Reading Test Form 3 II term

Read the texts and do the task.

Read the text "Betty" and do the task. I Choose true or false ( + or - ). II Choose the right item 

Read the text "At the Shopping Centre" and choose the right item.

Додано: 7 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 42 рази
18 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text "Betty" and choose true or false.

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk with my dog in the park.

Her country is little.

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Запитання 2

Read the text "Betty" and choose true or false.

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk with my dog in the park.

She lives in the city.

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Запитання 3

Read the text "Betty" and choose true or false.

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk with my dog in the park.

Her family is big.

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Запитання 4

Read the text "Betty" and choose true or false.

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk with my dog in the park.

Her mother’s name is Susan.

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Запитання 5

Read the text "Betty" and choose true or false.

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk with my dog in the park.

She goes to school №15.

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Запитання 6

Read the text "Betty" and choose true or false.

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk with my dog in the park.

She learns English on Mondays and Wednesdays.

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Запитання 7

Read the text "Betty" and choose the right item. 

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk with my dog in the park.

The girl’s name is … .    

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Запитання 8

Read the text "Betty" and choose the right item. 

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk with my dog in the park.

She is … .

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Запитання 9

Read the text "Betty" and choose the right item. 

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk with my dog in the park.

She is from … .

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Запитання 10

Read the text "Betty" and choose the right item. 

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk with my dog in the park.

She lives in a … .

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Запитання 11

Read the text "Betty" and choose the right item. 

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk with my dog in the park.

Her father is a … .

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Запитання 12

Read the text "Betty" and choose the right item. 

Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk my dog in the park.

She learns … at school.

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Запитання 13

Read the text "At the Shopping Centre" and choose the right item.

It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. The shopping center is a big building outside the town. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants, snack bars and a big cinema. Tim and Tina’s mother go to the supermarket. She buys chicken, rice and some vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys a pair of trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a bookshop. Her mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema. They see a funny film called “My Uncle Joe”.  

What day is it?  

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Запитання 14

Read the text "At the Shopping Centre" and choose the right item.

It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. The shopping center is a big building outside the town. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants, snack bars and a big cinema. Tim and Tina’s mother go to the supermarket. She buys chicken, rice and some vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys a pair of trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a bookshop. Her mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema. They see a funny film called “My Uncle Joe”.  

Where do they go?

варіанти відповідей

to a big shopping center  

 to a shop

 to a market  

Запитання 15

Read the text "At the Shopping Centre" and choose the right item.

It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. The shopping center is a big building outside the town. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants, snack bars and a big cinema. Tim and Tina’s mother go to the supermarket. She buys chicken, rice and some vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys a pair of trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a bookshop. Her mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema. They see a funny film called “My Uncle Joe”.  

Where do they go at first?  

варіанти відповідей

to the supermarket 

to the baker’s 

to the butcher’s  

Запитання 16

Read the text "At the Shopping Centre" and choose the right item.

It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. The shopping center is a big building outside the town. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants, snack bars and a big cinema. Tim and Tina’s mother go to the supermarket. She buys chicken, rice and some vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys a pair of trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a bookshop. Her mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema. They see a funny film called “My Uncle Joe”.  

Where do they go then? 

варіанти відповідей

to the toy shop  

to the sweet shop 

to the sports shop

Запитання 17

Read the text "At the Shopping Centre" and choose the right item.

It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. The shopping center is a big building outside the town. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants, snack bars and a big cinema. Tim and Tina’s mother go to the supermarket. She buys chicken, rice and some vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys a pair of trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a bookshop. Her mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema. They see a funny film called “My Uncle Joe”.  

What do they buy in the sports shop?    

варіанти відповідей

a pair of trainers 

a tracksuit

a T-shirt  

Запитання 18

Read the text "At the Shopping Centre" and choose the right item.

It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. The shopping center is a big building outside the town. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants, snack bars and a big cinema. Tim and Tina’s mother go to the supermarket. She buys chicken, rice and some vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys a pair of trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a bookshop. Her mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema. They see a funny film called “My Uncle Joe”.  

Where do they eat?    

варіанти відповідей

in a café 

in a snack bar

in a fast food restaurant 

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