Reading Unit 2

Додано: 3 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

At weekends my family members are rarely all at home at the same time, so we write notes to each other. They help to remember things to do. My mother is the busiest person in doing the household chores. And I must admit my elder sister is the greatest helping hand for her.

Every morning my mother cooks breakfast. She fries some eggs in a frying pan. My sister sometimes boils sausages in a small pot. When the eggs are ready, Mum serves them to us with nicely decorated salad and boiled sausages. While my mother is doing that, my sister is cutting some bread and taking out a teapot, cups and plates.

When the water in the kettle boils, my sister puts some tea into the teapot, pours some boiling water into the pot and the tea is ready.

Sometimes my mum prefers coffee to tea. Then my father prepares it. He is good at making coffee. I never drink coffee. I prefer tea. My sister sometimes drinks coffee with milk or cream. After breakfast I go to my school and my father goes to his offi ce. My sister puts the dishes into the dishwasher to clean and dry them. My mum cleans the table and takes off the tablecloth.

My sister puts clean cups and dishes onto the cupboard and goes to her work.

And what about Mum? She stays at home and does lots of things around the house. There is always something to do, work around the house is never done...

Say if the statement is true or false

Everyone must know that he/she has to do his or her part of chores.

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Запитання 2

At weekends my family members are rarely all at home at the same time, so we write notes to each other. They help to remember things to do. My mother is the busiest person in doing the household chores. And I must admit my elder sister is the greatest helping hand for her.

Every morning my mother cooks breakfast. She fries some eggs in a frying pan. My sister sometimes boils sausages in a small pot. When the eggs are ready, Mum serves them to us with nicely decorated salad and boiled sausages. While my mother is doing that, my sister is cutting some bread and taking out a teapot, cups and plates.

When the water in the kettle boils, my sister puts some tea into the teapot, pours some boiling water into the pot and the tea is ready.

Sometimes my mum prefers coffee to tea. Then my father prepares it. He is good at making coffee. I never drink coffee. I prefer tea. My sister sometimes drinks coffee with milk or cream. After breakfast I go to my school and my father goes to his offi ce. My sister puts the dishes into the dishwasher to clean and dry them. My mum cleans the table and takes off the tablecloth.

My sister puts clean cups and dishes onto the cupboard and goes to her work.

And what about Mum? She stays at home and does lots of things around the house. There is always something to do, work around the house is never done...

Say if the statement is true or false

Doing the shopping is not a household duty.

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Запитання 3

At weekends my family members are rarely all at home at the same time, so we write notes to each other. They help to remember things to do. My mother is the busiest person in doing the household chores. And I must admit my elder sister is the greatest helping hand for her.

Every morning my mother cooks breakfast. She fries some eggs in a frying pan. My sister sometimes boils sausages in a small pot. When the eggs are ready, Mum serves them to us with nicely decorated salad and boiled sausages. While my mother is doing that, my sister is cutting some bread and taking out a teapot, cups and plates.

When the water in the kettle boils, my sister puts some tea into the teapot, pours some boiling water into the pot and the tea is ready.

Sometimes my mum prefers coffee to tea. Then my father prepares it. He is good at making coffee. I never drink coffee. I prefer tea. My sister sometimes drinks coffee with milk or cream. After breakfast I go to my school and my father goes to his offi ce. My sister puts the dishes into the dishwasher to clean and dry them. My mum cleans the table and takes off the tablecloth.

My sister puts clean cups and dishes onto the cupboard and goes to her work.

And what about Mum? She stays at home and does lots of things around the house. There is always something to do, work around the house is never done...

Say if the statement is true or false

They usually boil sausages in a frying pan.

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Запитання 4

At weekends my family members are rarely all at home at the same time, so we write notes to each other. They help to remember things to do. My mother is the busiest person in doing the household chores. And I must admit my elder sister is the greatest helping hand for her.

Every morning my mother cooks breakfast. She fries some eggs in a frying pan. My sister sometimes boils sausages in a small pot. When the eggs are ready, Mum serves them to us with nicely decorated salad and boiled sausages. While my mother is doing that, my sister is cutting some bread and taking out a teapot, cups and plates.

When the water in the kettle boils, my sister puts some tea into the teapot, pours some boiling water into the pot and the tea is ready.

Sometimes my mum prefers coffee to tea. Then my father prepares it. He is good at making coffee. I never drink coffee. I prefer tea. My sister sometimes drinks coffee with milk or cream. After breakfast I go to my school and my father goes to his offi ce. My sister puts the dishes into the dishwasher to clean and dry them. My mum cleans the table and takes off the tablecloth.

My sister puts clean cups and dishes onto the cupboard and goes to her work.

And what about Mum? She stays at home and does lots of things around the house. There is always something to do, work around the house is never done...

Say if the statement is true or false

Her elder sister never drinks coffee.

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Запитання 5

At weekends my family members are rarely all at home at the same time, so we write notes to each other. They help to remember things to do. My mother is the busiest person in doing the household chores. And I must admit my elder sister is the greatest helping hand for her.

Every morning my mother cooks breakfast. She fries some eggs in a frying pan. My sister sometimes boils sausages in a small pot. When the eggs are ready, Mum serves them to us with nicely decorated salad and boiled sausages. While my mother is doing that, my sister is cutting some bread and taking out a teapot, cups and plates.

When the water in the kettle boils, my sister puts some tea into the teapot, pours some boiling water into the pot and the tea is ready.

Sometimes my mum prefers coffee to tea. Then my father prepares it. He is good at making coffee. I never drink coffee. I prefer tea. My sister sometimes drinks coffee with milk or cream. After breakfast I go to my school and my father goes to his offi ce. My sister puts the dishes into the dishwasher to clean and dry them. My mum cleans the table and takes off the tablecloth.

My sister puts clean cups and dishes onto the cupboard and goes to her work.

And what about Mum? She stays at home and does lots of things around the house. There is always something to do, work around the house is never done...

Say if the statement is true or false

After breakfast Jane’s father washes up with a dishwasher.

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Запитання 6

At weekends my family members are rarely all at home at the same time, so we write notes to each other. They help to remember things to do. My mother is the busiest person in doing the household chores. And I must admit my elder sister is the greatest helping hand for her.

Every morning my mother cooks breakfast. She fries some eggs in a frying pan. My sister sometimes boils sausages in a small pot. When the eggs are ready, Mum serves them to us with nicely decorated salad and boiled sausages. While my mother is doing that, my sister is cutting some bread and taking out a teapot, cups and plates.

When the water in the kettle boils, my sister puts some tea into the teapot, pours some boiling water into the pot and the tea is ready.

Sometimes my mum prefers coffee to tea. Then my father prepares it. He is good at making coffee. I never drink coffee. I prefer tea. My sister sometimes drinks coffee with milk or cream. After breakfast I go to my school and my father goes to his offi ce. My sister puts the dishes into the dishwasher to clean and dry them. My mum cleans the table and takes off the tablecloth.

My sister puts clean cups and dishes onto the cupboard and goes to her work.

And what about Mum? She stays at home and does lots of things around the house. There is always something to do, work around the house is never done...

Say if the statement is true or false

The elder sister stays at home and does lots of things around the house.

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