Reading the 6th form. Go Getter

Додано: 12 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 197 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

1      Complete the text with the words in the box.


by Helen Todd

My family and I live in a 0 cottage in a small 1                            in Yorkshire. My parents have their own 2                            here and my brother and I go to the local school. People here are very friendly. They smile, say good morning and 3                            hands when they meet in the street. They chat to their neighbours when they 4                            the plants in the garden or take

5                            the rubbish. It’s a great place to live.

варіанти відповідей

village, business,shake,water,out

business,shake,water, out, village

village, out, business, water, shake

village, business, out, shake,water

Запитання 2

2. Choose the correct answer

1.  Dad leaves / left the offi­ce a few minutes ago.

2.   I try / I’m trying to do this exercise, but I don’t understand it.

3. I can’t come with you tomorrow. I play / I’m playing tennis with Paula.

4.  She didn’t water / doesn’t water the plants yesterday, so please water them now.

5. We were exploring / explored the old town when we got lost.

варіанти відповідей

leaves, I`m trying, I`m playing, didn`t, explored

left, try, I`m playing, didn`t, explored

leaves, try, play, doesn`t water, were exploring

left, I`m trying, I`m playing, didn`t, explored

Запитання 3

3. Choose the correct answer

The best 0 baker’s / newsagent’s in town is The Pie Shop. People stand in a 1 queue / cashier to buy bread and apple pies from there. Tourists come to 2 check / try the local food – our area is famous for apple pies! Mrs Taylor, the owner, makes the bread and pies. When they come out of the 3 pot / oven, they smell delicious! Mrs Taylor’s son and daughter also work at The Pie Shop. They 4 peelbeat and chop the apples, serve the customers and clean 5 away / up the kitchen every evening.

варіанти відповідей

cashier, check, pot, beat, away

queue, try, oven, peel, up

queue, check, oven, peel, away

cashier, try, pot, beat, up

Запитання 4

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use will or the Present Perfect.

1.                                                        (you / ever / stay) in a hotel?’ ‘No, I haven’t.’

варіанти відповідей

Have you ever stayed

Has you ever stayed

Запитання 5

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use will or the Present Perfect.

 Max loves animals. I think he                                                      (be) a vet one day.

варіанти відповідей

will to be

will be

Запитання 6

6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use will or the Present Perfect

   Oh, no! I                                                      (break) my favorite mug.

варіанти відповідей

has broken

have broken

Запитання 7

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use will or the Present Perfect

Jim                                                      (make) spaghetti. Try it, it’s delicious

варіанти відповідей

have made

has made

Запитання 8

8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use will or the Present Perfect

 What                                                      (you / do) in the future?

варіанти відповідей

wiil you do

you will do

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