_________ taking photos?
Martha _______ playing tennis.
I _________ geography because it's difficult.
Janet's not very good at ______ basketball.
We don't like ____ our room!
Walking to school is good for _____ and I can talk to my friend too.
Wanda's in her bedroom. _____ she listening to music?
What ___________ for lunch?
___________ TV again?
Our family ______ drives to school or to the shops. We don't have a car.
I _______ watch concerts of my favourite band on TV. I've seen them all.
We ______ eat fish for dinner, but only one or two days a week.
___________ students in your class have a fitness tracker?
___________ homework does your English teacher give you?
My cousin's a journalist. She _______ stories for a newspaper.
I'm a big fan of that group. I _________ to their new song right now.
Alice sometimes ______ in the city hospital.
________ help me with this homework?
_________ have a glass of water, please?
____________ give me a spoon, please?
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