves food which has been thrown away. In many wealthier countries too much good food is wasted because the packaging says it mustn’t be used after a certain date. However the food is usually still safe to eat and a charity in the UK makes meals out of this for people who need help. One couple who were getting married asked the charity to prepare food at their wedding and everyone loved it. Despite the failures, it’s still important to come up with new ideas that will protect the environment, but we should look at the consequences more closely before putting them into practice.

5 There were hardly any bald eagles in the 1980s.

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Запитання 13

There have been many ideas for ways to protect the environment, but not all of them have proved to be successful and some have even damaged the environment in ways that the creators had not considered.

One idea to save the planet has been to use biofuels instead of traditional fuels. They are made from natural oils from plants such as oil palm or soybean and are therefore a renewable form of energy. Unfortunately the production of these has severely damaged the environment by causing deforestation in some places and creating a global food crisis as farmers use the land for producing biofuel and not food.

Another idea that scientists are looking at is to find a way of using the energy of tornados, which often blow at more than 100 miles per hour. One scientist believes that he can catch a tornado and keep it going and so generating lots of power. However, the machine used to do this could be very dangerous if the tornado gets out of control and destroys everything around it.

However, for every disaster story there is also a success story. As more endangered species disappear around the world, there are some positive stories. For example, in the 1980s there was only one known pair of bald eagles, the bird which is the symbol of the USA, left alive. This was because of some harmful chemicals used in farming. Since farmers stopped using the chemicals the numbers have increased and in 2015 there were 161 known pairs

One unusual success involves food which has been thrown away. In many wealthier countries too much good food is wasted because the packaging says it mustn’t be used after a certain date. However the food is usually still safe to eat and a charity in the UK makes meals out of this for people who need help. One couple who were getting married asked the charity to prepare food at their wedding and everyone loved it. Despite the failures, it’s still important to come up with new ideas that will protect the environment, but we should look at the consequences more closely before putting them into practice.

6 Chemicals were used to help the birds survive.

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Запитання 14

There have been many ideas for ways to protect the environment, but not all of them have proved to be successful and some have even damaged the environment in ways that the creators had not considered.

One idea to save the planet has been to use biofuels instead of traditional fuels. They are made from natural oils from plants such as oil palm or soybean and are therefore a renewable form of energy. Unfortunately the production of these has severely damaged the environment by causing deforestation in some places and creating a global food crisis as farmers use the land for producing biofuel and not food.

Another idea that scientists are looking at is to find a way of using the energy of tornados, which often blow at more than 100 miles per hour. One scientist believes that he can catch a tornado and keep it going and so generating lots of power. However, the machine used to do this could be very dangerous if the tornado gets out of control and destroys everything around it.

However, for every disaster story there is also a success story. As more endangered species disappear around the world, there are some positive stories. For example, in the 1980s there was only one known pair of bald eagles, the bird which is the symbol of the USA, left alive. This was because of some harmful chemicals used in farming. Since farmers stopped using the chemicals the numbers have increased and in 2015 there were 161 known pairs

One unusual success involves food which has been thrown away. In many wealthier countries too much good food is wasted because the packaging says it mustn’t be used after a certain date. However the food is usually still safe to eat and a charity in the UK makes meals out of this for people who need help. One couple who were getting married asked the charity to prepare food at their wedding and everyone loved it. Despite the failures, it’s still important to come up with new ideas that will protect the environment, but we should look at the consequences more closely before putting them into practice.

7 Food for the wedding came from famous supermarkets.

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