
Додано: 15 лютого 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 82 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose a) or b).

I enjoy playing the …

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a) violin

 b) football

Запитання 2

Choose a) or b).

Henry is very … He can draw anything!

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a) physical

b) creative

Запитання 3

Choose a) or b). 

Diane likes ballet but this year she wants to sing in the … instead.

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a) school team

b) school choir 

Запитання 4

Put ‘in’, ‘at’, ‘of’, ‘on’. Use the ‘-ing’ form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Sue is keen ... ... (draw)

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Sue is keen of drawing.

Sue at keen of drawing.

Sue is keen of draw.

Запитання 5

Put ‘in’, ‘at’, ‘of’, ‘on’. Use the ‘-ing’ form of the verbs in brackets.

2 I am interested ... ... (play) hockey.

варіанти відповідей

I am interested on playing hockey.

I am interested in playing hockey.

I am interested in play hockey.

Запитання 6

Put ‘in’, ‘at’, ‘of’, ‘on’. Use the ‘-ing’ form of the verbs in brackets.

3. Bill and Jane are good ... ... (cook)

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 Bill and Jane are good of cooking.

 Bill and Jane are good of cook.

 Bill and Jane are good at cooking.

Запитання 7

Match the sentences to make dialogues.

1 I want to relax this weekend.

2 Why is that theme park so popular?

3 Let’s do something exciting! Like explore a new city!

4 What is Albert doing this Friday?

5 What are you fond of?

6 Zoe is not really  interested in sports. 

a I know. She is more keen on painting.

b That sounds awesome!

c Let’s stay at home and have some tea then.

d Collecting coins and playing chess.

e Because there are many amazing attractions there.

f He is visiting his grandparents.

1) I want to relax this weekend-...

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Запитання 8

Match the sentences to make dialogues.

1 I want to relax this weekend.

2 Why is that theme park so popular?

3 Let’s do something exciting! Like explore a new city!

4 What is Albert doing this Friday?

5 What are you fond of?

6 Zoe is not really  interested in sports. 

a I know. She is more keen on painting.

b That sounds awesome!

c Let’s stay at home and have some tea then.

d Collecting coins and playing chess.

e Because there are many amazing attractions there.

f He is visiting his grandparents.

2 Why is that theme park so popular?-..

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Запитання 9

Match the sentences to make dialogues.

1 I want to relax this weekend.

2 Why is that theme park so popular?

3 Let’s do something exciting! Like explore a new city!

4 What is Albert doing this Friday?

5 What are you fond of?

6 Zoe is not really interested in sports. 

a I know. She is more keen on painting.

b That sounds awesome!

c Let’s stay at home and have some tea then.

d Collecting coins and playing chess.

e Because there are many amazing attractions there.

f He is visiting his grandparents.

3 Let’s do something exciting! Like explore a new city!

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Запитання 10

Match the sentences to make dialogues.

1 I want to relax this weekend.

2 Why is that theme park so popular?

3 Let’s do something exciting! Like explore a new city!

4 What is Albert doing this Friday?

5 What are you fond of?

6 Zoe is not really interested in sports. 

a I know. She is more keen on painting.

b That sounds awesome!

c Let’s stay at home and have some tea then.

d Collecting coins and playing chess.

e Because there are many amazing attractions there.

f He is visiting his grandparents.

4 What is Albert doing this Friday?-..

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Запитання 11

Match the sentences to make dialogues.

1 I want to relax this weekend.

2 Why is that theme park so popular?

3 Let’s do something exciting! Like explore a new city!

4 What is Albert doing this Friday?

5 What are you fond of?

6 Zoe is not really interested in sports. 

a I know. She is more keen on painting.

b That sounds awesome!

c Let’s stay at home and have some tea then.

d Collecting coins and playing chess.

e Because there are many amazing attractions there.

f He is visiting his grandparents.

5 What are you fond of?-..

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 12

Match the sentences to make dialogues.

1 I want to relax this weekend.

2 Why is that theme park so popular?

3 Let’s do something exciting! Like explore a new city!

4 What is Albert doing this Friday?

5 What are you fond of?

6 Zoe is not really interested in sports. 

a I know. She is more keen on painting.

b That sounds awesome!

c Let’s stay at home and have some tea then.

d Collecting coins and playing chess.

e Because there are many amazing attractions there.

f He is visiting his grandparents.

6 Zoe is not really interested in sports-..

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