Річне оцінювання учнів-екстернів 8 класу

Додано: 7 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 10 разів
7 запитань
Запитання 1

1. Six people share their thoughts about books and magazines and share which one they prefer. Read them and choose the best answer (a, b or c) for each question.  

 Chris, Belgium

 I prefer magazines over books because I just cannot spend that much time reading a book. It takes just too much time, and a magazine, well you can read it on the toilet. You can read it on the train. You can read it in the car if you have to wait for somebody. It's much nicer. Time passes by and you don't have to invest that much time, like for example if you would have to read a whole book. 

варіанти відповідей

a) Because they take much time.

b) Because they are not interesting.

 c) Because they take little time.

Запитання 2

2.Read and choose the best answer (a, b or c) for each question. 

Buddhi, Sri Lanka

Do I prefer books or magazines? I'll say magazines because I don't like to read for too long. I actually don't read for too long, so I prefer short articles or something interesting that would finish quickly. I don't like to read for too long. I know that's a bad habit. I’ve got to work on it but I prefer magazines.

2) What does Buddhi like in magazines?

варіанти відповідей

 a) Colour pictures.

b) Short articles.

 c) She likes books.

Запитання 3

3. Read and choose the best answer (a, b or c) for each question.

Tom, the UK

I read a lot of books. Magazines ... uh, very pretty and they look nice on the shelf but I almost never look through them. I'm not interested in the advertising, but give me a good book, and I can read it for hours and hours.

 3) What doesn’t Tom like in magazines?

варіанти відповідей

 a) Pictures.

b) Advertisements.

c) Quizzes.

Запитання 4

4. Read and choose the best answer (a, b or c) for each question. 

David, Kenya

What do I prefer between books or magazines? I'm more into magazines because they're interesting and easy to follow. Both, they are good but you know you have to go to ... I have to go to like a deeper level to it and sometimes it's boring for me.

4) What does David like better?

варіанти відповідей

 a) Books.

b) Magazines.

 c) He neither likes books nor magazines.

Запитання 5

5. Read the text and choose the correct answer

An epic journey

Captain James Cook was an English explorer, navigator and map-maker. He is famous because he was the captain of the first European ship to visit the east coast of Australia. Cook was born in 1728 in Yorkshire, in the north-east of England. At the age of 18, he decided that he wanted to be a sailor and he began working on local ships. Later, he studied navigation, map-making and astronomy and joined the Navy in 1755. In 1763 and 1764, Cook sailed to North America and made the first maps of the coastline of Newfoundland, which is now part of Canada. Cook’s most famous voyage was made between 1768 and 1771, when he sailed around the world. His ship, The Endeavour, left England on the 26th of August, 1768 and sailed south-west across the Atlantic and round Cape Horn in South America. Then they sailed across the Pacific Ocean to Tahiti and reached New Zealand on the 6th of October, 1769. Cook and his crew were only the second group of Europeans to visit the country. Cook made maps of the coastline of New Zealand and then sailed west and reached the south-east coast of Australia on 19th April, 1770. They were the first Europeans ever to reach Australia’s eastern coastline. They landed at a place which is now called Botany Bay. Cook’s sailors gave the place this name because there were so many amazing plants and flowers there. They finally returned to England on the 12th of July, 1771, almost three years after they set off on their epic journey.

5) When did Captain Cook make his most famous voyage?

варіанти відповідей

 in 1763 and 1764

between 1768 and `1771

Запитання 6

6. The film director brothers

Joel and Ethan Coen are American film-makers. They write, direct and produce films together.

Since 1984, they have made almost 20 films and have received more than 30 Oscar nominations. The brothers were born in Minnesota, in the USA. Joel was born in 1954 and Ethan in 1957. After finishing high school in Minnesota, Joel studied film-making at New York University and Ethan studied philosophy at Princeton University, in New Jersey. They made their first film in 1984 and first became well-known in 1987 with the film Raising Arizona, starring Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter. They became famous in 1996 when they produced and directed the hit film Fargo, starring Frances McDormand, who is also Joel’s wife. She won best actress Oscar for her performance in the film. Two years later, the Coen brothers wrote, directed and produced a film called The Big Lebowski, starring Jeff Bridges. In 2001, they made a black and white film called The Man Who Wasn’t There. A lot of film critics think this is their best film. Perhaps their most famous film is the 2007 western No Country for Old Men. In this film, one of the characters finds $2 million of stolen money and decides to keep it. Some other people are looking for the money, including Javier Bardem, who plays the part of a killer. Bardem won an Oscar for his performance in this film. In 2010, the Coen brothers directed and produced another western called True Grit. The film was nominated for ten Oscars but, unfortunately, it didn’t win any.

6) The Coen brothers are from New York.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

7. An epic journey

Captain James Cook was an English explorer, navigator and map-maker. He is famous because he was the captain of the first European ship to visit the east coast of Australia. Cook was born in 1728 in Yorkshire, in the north-east of England. At the age of 18, he decided that he wanted to be a sailor and he began working on local ships. Later, he studied navigation, map-making and astronomy and joined the Navy in 1755. In 1763 and 1764, Cook sailed to North America and made the first maps of the coastline of Newfoundland, which is now part of Canada. Cook’s most famous voyage was made between 1768 and 1771, when he sailed around the world. His ship, The Endeavour, left England on the 26th of August, 1768 and sailed south-west across the Atlantic and round Cape Horn in South America. Then they sailed across the Pacific Ocean to Tahiti and reached New Zealand on the 6th of October, 1769. Cook and his crew were only the second group of Europeans to visit the country. Cook made maps of the coastline of New Zealand and then sailed west and reached the south-east coast of Australia on 19th April, 1770. They were the first Europeans ever to reach Australia’s eastern coastline. They landed at a place which is now called Botany Bay. Cook’s sailors gave the place this name because there were so many amazing plants and flowers there. They finally returned to England on the 12th of July, 1771, almost three years after they set off on their epic journey.

7) In which direction did Cook sail on his famous voyage?

варіанти відповідей



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