Контроль читання 4 клас

Додано: 23 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 141 раз
13 запитань
Запитання 1

Percy Adams lived in a great neighborhood. He had many friends there.  Percy woke up one morning and took a long stretch. He had a good night and was very rested. First, he walked in the kitchen and ate a good breakfast. He waited at the door for someone to open it and let him out. He had things to do. Percy walked outside and looked around. Everything seemed fine. Then, he went and checked on his friend, Al the dog.  Al was still sleeping and didn’t want to go with Percy. Percy walked across the yard and visited the Mother Bird and her babies. They were fine and were eating some worms for breakfast. They didn’t even look at Percy. They were busy. Percy walked across the street and visited his friend Bubba. Bubba was outside stretched out in the sun. Bubba was glad to see Percy. They were great friends. Bubba said hello to Percy with a great big MEOW. Percy gave a MEOW right back. Percy and Bubba played and played. They visited their other friends in the neighborhood. It was time to go home. They were tired and it was a good time to take a nap.


What kind of animals were Percy and Bubba ? 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2

Percy Adams lived in a great neighborhood. He had many friends there.  Percy woke up one morning and took a long stretch. He had a good night and was very rested. First, he walked in the kitchen and ate a good breakfast. He waited at the door for someone to open it and let him out. He had things to do. Percy walked outside and looked around. Everything seemed fine. Then, he went and checked on his friend, Al the dog.  Al was still sleeping and didn’t want to go with Percy. Percy walked across the yard and visited the Mother Bird and her babies. They were fine and were eating some worms for breakfast. They didn’t even look at Percy. They were busy. Percy walked across the street and visited his friend Bubba. Bubba was outside stretched out in the sun. Bubba was glad to see Percy. They were great friends. Bubba said hello to Percy with a great big MEOW. Percy gave a MEOW right back. Percy and Bubba played and played. They visited their other friends in the neighborhood. It was time to go home. They were tired and it was a good time to take a nap. 

Why did someone have to open the door for Percy? 

варіанти відповідей

he was too short   

he was too lazy

cats can’t open doors 

he was scared 

Запитання 3

Percy Adams lived in a great neighborhood. He had many friends there.  Percy woke up one morning and took a long stretch. He had a good night and was very rested. First, he walked in the kitchen and ate a good breakfast. He waited at the door for someone to open it and let him out. He had things to do. Percy walked outside and looked around. Everything seemed fine. Then, he went and checked on his friend, Al the dog.  Al was still sleeping and didn’t want to go with Percy. Percy walked across the yard and visited the Mother Bird and her babies. They were fine and were eating some worms for breakfast. They didn’t even look at Percy. They were busy. Percy walked across the street and visited his friend Bubba. Bubba was outside stretched out in the sun. Bubba was glad to see Percy. They were great friends. Bubba said hello to Percy with a great big MEOW. Percy gave a MEOW right back. Percy and Bubba played and played. They visited their other friends in the neighborhood. It was time to go home. They were tired and it was a good time to take a nap. 

Who did Percy visit first when he went outside? 

варіанти відповідей



Mother Bird

the frog

Запитання 4

Percy Adams lived in a great neighborhood. He had many friends there.  Percy woke up one morning and took a long stretch. He had a good night and was very rested. First, he walked in the kitchen and ate a good breakfast. He waited at the door for someone to open it and let him out. He had things to do. Percy walked outside and looked around. Everything seemed fine. Then, he went and checked on his friend, Al the dog.  Al was still sleeping and didn’t want to go with Percy. Percy walked across the yard and visited the Mother Bird and her babies. They were fine and were eating some worms for breakfast. They didn’t even look at Percy. They were busy. Percy walked across the street and visited his friend Bubba. Bubba was outside stretched out in the sun. Bubba was glad to see Percy. They were great friends. Bubba said hello to Percy with a great big MEOW. Percy gave a MEOW right back. Percy and Bubba played and played. They visited their other friends in the neighborhood. It was time to go home. They were tired and it was a good time to take a nap. 

