Reported speech

Додано: 7 вересня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 92 рази
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Steward said he ....... (not/want) any dessert as he was full.

варіанти відповідей

Steward said he didin`t want any dessert as he was full.

Steward said he don't want any dessert as he was full.

Steward said he doesn't want any dessert as he was full.

Steward said he hadn't wanted any dessert as he was full.

Запитання 2

Derek said that he and Belinda ...... (see) Adam recently.

варіанти відповідей

Derek said that he and Belinda saw Adam recently.

Derek said that he and Belinda have seen Adam recently.

Derek said that he and Belinda had seen Adam recently.

Запитання 3

When I called, Susie said she ...... (give) the dog a bath so she asked me to phone back in half an hour.

варіанти відповідей

When I called, Susie said she gave the dog a bath so she asked me to phone back in half an hour.

When I called, Susie said she has given the dog a bath so she asked me to phone back in half an hour.

When I called, Susie said she was giving the dog a bath so she asked me to phone back in half an hour.

When I called, Susie said she has been giving the dog a bath so she asked me to phone back in half an hour.

Запитання 4

Marcus said he ....... (try) to find a flat for ages he finally found one he liked.

варіанти відповідей

Marcus said he was trying to find a flat for ages he finally found one he liked.

Marcus said he tried to find a flat for ages he finally found one he liked.

Marcus said he has been trying to find a flat for ages he finally found one he liked.

Marcus said he had been trying to find a flat for ages he finally found one he liked.

Запитання 5

Our English teacher said that Shakespeare ...... (be) probably the greatest writer in the English language ever.

варіанти відповідей

Our English teacher said that Shakespeare was probably the greatest writer in the English language ever.

Our English taecher said that Shakespeare has been probably the greatest writer in the English language ever.

Our English taecher said that Shakespeare had been probably the greatest writer in the English language ever.

Запитання 6

Richard said he and Patricia ........ (be going to) invite her parents for the weekend, but I don't know if they went or not.

варіанти відповідей

Richard said he and Patricia are going to invite her parents for the weekend, but I don't know if they went or not.

Richard said he and Patricia were going to invite her parents for the weekend, but I don't know if they went or not.

Richard said he and Patricia would be going to invite her parents for the weekend, but I don't know if they went or not.

Richard said he and Patricia had been going to invite her parents for the weekend, but I don't know if they went or not.

Запитання 7

Pete told Francis he ........ (bring up) by his grandparents but in fact hadn't at all.

варіанти відповідей

Pete told Francis he brought up by his grandparents but in fact hadn't at all.

Pete told Francis he was brought up by his grandparents but in fact hadn't at all.

Pete told Francis he had been brought up by his grandparents but in fact hadn't at all.

Pete told Francis he had brought up by his grandparents but in fact hadn't at all.

Запитання 8

On Monday, my boss said I ..... (can) take Wednesday off, but he changed his mind today for some reason.

варіанти відповідей

On Monday, my boss said I can take Wednesday off, but he changed his mind today for some reason.

On Monday, my boss said I could take Wednesday off, but he changed his mind today for some reason.

On Monday, my boss said I will be able to take Wednesday off, but he changed his mind today for some reason.

On Monday, my boss said I would be able to take Wednesday off, but he changed his mind today for some reason.

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