Romeo and Juliet

Додано: 16 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 2 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Where did the tragedy take place?

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Verona, Italy

London, England

Rome, Italy

Stratford, England

Запитання 2

Who do the parents want to marry Juliet?

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Запитання 3

Where did Romeo and Juliet meet?

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In the garden of Capulet

At the ball in Capulet

on the market

in the theater

Запитання 4

He was mortally wounded in a fight on the streets of Verona ....

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Запитання 5

how did Tybalt die?

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drank poison

his slaughter Romeo

from the disease

his slaughter Benvolio

Запитання 6

how was Romeo punished by the Duke of Verona?

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he was thrown into prison

he was buried

he was sentenced to death

he was expelled from the city

Запитання 7

Who married young lovers?

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Count of Paris

Brother Lorenzo

Prince of Verona

Friar Lawrence

Запитання 8

What does Juliet decide to do to not marry Paris?

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escape from the city

agreed to drink sleeping pills

She left the city

became a nun

Запитання 9

Why did Romeo return to his hometown?

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missed his family

he missed Juliet

he wanted to see friends

received news of his wife's death

Запитання 10

What was the cause of death of Romeo and Juliet?

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Enmity between the Montecchi and Capuletti families


there was no other way


Запитання 11

How did Montecchi and Capuleti behave when they learned of the children's deaths?

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did not pay attention to each other


continued to feud

start negotiations

Запитання 12

What does the love of Romeo and Juliet teach?

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in love


to help the poor

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