Why didn’t the birds look at Percy? 

варіанти відповідей

 they were asleep

they were afraid

they were gone

they were eating breakfast 

Запитання 5

Percy Adams lived in a great neighborhood. He had many friends there.  Percy woke up one morning and took a long stretch. He had a good night and was very rested. First, he walked in the kitchen and ate a good breakfast. He waited at the door for someone to open it and let him out. He had things to do. Percy walked outside and looked around. Everything seemed fine. Then, he went and checked on his friend, Al the dog.  Al was still sleeping and didn’t want to go with Percy. Percy walked across the yard and visited the Mother Bird and her babies. They were fine and were eating some worms for breakfast. They didn’t even look at Percy. They were busy. Percy walked across the street and visited his friend Bubba. Bubba was outside stretched out in the sun. Bubba was glad to see Percy. They were great friends. Bubba said hello to Percy with a great big MEOW. Percy gave a MEOW right back. Percy and Bubba played and played. They visited their other friends in the neighborhood. It was time to go home. They were tired and it was a good time to take a nap. 

What did Percy do when he went home? 

варіанти відповідей

played with Al    

took a nap

ate some food 

visited the birds

Запитання 6

Percy Adams lived in a great neighborhood. He had many friends there.  Percy woke up one morning and took a long stretch. He had a good night and was very rested. First, he walked in the kitchen and ate a good breakfast. He waited at the door for someone to open it and let him out. He had things to do. Percy walked outside and looked around. Everything seemed fine. Then, he went and checked on his friend, Al the dog.  Al was still sleeping and didn’t want to go with Percy. Percy walked across the yard and visited the Mother Bird and her babies. They were fine and were eating some worms for breakfast. They didn’t even look at Percy. They were busy. Percy walked across the street and visited his friend Bubba. Bubba was outside stretched out in the sun. Bubba was glad to see Percy. They were great friends. Bubba said hello to Percy with a great big MEOW. Percy gave a MEOW right back. Percy and Bubba played and played. They visited their other friends in the neighborhood. It was time to go home. They were tired and it was a good time to take a nap. 

What kind of day do you think Percy had?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 7

Percy Adams lived in a great neighborhood. He had many friends there.  Percy woke up one morning and took a long stretch. He had a good night and was very rested. First, he walked in the kitchen and ate a good breakfast. He waited at the door for someone to open it and let him out. He had things to do. Percy walked outside and looked around. Everything seemed fine. Then, he went and checked on his friend, Al the dog.  Al was still sleeping and didn’t want to go with Percy. Percy walked across the yard and visited the Mother Bird and her babies. They were fine and were eating some worms for breakfast. They didn’t even look at Percy. They were busy. Percy walked across the street and visited his friend Bubba. Bubba was outside stretched out in the sun. Bubba was glad to see Percy. They were great friends. Bubba said hello to Percy with a great big MEOW. Percy gave a MEOW right back. Percy and Bubba played and played. They visited their other friends in the neighborhood. It was time to go home. They were tired and it was a good time to take a nap. 

Percy and Bubba were _________.

варіанти відповідей

not happy                    

good friends

hungry for food 


Запитання 8

One of the things I like best about school is my art class. We have a great teacher named Mrs. Hilbert. She is a wonderful artist. I love to watch her draw and paint. She taught us how to mix paint to make just the right colors for our paintings. She plays good music while we draw and paint. We draw and paint almost everyday in class. Some days we look at pictures of other artists. It is interesting to do this. It helps me to think of things that I want to paint or draw. We have an art exhibit in May this year. Our work will be in one of the banks in our town. We are inviting people from the community to our exhibit.  Our parents are invited to go with us. I have three paintings I am working on now. I hope one of them will be chosen to be in the exhibit. I like having a goal to work toward

What is one of the favorite classes of this student? 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

