Reading Test. At the beach. 2 Form (IITerm)

Діагностична робота з читання для 2 класу (2 семестр), підручник Quick Minds 2

Додано: 12 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
Тест виконано: 227 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

At the beach.

Look! This is Tom. He is eight. That is his sister Ann. She is five. They are at the beach. Children are making a big sandcastle. The sea is cold. They are not swimming. Mum is painting a picture. She is painting a ship in the sea. Dad is catching a fish. He has got four fish. It's a good spring day!

1. Yes/No

Ann is three.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

At the beach.

  Look! This is Tom. He is eight. That is his sister Ann. She is five. They are at the beach. Children are making a big sandcastle. The sea is cold. They are not swimming. Mum is painting a picture. She is painting a ship in the sea. Dad is catching a fish. He has got four fish. It's a good spring day!

2. Yes /No

Children are making a big sandcastle.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

At the beach.

  Look! This is Tom. He is eight. That is his sister Ann. She is five. They are at the beach. Children are making a big sandcastle. The sea is cold. They are not swimming. Mum is painting a picture. She is painting a ship in the sea. Dad is catching a fish. He has got four fish. It's a good spring day!

3. Yes/No

Mum is painting a fish in the sea.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

At the beach.

Look! This is Tom. He is eight. That is his sister Ann. She is five. They are at the beach. Children are making a big sandcastle. The sea is cold. They are not swimming. Mum is painting a picture. She is painting a ship in the sea. Dad is catching a fish. He has got four fish. It's a good spring day!


Dad is catching a fish.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

At the beach.

  Look! This is Tom. He is eight. That is his sister Ann. She is five. They are at the beach. Children are making a big sandcastle. The sea is cold. They are not swimming. Mum is painting a picture. She is painting a ship in the sea. Dad is catching a fish. He has got four fish. It's a good spring day!


Children are not swimming.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

At the beach.

  Look! This is Tom. He is eight. That is his sister Ann. She is five. They are at the beach. Children are making a big sandcastle. The sea is cold. They are not swimming. Mum is painting a picture. She is painting a ship in the sea. Dad is catching a fish. He has got four fish. It's a good spring day!

6. Choose the correct variant. Вибери правильний варіант.

Tom is ...

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 7

At the beach.

  Look! This is Tom. He is eight. That is his sister Ann. She is five. They are at the beach. Children are making a big sandcastle. The sea is cold. They are not swimming. Mum is painting a picture. She is painting a ship in the sea. Dad is catching a fish. He has got four fish. It's a good spring day!

7. Choose the correct variant. Вибери правильну відповідь.

The sea is .......

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

At the beach.

  Look! This is Tom. He is eight. That is his sister Ann. She is five. They are at the beach. Children are making a big sandcastle. The sea is cold. They are not swimming. Mum is painting a picture. She is painting a ship in the sea. Dad is catching a fish. He has got four fish.It's a good spring day!

8. Choose the correct variant. Вибери правильний варіант.

Children are .....

варіанти відповідей

making a sandwich

making a sandcastle

looking for shells

Запитання 9

At the beach.

  Look! This is Tom. He is eight. That is his sister Ann. She is five. They are at the beach. Children are making a big sandcastle. The sea is cold. They are not swimming. Mum is painting a picture. She is painting a ship in the sea. Dad is catching a fish. He has got four fish. It's a good spring day!

9. Choose the correct variant. Вибери правильний варіант.

Dad has got .....

варіанти відповідей

three fish

four fish

four shells

Запитання 10

At the beach.

  Look! This is Tom. He is eight. That is his sister Ann. She is five. They are at the beach. Children are making a big sandcastle. The sea is cold. They are not swimming. Mum is painting a picture. She is painting a ship in the sea. Dad is catching a fish. He has got four fish. It's a good spring day!

10. Choose the correct variant.

It's a good ....

варіанти відповідей

spring day!

spring morning!

winter day!

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