Schools in Britain /Test/

Додано: 17 лютого 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 68 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text "Hampton Private School" and tick (√) all the true statements

My name is Mr Stone. I'm a teacher of Modern languages (French and Spanish) at Hampton School, which is in Richmond-upon-Thames. The School has a history going back nearly five centuries. At present, it’s a day school for some 950 boys between 11 and 19 years of age.

The course at Hampton School is academically demanding: all boys learn at least nine subjects: Art, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilization, English language, English Literature, Economics, Drama, Geography, History, Mathematics, Information Technology, French, German, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Music, Physics, Religious Studies, Physical Education, Games.

As you see, it's not easy to study in our School, so we select students. Selection of students is based on written entrance tests, but we also interview our likely candidates. At the interview, we take into account a boy's other activities. For instance if two boys have done equally well in tests we give preference to the one who is keen on music or art or chess or sport.

The School also encourages boys who are developing an interest in the arts such as writing, playing musical instruments, singing, and drama. About 200 boys do music with special teachers. At our School there are regular lunchtime and evening concerts of popular music, jazz and rock music given by students. We also we have a full Symphony Orchestra and a School Magazine for young writers.

Traditionally the favourite sports are tennis, cricket, athletics, rowing, rugby, soccer, and chess. There also active table-tennis, basketball and badminton clubs. The School is fortunate to have a lot of space for playing fields; large parties of boys go abroad each year to ski. Some boys are keen on golf, sailing and windsurfing, too.

The uniform which the boys wear is basically a black blazer and dark-grey trousers, a white shirt and a school tie. The tie and the black blazer with the school badge can only be bought in the school shop. The shop also offers school scarves, and clothes for games.

Parents are welcome to the school at any time. They help to arrange various activities, meet with teachers and provide financial help.

варіанти відповідей

Mr Stone is a teacher of German and Spanish languages.

Mr Stone is a teacher of French and Spanish languages.

At present, it’s a day school for some 950 boys.

At present, it’s a day school for some 850 boys.

All boys learn at least nineteen subjects.

All boys learn at least nine subjects.

Запитання 2

Read the text "Hampton Private School" and tick (√) all the false statements

My name is Mr Stone. I'm a teacher of Modern languages (French and Spanish) at Hampton School, which is in Richmond-upon-Thames. The School has a history going back nearly five centuries. At present, it’s a day school for some 950 boys between 11 and 19 years of age.

The course at Hampton School is academically demanding: all boys learn at least nine subjects: Art, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilization, English language, English Literature, Economics, Drama, Geography, History, Mathematics, Information Technology, French, German, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Music, Physics, Religious Studies, Physical Education, Games.

As you see, it's not easy to study in our School, so we select students. Selection of students is based on written entrance tests, but we also interview our likely candidates. At the interview, we take into account a boy's other activities. For instance if two boys have done equally well in tests we give preference to the one who is keen on music or art or chess or sport.

The School also encourages boys who are developing an interest in the arts such as writing, playing musical instruments, singing, and drama. About 200 boys do music with special teachers. At our School there are regular lunchtime and evening concerts of popular music, jazz and rock music given by students. We also we have a full Symphony Orchestra and a School Magazine for young writers.

Traditionally the favourite sports are tennis, cricket, athletics, rowing, rugby, soccer, and chess. There also active table-tennis, basketball and badminton clubs. The School is fortunate to have a lot of space for playing fields; large parties of boys go abroad each year to ski. Some boys are keen on golf, sailing and windsurfing, too.

The uniform which the boys wear is basically a black blazer and dark-grey trousers, a white shirt and a school tie. The tie and the black blazer with the school badge can only be bought in the school shop. The shop also offers school scarves, and clothes for games.

Parents are welcome to the school at any time. They help to arrange various activities, meet with teachers and provide financial help.

варіанти відповідей

Hampton School doesn’t select students because it's not easy to study in the School.

Hampton School selects students because it's not easy to study in the School.

Selection of students is based on written entrance tests

In Hampton School the favourite sports are tennis, cricket, athletics, rugby, soccer, and chess.

The School also encourages boys who are interested in writing, playing musical instruments, singing, and drama.

There is no school uniform in Hampton School.

Запитання 3

Read the text and tick (√) all the false statements

The educational system in England is very complicated. It embraces two educational purposes: first it gives a general education to all children, and second, it selects the most able and gives them a more advanced education.

In most schools boys and girls learn together. In the first stage, which is called primary education, all children are educated according to the same program. As they grow older, differences in ability and attainment become very marked, so it is considered necessary to offer different programs.

There are three stages of education: primary, or elementary, education, secondary education and further (higher) education.

A primary school is subdivided into an infant school for children aged 5 to 7 and a junior school for children aged 7 to 11. In small country places both the infant department and the junior department may be combined under the roof of one school.

Until recently, there were three main types of secondary schools: grammar schools, technical schools and modern schools. Children were sent to one of these three types of school according to their abilities. These three types of school still exist, but their number is decreasing. They are being replaced by the so-called comprehensive schools. The comprehensive schools are the most modern development in secondary schools. The main advantages of the comprehensive schools are that these schools are open to children of all types of ability from the age of 11; they are large schools which give a much wider range of subjects than smaller schools, so that teenagers can choose a course of studies according to their individual inclinations and abilities.

The comprehensive school gives the following range of subjects, from which children can choose: English, French, German, Latin, history, geography, art, music, woodwork, metalwork, needlework, commercial subjects, mathematics, general science, religious instruction, physical education.

варіанти відповідей

The educational system in England isn’t very difficult to comprehend.

Not all children can receive a general education.

Boys and girls study together.

A primary school is subdivided into an infant school and a junior school.

The second stage is called elementary education.

Children are sent to technical schools according to their age.

Запитання 4

Find a heading corresponding to the fragment of the text. — Знайдіть заголовок, який відповідає фрагменту тексту.

Nursery education provided for under-fives during school hours. This can be part-time, private or funded by the local education authority. 

варіанти відповідей

Stages of education in the UK.

State Schools.

Special Schools.

Nursery Schools.

— (no heading)

Запитання 5

Find a heading corresponding to the fragment of the text. — Знайдіть заголовок, який відповідає фрагменту тексту.

Some children are unable to attend mainstream schools because they have severe learning problems or disabilities. Such children are accommodated in state special schools.

варіанти відповідей

Stages of education in the UK.

State Schools.

Special Schools.

Nursery Schools.

— (no heading)

Запитання 6

Find a heading corresponding to the fragment of the text. — Знайдіть заголовок, який відповідає фрагменту тексту.

Grammar schools select all or almost all of their pupils by reference to high academic ability.

варіанти відповідей

Stages of education in the UK.

State Schools.

Special Schools.

Nursery Schools.

— (no heading)

Запитання 7

Find a heading corresponding to the fragment of the text. — Знайдіть заголовок, який відповідає фрагменту тексту.

Otherwise known as publicly funded schools and attended by over 90 per cent of pupils in the country. Parents do not pay fees.

варіанти відповідей

Stages of education in the UK.

State Schools.

Special Schools.

Nursery Schools.

— (no heading)

Запитання 8

Find a heading corresponding to the fragment of the text. — Знайдіть заголовок, який відповідає фрагменту тексту.

There are two parts of education in Britain: primary and secondary


варіанти відповідей

Stages of education in the UK.

State Schools.

Special Schools.

Nursery Schools.

— (no heading)

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