Science about the earth, including the origin and history of rocks.
Science about the structure of substances and how they react when they are combined
An archaeologist......
Science about matter and energy such as heat, light, sound, etc.
I love.... experiments, analyzing data and finding logical explanations.
The best way to learn about animal behaviour is to.... animals in the wild.
A physicist studies ...
I want to ..... oceans,..... evidence about global warming and help to.... marine life
Emma's got a summer job with a marketing company doing...... in a shopping centre.
Ukrainian scientists succeeded _____ designing electric welding methods.
My teacher insists _____ my continuing scientific research in the field
of chemistry.
My friend dreams _____ becoming a great physicist.
Stephen Hawking is interested _____ studying the Universe.
Complete the sentences either with the gerund or infinitive of the verbs in brackets
My family is fond of ______________.
Complete the sentences either with the gerund or infinitive of the verbs in brackets
She doesn`t mind ________ the night shift.
I would love ... a party, but my parents won’t let me.
Machine or a tool that someone has made, designed or thought of for the first time.
A fact or thing someone finds out about when it was not known about before.
Did you remember.... Ann yesterday?
Oh no, I completely forgot!
I tried ..... sushi for the first time!
I forgot.... the light.
I'll never forget.... on that amazing beach for the first time.
Could you stop .... your nails?
I remember .... on this same chair the day when I graduated
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