Річна контрольна робота з англійської мови 7 клас

Додано: 26 квітня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 77 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1


Is the sentence true or false?

The girls name is Emily.

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Запитання 2

Is the sentence true or false?

The girl is in London with her friends and brother Max.

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Запитання 3

Is the sentense is true or false?

The London Eye is a big wheel. It′s 135 metres high.

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Запитання 4

Is the sentense is true or false?

There a lot of bridges over the river Thames in London.

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Запитання 5

Is the sentense is true or false?

Piccadilly Circus is in the middle of London.

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Запитання 6


Read the text

Becky was visiting Aunt Agatha at her house at the beach. It was a beautiful summer day. Becky had built a giant sand castle that morning. Aunt Agatha took pictures of the castle to send to Becky’s parents. It was a great big sand castle. Later that morning, Becky and Aunt Agatha went swimming in the ocean. It was fun to jump with the waves. Then, they went in the house and ate sandwiches and strawberries for lunch.

Becky wanted to play on the beach that afternoon. Aunt Agatha told her it was too hot to go outside without a hat on. Becky didn’t have a hat. Aunt Agatha told her not to worry, she could wear one of hers. Becky tried on four hats. The pink one was really pretty, but it had a big bow in the back that was too long for Becky. The green hat was too fancy for Becky. She did not like that hat at all. The blue hat was nice, but it had an ugly bird on it. Then, Becky saw a big brown hat with a yellow ribbon on it. That hat was made of straw. It was a perfect hat for the beach. It was too big for Becky’s head but she didn’t care. It was a great hat.

Answer the following questions

1. Where was Becky?

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at the store

at the beach

at school

at home

Запитання 7

Read the text

Becky was visiting Aunt Agatha at her house at the beach. It was a beautiful summer day. Becky had built a giant sand castle that morning. Aunt Agatha took pictures of the castle to send to Becky’s parents. It was a great big sand castle. Later that morning, Becky and Aunt Agatha went swimming in the ocean. It was fun to jump with the waves. Then, they went in the house and ate sandwiches and strawberries for lunch.

Becky wanted to play on the beach that afternoon. Aunt Agatha told her it was too hot to go outside without a hat on. Becky didn’t have a hat. Aunt Agatha told her not to worry, she could wear one of hers. Becky tried on four hats. The pink one was really pretty, but it had a big bow in the back that was too long for Becky. The green hat was too fancy for Becky. She did not like that hat at all. The blue hat was nice, but it had an ugly bird on it. Then, Becky saw a big brown hat with a yellow ribbon on it. That hat was made of straw. It was a perfect hat for the beach. It was too big for Becky’s head but she didn’t care. It was a great hat.

Answer the following questions

Why didn’t Becky want to wear the pink hat?

варіанти відповідей

the bow was too long

it had a bird on it

it had a flower

it was dirty

Запитання 8

Read the text

Becky was visiting Aunt Agatha at her house at the beach. It was a beautiful summer day. Becky had built a giant sand castle that morning. Aunt Agatha took pictures of the castle to send to Becky’s parents. It was a great big sand castle. Later that morning, Becky and Aunt Agatha went swimming in the ocean. It was fun to jump with the waves. Then, they went in the house and ate sandwiches and strawberries for lunch.

Becky wanted to play on the beach that afternoon. Aunt Agatha told her it was too hot to go outside without a hat on. Becky didn’t have a hat. Aunt Agatha told her not to worry, she could wear one of hers. Becky tried on four hats. The pink one was really pretty, but it had a big bow in the back that was too long for Becky. The green hat was too fancy for Becky. She did not like that hat at all. The blue hat was nice, but it had an ugly bird on it. Then, Becky saw a big brown hat with a yellow ribbon on it. That hat was made of straw. It was a perfect hat for the beach. It was too big for Becky’s head but she didn’t care. It was a great hat.

Answer the following questions

Why did Becky like the brown hat?

варіанти відповідей

it was ugly

it was too big

it was perfect

it was cold

Запитання 9

A cap-hawker

    Ratan was a cap-hawker. He went from village to village and sold caps. He always wore one of his caps himself to show people how nice and bright it was. People liked his nice red caps and often bought them. On his way, one afternoon, Ratan lied down under a tree to have some rest. He put his basket with caps at his side, and soon fell asleep. Some monkeys on the tree saw the sleeping hawker and his basket with caps. The monkeys were curious. One by one, they came down and took a cap from the basket. As the sleeping hawker had a cap on his head, the monkeys put the caps on their heads too. When Ratan awoke, he saw no caps in his basket. He was surprised. Then he looked up and saw that many monkeys on the tree had his caps on. Ratan was very angry and wanted to get his caps back. He thought, “If I shout at the monkeys, they will run away. But I know that monkeys like to imitate.”

    Then Ratan took off his bright red cap and threw it on the ground. Ratan’s trick worked. The monkeys imitated him and began to throw their caps on the ground. Ratan quickly picked up all his caps, put them into his basket and went to the next village. “Quick wit is better than imitation,” he said to himself.

Task 1. True or False?

1.   Ratan sold caps in his shop. 

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Запитання 10

A cap-hawker

    Ratan was a cap-hawker. He went from village to village and sold caps. He always wore one of his caps himself to show people how nice and bright it was. People liked his nice red caps and often bought them. On his way, one afternoon, Ratan lied down under a tree to have some rest. He put his basket with caps at his side, and soon fell asleep. Some monkeys on the tree saw the sleeping hawker and his basket with caps. The monkeys were curious. One by one, they came down and took a cap from the basket. As the sleeping hawker had a cap on his head, the monkeys put the caps on their heads too. When Ratan awoke, he saw no caps in his basket. He was surprised. Then he looked up and saw that many monkeys on the tree had his caps on. Ratan was very angry and wanted to get his caps back. He thought, “If I shout at the monkeys, they will run away. But I know that monkeys like to imitate.”

    Then Ratan took off his bright red cap and threw it on the ground. Ratan’s trick worked. The monkeys imitated him and began to throw their caps on the ground. Ratan quickly picked up all his caps, put them into his basket and went to the next village. “Quick wit is better than imitation,” he said to himself.

2. Ratan seldom wore his caps himself.

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Запитання 11


Choose the correct grammar form.

My friend ( to ride ) a bike now.

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is ride;

is riding;


Запитання 12

Choose the correct grammar form.

My son already (to make ) his bed.

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has made;


is making

Запитання 13

Choose the correct grammar form.

This task is (difficult ) than that one.

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many difficult;


more difficult;

the most difficult

Запитання 14

Make up Tag- questions to the sentences.

Let’s go to the seaside together.

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is not it ?

shall we ?

will we ?

shall not we ?

Запитання 15

Make up Tag- questions to the sentences.

Her parents decided to divorce.

варіанти відповідей

did we ?

did not they ?

do not they ?

does she ?

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