Tom does one thing that teenagers don't normally do.
Tom is the only person who eats the food he cooks.
Tom's mum was happier when he didn't cook
Tom's mum thinks learning to cook is good for teenagers.
Tom learned some recipes from his grandmother.
Tom's vegetable soup was not good.
Tom says he is a good cook.
Tom's friends like cooking too now.
Circle the meaning of the word in CAPITALS in these sentences from the reading text above.
Today things are different and SHE is very happy.
Maths and English are important, of course, but THEY need other skills too to help THEM in today’s world.
Yesterday he made vegetable soup. IT was very good!
He started using recipes in MY cookery books.
I love cooking and I think I'm really good at IT.
IT isn't difficult and IT's great fun!
A _______________ is someone who is between thirteen and nineteen years old.
Teachers give you _______________ to do at home before the next lesson.
When you _______________ a meal, you make hot food.
A _______________ is something you learn how to do, like using a computer.
The instructions you follow to make a meal are called a _______________.
Some subjects are easy but others are _______________.
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