Reading Unit 2

Додано: 3 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

My kid brother Ted is a real nuisance. He follows me all the time. He doesn’t play in his room, but he comes to my room and makes a mess.

“Please tidy the room now,” I tell him, but he doesn’t. He just says, “I’m too small.” In fact, he doesn’t do any chores. I help our mum with the dishes, I take out the rubbish, I wash dad’s car...

Ted always takes my things without asking and doesn’t give them back. I still don’t know where my skateboard is. When I phone my friends he always repeats everything I say. “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today.” “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today,” he says. “I think Jessica doesn’t like me.”

“I think Jessica doesn’t like me,” he repeats.

“Shut up!” I scream. “Shut up!” he screams too. I don’t understand what’s so funny about repeating what other people say.

“He’s too small,” my parents just explain. “He doesn’t understand.”

Ted eats sweets before dinner and then he doesn’t eat his food. Sometimes he hides dad’s car key and doesn’t want to say where it is. So mum and dad sometimes really get angry, but Ted just says, “I’m too small.” Sometimes I would like to be “too small”, especially when Ms Jones tells my dad that I don’t do my homework regularly.

So, that’s Ted. He really annoys me, but he is my kid brother and I love him.

Say if the statement is true or false

Mike’s brother Ted is a real pain in the neck.

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Запитання 2

My kid brother Ted is a real nuisance. He follows me all the time. He doesn’t play in his room, but he comes to my room and makes a mess.

“Please tidy the room now,” I tell him, but he doesn’t. He just says, “I’m too small.” In fact, he doesn’t do any chores. I help our mum with the dishes, I take out the rubbish, I wash dad’s car...

Ted always takes my things without asking and doesn’t give them back. I still don’t know where my skateboard is. When I phone my friends he always repeats everything I say. “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today.” “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today,” he says. “I think Jessica doesn’t like me.”

“I think Jessica doesn’t like me,” he repeats.

“Shut up!” I scream. “Shut up!” he screams too. I don’t understand what’s so funny about repeating what other people say.

“He’s too small,” my parents just explain. “He doesn’t understand.”

Ted eats sweets before dinner and then he doesn’t eat his food. Sometimes he hides dad’s car key and doesn’t want to say where it is. So mum and dad sometimes really get angry, but Ted just says, “I’m too small.” Sometimes I would like to be “too small”, especially when Ms Jones tells my dad that I don’t do my homework regularly.

So, that’s Ted. He really annoys me, but he is my kid brother and I love him.

Say if the statement is true or false

Ted doesn’t make a mess in Mike’s room.

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Запитання 3

My kid brother Ted is a real nuisance. He follows me all the time. He doesn’t play in his room, but he comes to my room and makes a mess.

“Please tidy the room now,” I tell him, but he doesn’t. He just says, “I’m too small.” In fact, he doesn’t do any chores. I help our mum with the dishes, I take out the rubbish, I wash dad’s car...

Ted always takes my things without asking and doesn’t give them back. I still don’t know where my skateboard is. When I phone my friends he always repeats everything I say. “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today.” “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today,” he says. “I think Jessica doesn’t like me.”

“I think Jessica doesn’t like me,” he repeats.

“Shut up!” I scream. “Shut up!” he screams too. I don’t understand what’s so funny about repeating what other people say.

“He’s too small,” my parents just explain. “He doesn’t understand.”

Ted eats sweets before dinner and then he doesn’t eat his food. Sometimes he hides dad’s car key and doesn’t want to say where it is. So mum and dad sometimes really get angry, but Ted just says, “I’m too small.” Sometimes I would like to be “too small”, especially when Ms Jones tells my dad that I don’t do my homework regularly.

So, that’s Ted. He really annoys me, but he is my kid brother and I love him.

Say if the statement is true or false

Ted does a lot of chores.

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Запитання 4

My kid brother Ted is a real nuisance. He follows me all the time. He doesn’t play in his room, but he comes to my room and makes a mess.

“Please tidy the room now,” I tell him, but he doesn’t. He just says, “I’m too small.” In fact, he doesn’t do any chores. I help our mum with the dishes, I take out the rubbish, I wash dad’s car...

Ted always takes my things without asking and doesn’t give them back. I still don’t know where my skateboard is. When I phone my friends he always repeats everything I say. “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today.” “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today,” he says. “I think Jessica doesn’t like me.”

“I think Jessica doesn’t like me,” he repeats.

“Shut up!” I scream. “Shut up!” he screams too. I don’t understand what’s so funny about repeating what other people say.

“He’s too small,” my parents just explain. “He doesn’t understand.”

Ted eats sweets before dinner and then he doesn’t eat his food. Sometimes he hides dad’s car key and doesn’t want to say where it is. So mum and dad sometimes really get angry, but Ted just says, “I’m too small.” Sometimes I would like to be “too small”, especially when Ms Jones tells my dad that I don’t do my homework regularly.

So, that’s Ted. He really annoys me, but he is my kid brother and I love him.

Say if the statement is true or false

Ted never takes Mike’s things without asking.

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Запитання 5

My kid brother Ted is a real nuisance. He follows me all the time. He doesn’t play in his room, but he comes to my room and makes a mess.

“Please tidy the room now,” I tell him, but he doesn’t. He just says, “I’m too small.” In fact, he doesn’t do any chores. I help our mum with the dishes, I take out the rubbish, I wash dad’s car...

Ted always takes my things without asking and doesn’t give them back. I still don’t know where my skateboard is. When I phone my friends he always repeats everything I say. “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today.” “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today,” he says. “I think Jessica doesn’t like me.”

“I think Jessica doesn’t like me,” he repeats.

“Shut up!” I scream. “Shut up!” he screams too. I don’t understand what’s so funny about repeating what other people say.

“He’s too small,” my parents just explain. “He doesn’t understand.”

Ted eats sweets before dinner and then he doesn’t eat his food. Sometimes he hides dad’s car key and doesn’t want to say where it is. So mum and dad sometimes really get angry, but Ted just says, “I’m too small.” Sometimes I would like to be “too small”, especially when Ms Jones tells my dad that I don’t do my homework regularly.

So, that’s Ted. He really annoys me, but he is my kid brother and I love him.

Say if the statement is true or false

Ted repeats everything Mike says.

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Запитання 6

My kid brother Ted is a real nuisance. He follows me all the time. He doesn’t play in his room, but he comes to my room and makes a mess.

“Please tidy the room now,” I tell him, but he doesn’t. He just says, “I’m too small.” In fact, he doesn’t do any chores. I help our mum with the dishes, I take out the rubbish, I wash dad’s car...

Ted always takes my things without asking and doesn’t give them back. I still don’t know where my skateboard is. When I phone my friends he always repeats everything I say. “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today.” “Luckily, we don’t have anything for homework today,” he says. “I think Jessica doesn’t like me.”

“I think Jessica doesn’t like me,” he repeats.

“Shut up!” I scream. “Shut up!” he screams too. I don’t understand what’s so funny about repeating what other people say.

“He’s too small,” my parents just explain. “He doesn’t understand.”

Ted eats sweets before dinner and then he doesn’t eat his food. Sometimes he hides dad’s car key and doesn’t want to say where it is. So mum and dad sometimes really get angry, but Ted just says, “I’m too small.” Sometimes I would like to be “too small”, especially when Ms Jones tells my dad that I don’t do my homework regularly.

So, that’s Ted. He really annoys me, but he is my kid brother and I love him.

Say if the statement is true or false

Mike does his homework regularly.

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