Reading test (the second term)

Додано: 10 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 601 раз
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Прочитай речення. Який предмет описують? 

It has got only one eye.You always take it with you on a trip and can take pictures with this.

варіанти відповідей

a camera

a toothbrush 

a towel

a basket

Запитання 2

Прочитай речення. Який предмет описують? 

You clean your teeth with this in the morning and in the evening.

варіанти відповідей

a toothbrush

a pillow

a plant

a garage

Запитання 3

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My name is Bohdan. I like going to the zoo very much. Last Sunday I went to the zoo with my mum and dad. My mum bought three tickets. Then we went to see the animals. First we saw the bears. They were very big.

      Dad took a picture of them. Then we went to see the monkeys. They were very funny and had a feeding time. “Look at that!” Mum said: “One of the monkeys is eating a banana!” After this dad bought me an ice cream and we sat down to eat it. Then we looked at the lions and lemurs. They were so beautiful. One lemur was very huge. Even bigger than lions' child. I liked my day at the zoo. Next weekend I'm going to visit Lviv and find new interesting place in the west of our beautiful country.

варіанти відповідей

Bohdan went to the zoo on Monday alone.

Bohdan went to the zoo on Sunday with his parents.

Bohdan went to the zoo on Monday with his dog.

Bohdan went to the zoo on Sunday with his friends.

Запитання 4

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My name is Bohdan. I like going to the zoo very much. Last Sunday I went to the zoo with my mum and dad. My mum bought three tickets. Then we went to see the animals. First we saw the bears. They were very big. Dad took a picture of them. Then we went to see the monkeys. They were very funny and had a feeding time. “Look at that!” Mum said: “One of the monkeys is eating a banana!”

After this dad bought me an ice cream and we sat down to eat it. Then we looked at the lions and lemurs. They were so beautiful. One lemur was very huge. Even bigger than lions' child. I liked my day at the zoo. Next weekend I'm going to visit Lviv and find new interesting place in the west of our beautiful country.


варіанти відповідей

Mum bought three tickets.

Mum bought two tickets.

Dad bought three tickets.

Mum didn't buy tickets.

Запитання 5

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My name is Bohdan. I like going to the zoo very much. Last Sunday I went to the zoo with my mum and dad. My mum bought three tickets. Then we went to see the animals. First we saw the bears. They were very big. Dad took a picture of them. Then we went to see the monkeys. They were very funny and had a feeding time. “Look at that!” Mum said: “One of the monkeys is eating a banana!”

After this dad bought me an ice cream and we sat down to eat it. Then we looked at the lions and lemurs. They were so beautiful. One lemur was very huge. Even bigger than lions' child. I liked my day at the zoo. Next weekend I'm going to visit Lviv and find new interesting place in the west of our beautiful country.


варіанти відповідей

The bears were very big.

The bears were not very big.

The bears were so tiny.

The bears were so old.

Запитання 6

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My name is Bohdan. I like going to the zoo very much. Last Sunday I went to the zoo with my mum and dad. My mum bought three tickets. Then we went to see the animals. First we saw the bears. They were very big. Dad took a picture of them. Then we went to see the monkeys. They were very funny and had a feeding time. “Look at that!” Mum said: “One of the monkeys is eating a banana!”

After this dad bought me an ice cream and we sat down to eat it. Then we looked at the lions and lemurs. They were so beautiful. One lemur was very huge. Even bigger than lions' child. I liked my day at the zoo. Next weekend I'm going to visit Lviv and find new interesting place in the west of our beautiful country.

варіанти відповідей

Mum said that monkey is very hungry.

Mum said that all monkeys were eating bananas.

Mum said that they needed to go home.

Mum said that one of the monkeys was eating a banana.

Запитання 7

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My name is Bohdan. I like going to the zoo very much. Last Sunday I went to the zoo with my mum and dad. My mum bought three tickets. Then we went to see the animals. First we saw the bears. They were very big. Dad took a picture of them. Then we went to see the monkeys. They were very funny and had a feeding time. “Look at that!” Mum said: “One of the monkeys is eating a banana!”

After this dad bought me an ice cream and we sat down to eat it. Then we looked at the lions and lemurs. They were so beautiful. One lemur was very huge. Even bigger than lions' child. I liked my day at the zoo. Next weekend I'm going to visit Lviv and find new interesting place in the west of our beautiful country.

варіанти відповідей

Mum bought Bohdan an ice cream.

Mum bought some bananas for monkeys.

Dad bought Ben an ice cream.

Dad bought Bohdan an ice cream.

Запитання 8

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My name is Bohdan. I like going to the zoo very much. Last Sunday I went to the zoo with my mum and dad. My mum bought three tickets. Then we went to see the animals. First we saw the bears. They were very big. Dad took a picture of them. Then we went to see the monkeys. They were very funny and had a feeding time. “Look at that!” Mum said: “One of the monkeys is eating a banana!”

After this dad bought me an ice cream and we sat down to eat it. Then we looked at the lions and lemurs. They were so beautiful. One lemur was very huge. Even bigger than lions' child. I liked my day at the zoo. Next weekend I'm going to visit Lviv and find new interesting place in the west of our beautiful country.

варіанти відповідей

At the zoo Ben saw bears, monkeys and lions.

At the zoo Bohdan saw bears, monkeys, lemurs and lions.

At the zoo Bohdan saw bears, monkeys, tigers and lemurs.

At the zoo Bohdan saw bears, monkeys and lions.

Запитання 9

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My name is Bohdan. I like going to the zoo very much. Last Sunday I went to the zoo with my mum and dad. My mum bought three tickets. Then we went to see the animals. First we saw the bears. They were very big. Dad took a picture of them. Then we went to see the monkeys. They were very funny and had a feeding time. “Look at that!” Mum said: “One of the monkeys is eating a banana!”

After this dad bought me an ice cream and we sat down to eat it. Then we looked at the lions and lemurs. They were so beautiful. One lemur was very huge. Even bigger than lions' child. I liked my day at the zoo. Next weekend I'm going to visit Lviv and find new interesting place in the west of our beautiful country.

варіанти відповідей

Bohdan didn’t like his day at the zoo and going to visit Lviv in the west.

Bohdan liked his day at the zoo and going to visit other countries.

Bohdan liked his day at the zoo and going to visit Lviv in the west.

Bohdan didn’t like his day at the zoo and going to visit other countries.

Запитання 10

Прочитай речення. Яке місце описують? 

You go to this place to buy food and clother. You can buy toys and different interesting things for home here.

варіанти відповідей

a mall

a supermarket

a bakery

a library

Запитання 11

Прочитай речення. Який предмет описують? 

You wear them when you play sport games. It's very important for PE lesson.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 12

Прочитай речення. Яке місце описують? 

There is a place where people live in block of flats new and tall.

варіанти відповідей

a city

a village

a town

a farm

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