What school subject is this?
We don’t read. WE do physical exercises. We play with a ball. We like the lesson very much.
What school subject is this?
We read and write. We do exercises. We write dictations. We do not speak Ukrainian.
We ________at the PE lesson
We _______ in the music class
We paint pictures at the _______ lessons
We count and do sums at the ________ lessons
I like Music lessons because they are very ... .
Pupils learn about the life of people in the past at ... lessons.
Fill in the missing letter.
a p_nc_l
Fill in the missing letters.
a s_ool b_g
Choose school things
Choose what do you do at school
Make the sentence:
do/ you/ what/ the/ at/ usually/ do/ weekend?
Complete the sentence:
Ann ...... dinner with her mum now.
Обери вірну відповідь
I often ________ games on my computer.
Обери правильну відповідь на запитання:
What is your favourite subject?
Обери правильну відповідь на запитання:
What form are you in?
Обери правильну відповідь на запитання:
What school do you go to?
Обери правильну відповідь на запитання:
What colour is your school uniform?
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