One of the things I like best about school is my art class. We have a great teacher named Mrs. Hilbert. She is a wonderful artist. I love to watch her draw and paint. She taught us how to mix paint to make just the right colors for our paintings. She plays good music while we draw and paint. We draw and paint almost everyday in class. Some days we look at pictures of other artists. It is interesting to do this. It helps me to think of things that I want to paint or draw. We have an art exhibit in May this year. Our work will be in one of the banks in our town. We are inviting people from the community to our exhibit.  Our parents are invited to go with us. I have three paintings I am working on now. I hope one of them will be chosen to be in the exhibit. I like having a goal to work toward

Mrs. Hilbert is a ___

варіанти відповідей

nice lady       

wonderful artist

 sweet person

beautiful person

Запитання 10

One of the things I like best about school is my art class. We have a great teacher named Mrs. Hilbert. She is a wonderful artist. I love to watch her draw and paint. She taught us how to mix paint to make just the right colors for our paintings. She plays good music while we draw and paint. We draw and paint almost everyday in class. Some days we look at pictures of other artists. It is interesting to do this. It helps me to think of things that I want to paint or draw. We have an art exhibit in May this year. Our work will be in one of the banks in our town. We are inviting people from the community to our exhibit.  Our parents are invited to go with us. I have three paintings I am working on now. I hope one of them will be chosen to be in the exhibit. I like having a goal to work toward

What did Mrs. Hilbert teach the class to do? 

варіанти відповідей

bake chocolate cake   

write great stories

mix paint 

do long division

Запитання 11

One of the things I like best about school is my art class. We have a great teacher named Mrs. Hilbert. She is a wonderful artist. I love to watch her draw and paint. She taught us how to mix paint to make just the right colors for our paintings. She plays good music while we draw and paint. We draw and paint almost everyday in class. Some days we look at pictures of other artists. It is interesting to do this. It helps me to think of things that I want to paint or draw. We have an art exhibit in May this year. Our work will be in one of the banks in our town. We are inviting people from the community to our exhibit.  Our parents are invited to go with us. I have three paintings I am working on now. I hope one of them will be chosen to be in the exhibit. I like having a goal to work toward

Why does it help this student to see the works of other artists? 

варіанти відповідей

to learn to draw                   

mix paint

to think about what she wants to paint   

none of these 

Запитання 12

One of the things I like best about school is my art class. We have a great teacher named Mrs. Hilbert. She is a wonderful artist. I love to watch her draw and paint. She taught us how to mix paint to make just the right colors for our paintings. She plays good music while we draw and paint. We draw and paint almost everyday in class. Some days we look at pictures of other artists. It is interesting to do this. It helps me to think of things that I want to paint or draw. We have an art exhibit in May this year. Our work will be in one of the banks in our town. We are inviting people from the community to our exhibit.  Our parents are invited to go with us. I have three paintings I am working on now. I hope one of them will be chosen to be in the exhibit. I like having a goal to work toward

Where will the art exhibit be? 

варіанти відповідей

at the library      

at one of the banks

at the school 

at one of the churches 

Запитання 13

One of the things I like best about school is my art class. We have a great teacher named Mrs. Hilbert. She is a wonderful artist. I love to watch her draw and paint. She taught us how to mix paint to make just the right colors for our paintings. She plays good music while we draw and paint. We draw and paint almost everyday in class. Some days we look at pictures of other artists. It is interesting to do this. It helps me to think of things that I want to paint or draw. We have an art exhibit in May this year. Our work will be in one of the banks in our town. We are inviting people from the community to our exhibit.  Our parents are invited to go with us. I have three paintings I am working on now. I hope one of them will be chosen to be in the exhibit. I like having a goal to work toward

What does this student hope will happen with her paintings? 

варіанти відповідей

one of them will be sold

one of them will be chosen for the exhibit

one of them will be of her younger sister

one of them will be lost

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